Anna Maria Wilhelmina Hanna Sophia Riezinger Von Reitzenstein Von Lettow-Vorbeck commits very serious mis-representation crimes!



Anna Maria Wilhelmina Hanna Sophia Riezinger Von Reitzenstein Von Lettow-Vorbeck (hereinafter, “Anna”) plays her little mind games with her followers to make it appear she knows what she is talking about or to make inhabitants think she is intellegent. Anna makes stuff up. 

However, the affirmed American Nationals would like to see where the name: “Anna Maria Wilhelmina Hanna Sophia Riezinger Von Reitzenstein Von Lettow-Vorbeck” is a part or party to the Government of The United States of America?  LINK

Anna is now claiming to be an authorized representative of the Government of The United States of America.


” We are still here,  the Lawful Government of The United States of America, claiming our assets back and taking exception to any presumption that we are being represented in this matter by an incorporated entity whatsoever.”

End Quote.

If Rodrigo Duterte, President of the Philippines were to fall for this scam perpetrated by Anna, it would create an international offence and a serious international crime of mis-representation on the part of Anna.

The Government of The United States of America can comprehend that Anna is a sick woman, very jealous, very envious, covets everything she sees, and the Government of The United States of America in no way represents Anna because Anna works for Pope Francis.

Since a private attorney working for Pope Francis has committed this international crime of which carries with it the death penalty because of the seriousness of the mis-representation offence. Pope Francis is obligated to deal with his personal liability. 

The Government of The United States of America, with proof of claim, proof of election records,  proof of Articles of Confederation as amended published for years, proof of social compact published and the signatories therein and many other facts wherein Anna has none of these records nor any proof of claim whatsoever. In fact Anna has attempted to turn the whole country into her own personal and private trust and has continually lied to the whole world.

It is obvious to everyone that Anna is not upset at anyone other than our Father in Heaven. It is self evident that Anna was not blessed with the knowledge of The United States of America nor any knowledge of how to setup a Government, create a country nor anything else for that matter. This whole Anna saga has nothing to do with assets, the Vatican, material possessions, the inhabitants, the country etc..

Anna is jealous of a relationship by and between a man and our Father in Heaven. Just like Cain and Able, Anna is telling the world by her actions that if she were blessed with the knowledge that built the Government of The United States of America, Anna would have proved our Father in Heaven wrong for not blessing her instead of her own created foe.

In reality, Anna is promising gold at the end of the rainbow. Anna’s hook is that if you fill out her bogus paperwork, that magically the people that have been taking equity will miraculously see the light, or be afraid because the paperwork came from Anna and give up what was stolen because of a simple declaration on a piece of paper. This promise of fortune keeps those greedy little inhabitants that have come through this Government and have committed acts of treason feeding her information that they themselves do not understand and have completed the full corruption of Anna. 

Folks, the real people in the Philippines have already approached this Government with the offer of their gold to back the Continental Dollar. The Government of The United States of America turned down the offer because the offer was a trap into the New World Order which is where Anna is trying to lead people thereby mis-representing the real people for The United States of America. 

—– Forwarded Message —-
From: Wolfgang Struck <[email protected]>
To: Rufino Lagac <[email protected]>
Sent: Sunday, June 12, 2011 17:44:09
Subject: Fw: Certificate – EE 788866 Part 2

Dear Rufino “Jhun” Lagac,

“The message that I am conveying is taken from the L.O.I. Letter of Instruction signed by President Ferdinand Marcos (see attachment). In short: The Philippine Currency ABL “Managed Paper Currency System 2005” is backed up by gold, platinum, and diamonds in metric tons, deposited in various international commercial trust organizations, assured by the “Fund Committee of the World” (created for this purpose) under World Bank and IMF control, and insured by Bank of England/LLOYDS of London.”

Anna is trying to lead everyone into and under the New World Order and its World Govenrment and we have plenty of evidence. 

The countries of the world have been receiving emails from the Government of The United States of America since it was restored back in 2012 when Anna was still playing with some constitution for the united States of America that never existed and still trying to get her rightful corporation back under the 1789 constitution in the words of Anna, her rightful government. Anna found out the truth and now the Government of The United States of America, something she was never a party thereto is somehow hers like magic. Anna may be able to convince some locals of her lies, however this is international and country to country. Leaders of countries know the truth as to who started the Government of The United States of America, who is a party thereto, and the fact that now, Anna has definitely committed a serious international crime of mis-representation under the penalty of life in prison or exile.     

Hereby Published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America, 
