PUBLISHED IN THE Continental Free Press ON 08-12-2020
International Public Notice as it pertains to Wednesday, August 12, 2020 Another News Flash by Anna Von Reitz. LINK
The truth is: there has been no claim published nor made nor authorized in the name of The United States of America against the Popes and the British Monarchs. There is no proof of the existence of 185,000 Municipal corporations operating in our States and all of them are here illegally and in violation of The Constitution of the United States. Please keep in mind that Anna Von Reitz is not a party to the Constitution of the United States. The United States of America is not under the Constitution of the United States. (two separate timelines) Anna Von Reitz does not speak for the States wherein over a year ago it was Florida state coming from Anna Von Reitz and now it is States. We will see what it will be next year.
The little thief, Anna Von Reitz is still stealing and still making false claims thereby attempting to claim power of attorney wherein it does not exist.
Anna Von Reitz is still doing the work of her father the devil by claiming a debt against those that Anna Von Reitz believe owes her something or Anna Von Reitz has promised those that have given her a lot of money to her wherein Anna Von Reitz has promised a lot of money in return that does not exist.
We have had reports from those folks on Anna Von Reitz phone calls saying that Anna Von Reitz has promised some gold at the end of the rainbow and has charged enormous fees under that promise. Anna Von Reitz has not grasped the prayer, “Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors”.
Every time Anna Von Reitz publishes something, it is filed into evidence with the Great Jury of The United States of America.
Hereby published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America,