PUBLISHED IN THE Continental Free Press ON 09-01-2020
The General Post Office of the Government of The United States of America extends immunity to Kenosha, Wisconsin police officers as it pertains to the Jacob Blake case!
• Rusten Sheskey; and
• Vincent Arenas; and
• Brittany Meronek; together and separately hereby have full immunity from any prosecution as it pertains to the Jacob Blake case:
1: A warrant was issued.
2: A verified complaint was in existence.
3: An injured party was present.
4: Jacob Blake was obligated to cooperate.
In other News: The three enlisted and Non-Commissioned Officers in the Continental Army was Granted the rank of CAPTAIN within The United States of America Continental Army:
• George Bendt Sornson; and
• Jeffrey Alan Thomasson; and
• Marlo Maurice Jones;
Source: LINK
Hereby published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America,