Published on 08-02-2018 by the American Herald
International Public Notice
The National assembly for the Government of The United States of America passed a motion for non-recognition of private property rights of those forcing Globalism upon Nation States and their Governments.
Official Records!
Once an individual advocates for the destruction of Nation States and their Governments properly seated, the “Globalist” officially declares him or herself stateless by acting on that declaration. A stateless person does not have any rights because they are not under any obligations.
Therefore, all private property of a “Globalist” by their own decision is hereby Public Property to be used by the Country from which it came. The private property shall be re-distributed to the Public including but not limited to their personal belongings.
A person cannot accumulate massive wealth, advocate for the destruction from where it came, and still claim and enjoy the same rights of those that are under obligations, rights and duties towards a country. Those claims by a “Globalist” is not how any of this works on the planet which is why they dream of something that is impossible to achieve. No one on earth can claim rights and obligations while at the same time destroy from where those rights and obligations are derived.
The National assembly has warned Colton Blue Mudersbach and all involved about his private enterprise thereby spreading false information on a daily basis meaning they have no authority from the Government of The United States of America and the North American National Party to sell, redistribute, transfer, or print anything that has to do with the Government of The United States of America. INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC NOTICE OF CEASE AND DESIST AGAINST!
The owner of Solutions for my Life website ignored the warning and moved on like nothing happened. The nefarious part is they are charging an enormous amount of money for information that is free and readily available on anyone of the Government websites. They use and sell through “private consultations” the information freely published on THE T-ROH SHOW that can be obtained easily by simply listening to THE T-ROH SHOW. The Solutions for my Life website places THE T-ROH SHOW on their website to make it appear as if it is associated with the Solutions for my life website thereby using the reputation of THE T-ROH SHOW to advance its agenda of fleecing people of their earnings. THE T-ROH SHOW is not affiliated nor does it endorse the Solutions for my Life website in anyway, shape or form.
Therefore, the committee of the National assembly, after hearing complaints from office holders, hereby publishes the following resolution to resolve this issue:
Anyone that has associated their persons with the Solutions for my Life website and have paid to become a member of the Solutions for My Life website qualify for a refund of all earnings. Further, anyone that insists on using the Solutions for my Life website as a source of information will not be receiving any assistance from any office holder of the Government of The United States of America due to the over whelming amount of time it takes to correct the problems created by the Solutions for my life website owner(s).
IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, that the Solutions for my life website owner(s) remove all content from its website that has anything to do with THE T-ROH SHOW or the Government of The United States of America immediately otherwise the website will receive a copyright violations notice from the North American National Party for the purpose of shutting the website down. The National assembly has been more than patient (90 days) with the owner(s) of the Solutions for my life website. A disclaimer in very small print at the bottom of the page is not sufficient notice to anyone and having a specific THE T-ROH SHOW talking about guru garbage is not an endorsement of Solutions for my life website. Remove all material associated with the Government of The United States of America and THE T-ROH SHOW immediately.
Published on 01-10-2016 by THE REIGN OF THE HEAVENS SOCIETY POST
Dear Readers,
An article was published in the American Herald about Intangible Property Rights and how those rights are stolen without the knowledge of the license holder. LINK
The article did not get many hits nor much attention on Face Book or twitter. It was one of those kind of articles that slip through the cracks. However, it did receive more reads on Linkedin.
The intangible property rights to the use of the public highways for the purpose of vehicular travel as a matter of right is the basis of the security system in place around the world. Most countries use the convention on road traffic to enforce their security system through identification which is usually through the domestic drivers license. That same system is being used by the world communist party as a matter of control over the lives of the people and a private contract with the party itself. Once the communist party gets involved with anything, human rights are going to be violated because of its ideology. LINK
The answer is found in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights wherein does it read on the first section of Article 13: LINK
Article 13
(1) Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each State.
The term used in the convention on road traffic is “traffic” which is more commercial and deals with entities.
The human rights issues came in when operators licenses were required on a domestic level. The requirement placed the people under the direct control of the World Communist Party agenda through statelessness which caused the people in elected offices to become puppets and traitors to their own country. This caused more credit to be borrowed which raised the interest rates to protect the people in office that were or are serving the World Communist Agenda and/or their puppet masters. The more credit borrowed, the more adhesion contracts were added to the original domestic drivers license agreement thereby causing more oppression on the people.
To codify means: to reduce (laws, rules, etc.) to a code. 1. To organize or arrange systematically, especially in writing. To turn (a common law requirement or practice) into law.
Codification is not necessarily a bad thing contrary to popular belief within various patriot groups.
The answer was to codify Article 13, section one of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It is believed this approach has never been taken because a codification of the term “freedom of movement” has not been found. This does not mean that is does not exist, it means it has not been found.
That is, until now. LINK
There are two elements that qualify a proper codification. 1: Full disclosure, and 2: mutual respect and acknowledgment of the assets of both parties of the agreement. To ignore an asset in an agreement, yet act on the asset in a concealed manner is theft by deception.
In the subject matter of domestic drivers licenses, the intangible property right of the people was ignored, and then acted on without acknowledging the asset in writing or verbally to the original holder of the intangible property. This tactic leads to a violation of a constitution meaning property was taken for no just compensation and therefore any act after the fact is a violation of multiple human rights.
The Government of The United States of America decided not to take the communist party approach and codify the “freedom of movement” section with an open and full disclosure agreement with any affirmed American National, State resident, or American National within The United States of America absent any human rights violations.
Therefore, the convention on road traffic is fulfilled, the people have “just compensation” of limited liability, and the agreement is signed by the Grantor and is renewable every year if so desired to renew. This approach also relieves any burden of National Security because in order to qualify for signature, the National already has in possession the proper National ID Card or resident id card which is evidence of possession of the intangible property so Quit Claimed to the Department of Transportation for the Government of The United States of America.
This Freedom of Movement codification LINK also legitimizes the Government of said country with valid rights to territory so quit claimed to said Government by the people in possession of said intangible property rights.
A mere resident declaration LINK is required to qualify for this new drivers license agreement that is completely voluntary on the part of the Grantor. Otherwise a resident id card is available.
There are also two other contracts that people use everyday that have been cleaned up which is a quit claim deed and promissory note LINK. Please contact the to complete these contracts online.
They are completed online but information has to be added to each contract to complete the agreement (name etc..) including but not limited to the Freedom of Movement agreement.
The United States of America and the States of the Union of The United States of America are addressing the Commander in Chief of the United States Military for the purpose of a Treaty of Peace to put an end to the Civil War of 1861 to 1865.
The Commander in Chief of the United States Military has expressed his desire for World Peace: Link!
The States of the Union of The United States of America are with the desire of peace also to end Martial Law occupation of the States of the Union by the United States Military. There has never been a Proclamation written nor signed by the Commander in Chief of the United States Military since the end of the open hostilities of the Civil War which is required by the Lieber Code. Therefore if the Commander in Chief of the United States Military desires peace, what better place to start then with the States of the Union.
The World Communist Revolution relies upon a perpetual Martial Law to do its bidding. It is up to those that desire peace to stop feeding the worshipers of death and destruction and venture in a new direction for the sake of the next generation.
If the Commander in Chief of the United States Military wishes to take his place in the history books to be remembered as the Commander in Chief of the United States Military that desires World Peace and achieved it, lets start here and now with this Offer of Peace and Reconciliation.Link!
Even if those people in this country believe that this offer is crazy and should be discarded as lunacy, keep in mind that the facts show there was never a proclamation of peace signed by the Commander in Chief of the United States Military after the Civil War and therefore even if this gesture is symbolic, at least it shows the World that the United States Military is not as tyrannical as the World believes it to be.
Back in 1950 Eisenhower outlawed Communism on 24 August 1954, however today’s federalists have seemed to forget this fact. Link!
And here is the Communist Act: Link!
How soon do people forget their own agreements because today, the Communist Party openly brags of its control over social media, news media and has many organizations that operate openly everywhere in various names. These Communist organizations are now openly working with federal agencies
Apparently the federal agencies completely ignore these aforementioned agreements and discard them as old and outdated. It’s obvious that the Communist Party has won and has completely overrun the whole country with their Hate Speech tactics and Bullying policies. The United States has failed in its mission and agreements and the Communist Party is completing its mission in making the people within the States its enemy. All of this has been done covertly and now it is being done overtly. Link!
Communism is not comfortable to live under and Communism has been responsible for at least eighty million murders in the past century. Free Speech is not an option under Communism nor is freedom of religion or conscience. This is well known, so this open call for communism in America is quite perplexing and mostly advocated by people that have no idea that they are the first to be slaughtered once Communism has its full grip in place.
The National assembly passed some motions to classify certain acts as War Crimes due to how these particular acts are being used to defile and violate the Law of Nations. The following are now classified as War Crimes, any further use of these tactics will result in a conviction upon the persons of the individuals that use these tactics to subvert the Law of Nations: Link to Official Record!
1:Use of Political Correctness.
2:Use of the terms sovereign citizen and sovereign national in the same context as propaganda to place a hit on the target for political purposes or with intent to traffick their persons is classified as attempted murder and a war crime.
3:Religious organizations that claim their belief is the only way to salvation and force association is classified as a war crime.
4:Private companies that have hijacked the Public Highways as a war crime, these private companies are claiming to be government which is classified and understood to be fascism which subverts the Law of Nations.
5:Disarming of civilians and militia is now classified as a war crime.
A Treaty of Peace will be finalized in today’s National assembly and offered to the Commander in Chief of the United States Military for the purposes of officially ending the Civil War and remove the ongoing and seemingly perpetual Martial Law against the States of the Union by the three city-state empire.
Link to the established War Crimes Tribunal!
A particular name came up this morning that is connected to George Washington University. That name is JJ MacNab and can be found here. Link! and this is her twitter Bio: Writer, anti-government extremism at . UC Berkeley alumna. Fellow, George Washington University’s Program on Extremism. Cats are badass. Link!
However, the Freedom Outpost has connected JJ MacNab to Southern Poverty Law Center that has been widely discredited and A.N.T.I.F.A. a well known “domestic terrorist” group that has proven itself to be an actual domestic terrorist group over and over in the past and present. Link!
Here are some other connections: A.N.T.I.F.A. has been directly connected to National Lawyers Guild and Southern Poverty Law Center ANTIFA MANUAL Found on the campus of The Evergreen State College! Link!
The National Lawyers Guild has been declared the “Legal Bulwark of the Communists Party: Link!
That means that George Washington University, a Masonic Temple built by the Masons, is connected to all of the above groups and organizations and it appears that JJ MacNab is in the middle of the whole operation. What operation? Creating profiles on ordinary people in an effort to assassinate their character thereby taking the most extreme criminals and associating them with ordinary people that the Communist Party believes are political threats: Link!
The Government of The United States of America has witnessed on a weekly basis the real criminals that attempt to use the States of the Union as a safe haven for their criminal activity. However, it appears that simply providing protection of self defense can also be criminalized in the eyes of the ideology of the communist and socialist belief.
Many of these communists take one statement out of an International Arrest Warrant and twist it into violence: “and in the case of violent resistance, use deadly force” which is intended to protect those enforcing the Arrest Warrant with right of self defense. The communists like to reverse that statement into a narrative that appears as if the International Arrest Warrant is somehow an act of violence or makes the one that signed it a violent domestic terrorist. There is one thing for sure, members of the communist movement do not like to take liability for their actions which is a sign of immaturity. Link!
The George Washington University has a whole program aimed at what they call extremism when in fact it is a program that turns ordinary police officers into political assassins on behalf of the communist party. Please notice that they do have a list of people issued by the communist party front spokes person JJ MacNab
from 2000 to 2018 under the title “Seditionists” Link!
The irony is that George Washington University has no business involving itself in political matters for the communists or is it in fact a communist University?, nor do communists have any business calling someone that loves their country a Seditionist, we call that self projection. This means that the Communist Party is at war with anyone that is not a communist and have created a international narrative thereby calling anyone that is not a communist a seditionist and a domestic terrorist all with the blessing and funding of George Washington University, a Mason funded University. The Communist Party, through its front organizations scare the crap out of the local police thereby turning them into political assassins on behalf of the Communist Party. The Communist Party has cunningly converted the Law of Nations and its basic principals into appearing as if the exerciser of those basic principals is committing sedition when in fact they are following the law of the country which is the law of nations. Communists do not like people that follow the law of the country and deem those people an enemy if they do not adhere to the concept of a World Communist Government.
“(40) The term “world communism” means a revolutionary movement, the purpose of which is to establish eventually a Communist totalitarian dictatorship in any or all the countries of the world through the medium of an internationally coordinated Communist political movement.” Link!