FIRST NOTICE: ANNA VON REITZ and any variation of the name thereof is hereby placed on notice of collection for all international liens placed against ANNA VON REITZ and any variation thereof.
The surety-Anna Von Reitz and any variation of the name or identity thereof for ANNA VON REITZ and any variation of the name thereof (hereinafter- “Anna”) is at it again. In a weak attempt to steal the country “The United States of America” for her master Pope Francis, the private attorney Anna, under blood oath to Pope Francis continues to show her fraud to the world. LINK
In a publication with the help of Facebook,
Anna attacks The Reign of the Heavens Society when in fact The Reign of the Heavens Society does not exist. LINK– Sorry Southern Poverty Law Center, you and your comrade Anna fail again. The Reign of the Heavens Society was dissolved four years ago and since there is a double jeopardy issue when it comes to any form of a trial whether it be with lack of due process or not, can never be brought up again.
In the last publishing made by Anna, she claims:
1: ANNA VON REITZ is a pen name: This means that anything Anna has ever signed is null and void which would mean that Anna has nothing and has done nothing since she started meaning Anna is not a member or party to anything. Anna has not signed anything to make her claims valid.
2: Anna claims that all of those people are members of a non-existent The Reign of the heavens Society and that all of them are somehow foreign to her on the land and further separates the land from the sea. Separating the land from the sea land locks the country and therefore is a null and void claim especially when Anna never signs anything.
3: Anna claims that the constitution of 1789 and The United States of America have something to do with each other with her fake seal and fake claims.
4: Anna claims that she is a party to the Salvage laws, American Common Law, The United States of America and a fugitive claiming she is a party to any form of terrorism laws that Anna never signed.
5: Anna fails to read the Federal Common Law Lien is a translation and as a result, makes false claims of offshore, members of a non-existent society, trafficks persons into an offshore international internal revenue trust that Anna is not a party thereto and claims as the private attorney and representative for Pope Francis , the status of those persons when a publication says otherwise. That is intent.
6: Anna claims everything that has to do with The Reign of the heavens Society has something to do with Frank O’ Collins and his One Heaven organization when in fact the reign of the heavens is in the scriptures; and Frank O’ Collins has never made any such copyright claim against The Reign of the Heavens Society yet Anna continues to enslave Frank O’Collins by speaking for him thereby rendering Frank O’ Collins an infant.
7: Anna claims plagiarizes the trustee of KEITH EDWARD LIVINGWAY, PMA thereby claiming a lien against the PERSON within the States of the Union of The United States of America when the trustee has never placed a lien against Anna in anyway. Malicious prosecution with hearsay evidence and no first hand knowledge or proof of any claim.All statements from Anna are undocumented.
8: Anna claims power of attorney for many PERSONS within the States of the Union of The United States of America without any trial which is a felony of no due process times nineteen separate charges with no time to rebut said claims and a host of other statuses with no time nor warning nor notice or anything when Anna has received due process in every action taken against her PERSON OR PERSONS.
It is highly recommended that Anna drop off of the internet and go private. Anna has buried herself in massive fraud and multiple international crimes on behalf of and in the name of Pope Francis of Vatican City.
All claims of Anna are hereby null and void that occurred in the Facebook publication of 06-11-2020 and Anna has received the first notice of collections with more liens to come from the same people for the same crimes(s) of trespass and other crimes added to the next set of liens against her PERSON(S) in any variation of identity.
International Public Notice to Pope Francis:
Pope Francis: The Government of The United States of America and The United States of America has declared independence from the tripartite. Your private attorney, ANNA VON REITZ AKA ANNA VON REITZINGER and many other names is buried in international crimes due to Vatican City and its lack of proper training in international affairs of its private attorneys. This is the first notice of collections against a foreign private attorney under the jurisdiction of Vatican City. In the event the private attorney of Pope Francis cannot pay the liens and goes into international default, the said liens will be transferred to the principal for payment on behalf of the private attorney of Pope Francis and all Vatican City property within the metes and bounds of the country known as The United States of America shall have an attachment(s) of international liability attached thereto. LINK
Hereby Published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America,