Published on 04-28-2015 by the American Herald
Hello Readers,
The American Herald has another sequence of events that have made the “Everyone is going to love this one” series.
About a week ago THE REIGN OF THE HEAVENS SOCIETY POST ran a story about being ordered to stand down and take everything off of the websites otherwise run the risk of being labeled a terrorist group and put into FEMA camps by a man claiming to be a white hat. Of course it was being presented as if there was some concern for our safety. LINK
Well, here we go again. In the same email it read “why are we claiming to be the Secretary of State of the United States”? further it was stated that it was John Kerry’s job to be the Secretary of State of the United States.
The article written in THE REIGN OF THE HEAVENS SOCIETY POST was thought to have stopped the false accusation. Today, linkedin restricted the office of the Secretary of State for the Government of The United States of America’s account stating this:
“Hi Secretary of,
Due to multiple User Agreement violations and the nature of the false content associated with these violations, this account has been permanently restricted.
Linkedin Trust & Safety”
Linkedin was not specific about the false content association, however is does not take a genius to figure out that the false content referred to would be the fact of the Secretary of State claim. Someone is spreading lies to cover a future event.
The Secretary of State for The United States of America had a lot of connections from around the world on linkedin, including but not limited to Kosovo, Russia, United Arab Em rites (UAE) Bangladesh, Malta, Romania, El Salvador, Egypt, Macedonia, Palestine to name a few and a member of 42 groups with a network in the millions (approx. 10 million).
Now therefore, the Government of The United States of America nor its office of the Secretary of State for the Government of The United States of America is in no way claiming to be the Secretary of State of the United States, a company office held by John Kerry.
Point of View
To attempt to claim the office: the Secretary of State of the United States would be considered a demotion, a step down, a reduction in standing, or whatever other adjective that would best describe a demotion.
The whole point of going back to the original Government, claiming it and restructuring it was to get as far away from the oligarchy members of the United States inc. as possible. It is simple, the members of the oligarchy simply do not represent The United States of America nor anyone recognized as being a part of the permanent population and Government of The United States of America. The rumors being spread about the Government of The United States of America attempting to claim the federal position in the world are totally false and a weak attempt for the oligarchy to hold onto power. The members of the oligarchy are looked upon as an embarrassment and are losing power all by themselves. No one envies them, no one wants to be them, and to think someone would want to be them is an insult to the adult mind and looked upon as a really arrogant point of view by the oligarchs. Who in their right mind would want to be a Secretary of State of a company under dictatorial control of the Dutch? That job would completely suck.
Not one word has ever been spoken in any assembly about attempting to fix the United States inc.. Not one word has ever been spoken about correcting anything about the United States inc.
Take a look at this video, it is hard to watch, however, listen to the people, and it is not believed to be scripted. The video is horrible and inspiring at the same time because America is at a point not of waking up, Americans are awake: LINK What was considered a crazy conspiracy theory 20 years ago is now common knowledge and no longer seen as crazy. Listen carefully to the people and what they are saying, the words they are using to describe the situation.
In the vision of the future of America is to have all of the States treated as equals, not to be subjugated as colonies. The Government of The United States of America has steered away from the federal vision and structure simply because it does not work correctly and has failed. (17 trillion in debt) Maybe one day, one of these United States just might find it in their hearts to donate a building so the American Nationals can convene face to face. Until then, if anyone hears that rumor about American Nationals claiming the Secretary of State of the United States, just tell them it is rumor and a weak attempt to claim a tort for the purpose of getting rid of future witnesses for future crimes planned by Manhattan Island and its club. The main goal of a criminal is to get rid of witnesses before committing a crime. (jade helm 15)…..