Published on 07-07-2016 by THE REIGN OF THE HEAVENS SOCIETY POST
There are many people that will criticize this article as being a conspiracy theory or just plain crazy. However, as everyone that reads this newspaper they should remember that it was the first newspaper to reveal that the executive branch of the city state surrendered to Islam via the leader of Saudi Arabia. Since that time the Muslim Brotherhood has been exposed and over 80% of the people in this country do not want Sharia Law implemented anywhere within our borders as reported by “Act for America” just a few days ago.
Here is the next bombshell that is going to be reported by this newspaper.
Many people are extremely upset over the decision dealing with the Clintons and the email issue. The decision was no surprise to this newspaper so there was no reason to get angry over the decision.
The real story has yet to be revealed so here it is; America has been infiltrated by a very small group of handlers yet a large network of puppets. They are known as Moloch worshipers. Washington D.C. is full of their puppets including but not limited to the Clinton family themselves. If anyone wants to know more about this Moloch practice, they can read about it here:
The worshipers of Moloch made a deal with Islam when surrendering to Islam, please keep in mind that as Moloch worshipers, they do not and cannot represent the United States because they are classified as imposters. Islam and the Moloch worshipers that have their main temple at Bohemian Grove sought protection from Islam after the 9/11 demolition and the stealing of the gold to further fund their cause.
The evidence for what is being imparted here is everywhere if people would pay attention to their surroundings and the multiple reports on Bohemian Grove.
The truth of the matter is that the United States does not have jurisdiction over the Clintons or any other individual who has sought refuge under Islam and the Roman Catholics. Francis has made it very clear to the world that the Roman Catholics rule Islam based on his comments and support of Islam with the invasion of Europe. Their real threat is the Christians that have a sense of morality and decency.
Many would associate the Moloch Worshipers with the Tarsus Club that has the symbol of the Bull as shown on Wall Street. It is believed that they are related but do not have all of the details and therefore will not be printed here.
Larry Nichols eludes to the connection here:
However, it appears that Larry Nichols does not want to get into the issue within the video for what reason is not known.
The ultimate goal for the Moloch worshipers is to form American into devil worshipers. The ultimate goal of Islam is to form America into Islam. They are both working hand in hand to get rid of any form of morality and decency even though their claims in the public are different.
On the other hand, the constitution of the United States of America has not had any of its offices filled for over a hundred years. Example: The Senate use to be called the Senate of the United States, now it is called the U.S. Senate and the same goes for all offices in Washington D.C. The reason for this is because State oaths or affirmations were set aside by the powers that saw that practice as a threat to their agenda for America.
The end game for all of these factions is to agitate the people into a revolution wherein the people destroy the United States. After that the factions can say that the people voted to destroy their government (private company) and decided to replace it with a new and more advanced government with a lot of frills and greater benefits and a whole lot of political junk to usher in a new devil worshiping government or Islamic government. Either way, it would be the people that were incited and manipulated through agitation to their sense of justice and right and wrong that would make the change. The more they go after the guns the more you buy and hold onto them. It is a way to arm the people and get them to use the guns against the United States. Keep in mind that Islam nor the Moloch worshipers have anything to do with the United States nor The United States of America other than attempting to overthrow it.
The more you get upset over the decisions made by the various offices to not pursue any indictment or charges, the more power you give them and the more control they have over your lives. Withholding justice is incitement. Incitement is a war crime.
One rule of thumb to have peace while all of these factions play out their fantasies, is always expect the worse that can happen when it comes to these factions, never trust them and never listen to them and you will be free of their liability.