Hi, I’m Chris Milowski and I’m running for delegate for the United States, in Congress assembled.
I’m a proud member of the Confederation Party and if you would like to associate with a winning political party that does not participate in child porn, pedophilia rings or human trafficking, then you would love it here in the Confederation Party.
Do you like walking out your back door and breathing clean fresh air and like clear blue skies, the United States, in Congress assembled will make sure the chemtrail/geo engineering/HAARP projects that are endorsed by the Democrats and Republicans are put to an end.
Like walking down the street while carrying concealed or open carrying and not being hassled by or subjected to Republican and Democratic Party statutes and regulations?
1: Make sure all in your family are trained in the use of their guns for the purpose of protecting this country.
2: “Do not give up your guns or arms!” That is the standing order from the United States, in Congress assembled. All have a right to bear arms and it is required that the right is exercised by everyone. People that bide by the law will be armed, trained and learn to protect themselves and their families.
3: Do you believe marriage is an institution by and between the man and the woman with their creator that binds their union? “Keep the Government out of marriage” is the only way to preserve the natural union of a man and woman.
4: The Republican and Democratic Party allowed the U.S. Supreme Court to decide a case in the absence of an act by the U.S. Congress. When the U.S. Supreme Court decided a case in the absence of the existence of an act by the U.S. Congress, there was no subject matter to decide on whether the act was constitutional or not, therefore the decision to expand the definition of marriage was and still is an unlawful order. Therefore, the Confederation Party and the United States, in Congress assembled will make sure that never happens within this Government.
Delegate Chris Milowski