The office of the Treasury for the Government of The United States of America and the General Post Office
hereby condemns the private international money order scheme created by various You Tube personalities or
other sources.
If any American National, General Post Master, or resident involves themselves in the writing of private
international money orders to discharge debt off of the Social Security Number, or any form of obligation is
hereby noticed that the office of the Treasury, the Government of The United States of America and the
General Post Office does not condone such actions nor will it come to your aid when the fraud charges are
lodged into the International Community by one of its agents or agencies against your person.
If any American National, General Post Master or resident that is advocating, calling, presenting, or any other
form of communication to other American Nationals, General Post Masters or residents offering this private
international money order scheme as some sort of remedy towards attempting to live beyond your means or
other excuses, your person will be delivered out of the States of the Union for the fact of your private political decision to return to the British Empire. Your signature on the private international money order is your consent for the delivery of your person back to the British Empire to exist as its subject.
Although the private international money order may make sense to some people, it is still not a process that is
within the laws of the Government of The United States of America and therefore the office of the Treasury,
the Government of The United States of America or the General Post Office is not a part of it, and has never
been a part of this private international money order scheme.
This International Public Notice is the second warning towards those that believe they are helping people and
have not used common sense when dealing with this issue. The Government of The United States of America has legal remedies in place to deal with foreign debt claims, however there are some that chose to ignore those processes and therefore all liability for your decisions are yours and yours alone. The Government of The United States of
America, the office of the Treasury or the General Post Office cannot and will not be involved or used as some
sort of safe haven when international torts are committed or foreign charges are filed against your person.