Published in the American Herald on 12-15-2021


American National Union of The United States of America
Identified as: 20211214-GC-IN


The American National Union of 1774 has been brought forth to the present, consisting of Declared residents and affirmed American Nationals. The General Post Office of 1775 and the Rural Free Delivery Routes were also claimed along with the metes and bounds and seaward boundaries of the true country The United States of America through the Articles of Confederation 1781, ratified on August 5th 2015 LINK. Wherein the members are in reciprocity with the Government of The United States of America. Everyone is subject to the Law of Nations LINK.

Article 1, §8 of the Constitution for the United States of America states “To define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas, and Offenses against the Law of Nations.

Book 1, Chapter 19: §220-3 of the Law of Nations states “As to those who have the cowardice to abandon their country in a time of danger, and seek to secure themselves instead of defending it, they manifestly violate the social compact, by which all the contracting parties engaged to defend themselves in a united body, and in concert: they are infamous deserters whom the state has a right to punish severely.”

United States does not have a social compact, and the United States does not have a body politic and/or a Nation. The Declared residents and affirmed American Nationals of The United States of America are in social compact, in separate spheres outside the Federal corporation known as the United States as stated within Title 28: 28 U.S. Code §3002 and its political subdivisions.

This letter is intended to bring attention to serious issues within the fraudulent government of the United States. It has been recorded that the United States Federal corporation has been representing The United States of America without proper chain of title as witnessed within the various founding documents available for viewing. Declared residents and affirmed American Nationals are not U.S. citizens, Inhabitants, Sovereign Citizens, or a part of any other groups and/or persons claiming to be Sovereign. The problem is stated below:

1: No social compact.

2: No Article 6 oath

Proof of Claim: Social Compacts:


Also; State of Mississippi, State of Texas, State of Kentucky, State of Connecticut, State of Maryland, and the State of Virginia mention the same thing.

2. (T)he United States Federal corporation is without a social compact, and those persons operating within have no mandatory Article 6 oath, therefore the United States has no authority to write and/or enforce Law. (T)he United States is comprised of Private Membership Associations trying to force Declared residents and affirmed American Nationals into private contracts. The people for the States of the Union of The United States of America are under a social compact and are for the only true Nation that exists.

International Notice: The Election of a King LINK. The reign of the heavens society Temple has elected Yahushua/Yeshua/ Jesus the Christ as King of the reign of the heavens LINK.

Those persons representing the United States have already been noticed on April 26th , 2021 LINK.

The Declared residents and affirmed American Nationals of The United States of America are not a party to the Georgia Guidestones new world government social compact LINK

(T)he United States is foreign to The United States of America jurisdiction. If those persons representing the United States, or the political subdivisions of, do not leave the Declared residents and affirmed American Nationals alone, if found guilty those persons will be exiled, the private property thereof will be made public property to the Inhabitants of the land, placed under a 100 year Common Law Lien in any amount and type of currency chosen depending on the charges filed against Respondents as it pertains to Public Law, formerly known as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights LINK. If those Respondents found guilty do not leave the country, the property thereof will be Nationalized under the FORCED DEPORTATION ACT OF 2021 LINK.

Within the metes and bounds and seaward boundaries of The United States of America a Driver License is not required. Everyone has the right to freedom of movement under Public Law formerly classified as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights wherein it states: Public Law 101-13-1 Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the border of each State. However, the American National Union Transportation Committee has issued Driver Licenses in reciprocity with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which was adopted by the American National Union of The United States of America classified as Public Law within the States of the Union within The United States of America. LINK

William James Wright V  – Chairman          LINK