Published on 07-18-2016 by THE REIGN OF THE HEAVENS SOCIETY POST
Many people have never heard of General Services Administration (GSA) in their life. It is a little known agency that issues the .gov top level domain name that designates governments on the internet.
According to this International Tort Claim filed: LINK
GSA has been issuing the .gov domain designation to private companies all over the country.
The Government of The United States of America is claiming regulatory authority over the .gov top level domain name. The details of the claim which is about 20% of its evidence to prove its claim is in the document. The Government of The United States of America did not deem it necessary to present a 450 page document wherein the claim can be proven in 14 pages. However, the Government of The United States of America is prepared to present any evidence requested to prove its claim against GSA and its regulatory authority as a National Government.