The Great Council passed more resolutions and adopted a few Acts and introducing the International-National Uniform Citation for Human Rights Defenders!

Published on 09-24-2017 by the American Herald

Public Notice

1: The American National Union of The United States of America now has an Identification Card, and

2: The American National Press Union code of ethics was accepted and acknowledged into the American National Union of The United States of America.

3: The seals were adopted for the Press Union and Lawyers Union within the American National Union of The United States of America.

Source LINK

The American Herald is waiting on the minutes however, last week we know that the Great Council adopted the Charter of the American Continent that was published here: LINK   back in 2014.  It was a document created by the Government of The United States of America to bring the States back to honor with the Law of Nations. It is inclusive of Central and South America. The United Nations satanic organization will fail whereas all satanic organizations are short lived and they used the loopholes of the U.S. Constitution and its status to make it happen. The Organization of American States has failed and fallen into a Socialist organization.  It is time to open our minds to new ideas that will include the American Indian Nations as well. A perpetual imprisonment of those nations is a recipe for major human rights violations and just wrong. All of these documents written and passed are in the spirit of equal rights, not domination on all sides of every issue.

Further, the Great Council adopted a bunch of acts that were passed by the United States, in Congress assemble a couple of weeks ago. When those minutes are published you will hear about it here first on the American Herald.

Further, a new International-National Uniform Citation for Human Rights Defenders has been created to make Human Rights Violations easier to record and serve. It also speeds up the process of bringing justice upon human rights violators. The form can be found here: LINK

The form is fill able once downloaded. The form can be  emailed to [email protected] wherein it will be filed with the Human Rights Tribunal within a couple of days.
