Published by the American Herald on 07-31-2020
The Assembly of American Nationals and residents for The United States of America convened last Monday, 07-26-2020. In their first order of business the Assembly elected a registrar, Kevin Rafael Zatizabal, holding the office of the registrar for the Assembly of American Nationals and residents for The United States of America within NAC: 8B6HC GMTGS-Judicial District four within Judicial District One within The United States of America. Mapped at this link: Click Here!
The Assembly members were very excited about the Assembly and are looking forward to exercising their new found wealth of executive power for the purpose of resolving many issues within the States of the Union.
The official governing documents are: Social Compact: and
The Assembly has been hard at work reconciling many issues within the States of the Union! Just today the Assembly of American Nationals and residents for The United States of America convened to pass the following resolutions!
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Assembly of American Nationals and residents for The United States of America is hereby convened under Matthew 18- verse 19 and 20 and; LINK
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Assembly of American Nationals and residents for The United States of America motions to declare that any mandate to require anyone to wear a face mask outside and inside or mandating any type of apparel to stop the spread of Covid-19 is medical tyranny and forced association by the Communist Party and Communist Party members as there is no evidence to suggest wearing masks are effective against the spread of Covid-19. Further, there are two witnesses to this fact known as the Netherlands and Sweden. Where there are two or more witnesses a cause is established wherein it is required for the opposition party and view point to prove its case that wearing masks stops the spread of Covid-19 and is not just a Communist Party political ploy to establish a totalitarian dictatorship within the United States. LINK
The Declaration of Existence for the newly convened Assembly can be found here: LINK and the first Minutes of the Meeting motioned into existence can be found here: LINK
Published by the committee for the American National Union of The United States of America