BE IT RESOLVED that The American States Assembly, based on its own claims advocates for slavery in all of its forms against Federal Employees, citizens of the United States, U.S. citizens and also claim they own all State property thereby classifying itself as a communist organization wherein all private property is confiscated unless you join it, and
BE IT RESOLVED that there is no such thing or status as an American State National or an American State Citizen within the States of the Union nor The United States of America, and
BE IT RESOLVED that a motion was carried by the assembly of the American National Union of The United States of America to classify The American States Assembly as a domestic and international terrorist organization that threaten to place people into slavery unless they join the organization, and
BE IT RESOLVED that a motion was carried by the assembly of the American National Union of The United States of America to classify The American States Assembly as a satanic organization that internally operates as a cult with its leader(s) that claim to have royal claim to The United States of America and threaten to enslave people if questioned or challenged, and
BE IT RESOLVED that a motion was carried by the assembly of the American National Union of The United States of America that the flag used by The American States Assembly is stolen from the U.S. Coast Guard LINK,and
BE IT RESOLVED that a motion was carried by the assembly of the American National Union of The United States of America to classify ANTIFA and the Democrat 527 organization as satanic organizations LINK, and
BE IT RESOLVED that a motion was carried by the assembly of the American National Union of The United States of America to classify Black Lives Matter (BLM) as a satanic organization for interrupting a Church service by verbally and physically assaulting Christians at Grace Baptist Church in Troy State of New York LINK, and
BE IT RESOLVED that the leader of The American States Assembly is a fugitive at large and convicted human rights violator and has published claims attempting to re-classify with non-existent power of attorney in violation of human rights against the American National Union of The United States of America: The following crimes are a matter of record and out of the mouth of the fugitive:
Published by the committee for the American National Union of The United States of America