Kate Brown and immediate family Clauda Burton and immediate family, Nancy Doty and immediate family found guilty of multiple human rights violations!

Published on 08-07-2018 by the American Herald

 International Public Notice


Case Number: 20141026-FIB8-4D6E-AFCB-009EA5A9AF47 

Claimant’s Name: Delant Cory Palmerton

Respondents Name: Kate Brown and immediate family Clauda Burton and immedate family, Nancy Doty and immediate family

Human Rights Tribunal Public Trial Records: 

Link: Writ of Execution

Link: Petition

Link: http://humanrightstribunal.international/?wpfb_dl=302

Link: http://humanrightstribunal.international/?wpfb_dl=300

Link: http://humanrightstribunal.international/?wpfb_dl=113




Declaration of Value: http://governor.theunitedstatesofamerica1781.com/download/publications/6019_publications/6019-010-gov-woe-rousseau2.pdf

Published as a Publication of Record by the American Herald on 08-07-2018