Published in the American Herald News on (8-05-2022)
Tim Walz, hereinafter “Walz”, as the Key Principal for the corporate executive, legislative, and other general support Parent Corporation, State of Minnesota LINK has granted separate privileges and benefits for members Donald H. Wachal, Catherine A. Hohenstein, Scott McClure, James Eigenberg, Phil Nasby, David Hann, and Ken Martin, hereinafter “Respondents”, acting as government agents for the corporate executive, legislative, and other general support Branch Corporation, County of Jackson LINK, and Shawn R. Haken acting as a government agent for the corporate, justice, public order, and safety activities Parent Corporation, County of Jackson LINK. Yet Walz has not recognized the same separate privileges and benefits for Brandon Alan Anderson, a registered member of the North American National Party for The United States of America foreign to the United States corporation.
Respondents have hijacked and are operating corporations within the original State of Minnesota held in trust within the Government of The United States of America LINK arbitrarily utilizing corporate body politics masquerading as government body politics denounced by the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America LINK on the 125th Day in the year of Yahweh 6024, translated the 22nd day of July in the two thousand and twenty-second year of the new covenant in Yahushua’s name thereby creating a private, corporate, legal society using foreign emoluments in the form of private Bank Notes. Shawn Haken has provided his oath to the Parent corporation in the name of the original State of Minnesota evidenced in the caption below.
The Parent Corporation has captured the original State through military occupation and is forcing association and slavery upon the inhabitants therein as the sovereignty of the State under the Constitution of the United States was further compromised by the District of Columbia Act of 1871 LINK. The oath cannot be upheld in a sovereign State if the oath taker swears to support both entities, thereby creating a conflict of interest between the Constitutions, double mindedness.
Before the private charter known as the Constitution of the United States, oaths of allegiance were taken within the States renouncing allegiance to the King or Crown of Great Britain, the deception being the word “or”, meaning there were Two (2) options for the oath, the King or the Crown of Great Britain evidenced in the oath of allegiance to the original State of Pennsylvania caption below.
It should be noted that within the aforementioned oath “this or some one of the United States” is mentioned after “these United States”, evidence of Two (2) separate entities. The current executive and legislative officials and judicial officers operating in the Parent corporation in the name of the original State of Minnesota do not operate for these United States and are subjects of the Crown of Great Britain, Lord Mayor of City of London Vincent Keaveny LINK.
This international publication shall be utilized as evidence within the Human Rights Tribunal International of The United States of America. May Respondents and all those operating as executive and legislative officials, and judicial officers operating in one of the corporate States and Commonwealths of the United States corporation repent in accordance with the Gospel of Yahushua for a day that has been fixed in accordance with Acts 17:30-31 stated herein;
“30 The times of ignorance God overlooked, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent, 31 because he has fixed a day on which he will judge the world in righteousness by a man whom he has appointed; and of this he has given assurance to all by raising him from the dead.”
Published by Trustee