Published in the American Herald News on (8-09-2022)
The United States of America
NAC Address: 70PHZ P5FJ2
State of Indiana, Chapter 15
NAC Address: 7S8TX PMKZ3
R.R.1., The United States of America
NAC Adress: 7PJ57 PDVPF
Phone: (618)-499-4192, Email: [email protected]
Cc.: Gibson Superior Court/ Court Reporter/Court clerk,
Court House- 2nd Floor
(101 N. Main St.
Princeton, IN 27670)
In the matter of Cause # 26D01-2208-IF-2274
Comes now the Trustee for BRANDON SCOTT GIBBS, PMA, hereinafter “Affiant”, being competent to testify and being over the age of twenty-one years, after first being duly sworn according to the law to tell the truth to the facts related herein states that Affiant has first- hand knowledge and belief that these facts are true to the best of Affiant’s knowledge and belief, and
The following persons shall be listed within this Affidavit of Fact, hereinafter “Affidavit”, as stated herein; County of Gibson Sheriff’s Deputy Jennifer Robb, hereinafter “Respondent 1”, County of Gibson Sheriff Timothy Bottoms, hereinafter “Respondent 2”, Sully’s Towing and Recovery employee Brian Sullivan, hereinafter “Respondent 3”,
- Affiant states that Brandon Scott Gibbs hereinafter, “BSG”, is a natural born American and on (February 22, 2022) BSG signed and renewed a State resident Declaration to The United States of America declaring BSG’s residency evidenced in Exhibit 1 on page 7 within this Affidavit, and
- BSG renewed and accepted and acknowledged, signed, and submitted the Bilateral Social Compact by and between the people for the States of the Union of The United States of America thereby claiming BSG’s person exists as one of the people within the metes and bounds and seaward boundaries of The United States of America on (February 24th, 2022) further entering a government body politic in accordance with the codified Law of Nations evidenced in Exhibit 2 on page 8 within this Affidavit of Fact, and
- Affiant joined the North American National Party for The United States of America and signed a Political Affiliation Declaration on (February 24th, 2022) evidenced in Exhibit 3 on page 9 within this Affidavit, and
- Affiant accepted the position of Chapter 15 State of Indiana Coordinator on (March 31st, 2022) and on (July 25th, 2022) Affiant was attempting to serve a Notice of Liability to Toyota Motor Manufacturing, Inc, hereinafter “Toyota”, located at (4000 Tulip Tree Drive in corporate political subdivision of Princeton, Indiana, 47670) LINK regarding the arbitrary and communist mask mandate, thereby arbitrarily taking medical power of attorney over the employee’s thereof. Affiant was conducting international service process with authorized mail deliverer William Emory Reffett, hereinafter “Witness”, on Rural free delivery Routes, and
- After leaving Toyota Affiant was stopped by approximately Six (6) armed foreign registered agents for the corporate political subdivision of County of Gibson’s Sheriff of Justice, Public order, and safety activities Branch Corporation County of Gibson, Sheriffs’ office LINK Dun & Bradstreet, hereinafter “D&B”, Number 094483570 with George Ballard as Key Principal associating with the County Commissioners of the executive, legislative, and other Parent Company County of Gibson LINK D&B Number 783298771 with Jim Morrow as Key Principal, and justice, public order, and safety activities Branch Corporation County of Gibson, Gibson Superior Court LINK D&B Number 627515760 with Earl Penrod as Key Principal within the executive, legislative, and other general support Parent Corporation, State of Indiana, hereinafter “corporate State of Indiana”, LINK D&B Number 072042443 with Eric Holcomb as Key Principal, and
- Respondent 1 under the supervision of Respondent 2 handed Affiant a forced contract, hereinafter “Ticket”, Revised and approved by the Indiana Supreme Court Office of Judicial Administration evidenced in Exhibit 4 on page 10 within this Affidavit. for violating corporate policies thereby trafficking Affiant’s PERSON back into the United States corporation’s Internal Revenue Trust in one of the territorial islands of Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, etc., and arbitrarily seized, while armed, Affiant’s private property in the form of a silver (2010) Ford Ranger Vehicle Registration Number: 1FTKR4EE0APA22373 with the assistance of Respondent 3 of support activities for road transportation corporation Sully’s Towing and Recovery Incorporated LINK, located at (1002 S. Stout St. Princeton, IN 47670-2705 United States), and
- County of Gibson Deputy Uriah Smith escorted Affiant and Witness to the County of Gibson Sherriffs’ Office wherein both Affiant and Witness made arrangements while walking for alternate transportation, and
- On (July 27th, 2022) An international publication in the form of a Notice of International Incident and Liability was published within the North American National Party News regarding the events within this Affidavit provided herein; LINK, and
- After agreeing to Representation and receiving a phone call from Evan Patterson, assistant for Chief Legal Counsel for the Office of the Secretary of the Parent Corporation State of Indiana Jerry Bonnet, hereinafter “Jerry Bonnet”, Witness drafted and sent communications on behalf of Affiant in the form of a Notice of Interference with International Process of Service with Exhibits therein to Jerry Bonnet via registered electronic mail on (July 29th, 2022) evidenced in Exhibit 5 on pages 11 through 17 within this Affidavit, and
- The response by Jerry Bonnet’s Office included a complaint form that Witness filled out and returned to Jerry Bonnet on behalf of Affiant on (July 29th, 2022) evidenced in Exhibit 6 on pages 18 through 25 within this Affidavit, and
- Respondents are attempting to enforce communist corporate policies upon Affiant in the form of an arbitrarily required Driver’s License (A.), Vehicle Insurance (B.), and Vehicle Registration (C.), all corporate requirements administered upon corporate private entities, PERSONS or persons, by the Parent Corporation arbitrarily in the name of the original State of Indiana.
(A) Violations of said requirement does not legally exist as the Parent Corporation’s Bureau of Motor Vehicles, hereinafter “BMV”, fail to produce form(s) that would grant PERSONS or persons intangible property to the use of the public highways to the BMV. The aforementioned grant would produce a valid contract of terms and conditions under the license that the PERSON or person would sign in order for the prosecution to prove intent to violate the statute that the PERSON or person is being accused of knowingly, willfully and intentionally violating.
Further, or with the aforementioned grant wherein the BMV would fill the position of grantee and the PERSON or person would fulfill the position of grantor thereby forming a trust agreement by and between the grantor and grantee wherein a license would legally exist. For without the aforementioned trust agreement, a license cannot legally exist and therefore there cannot exist a controversy before the court, and
(B) Violations of said requirement does not legally exist as insurance companies fail to produce form(s) that would grant PERSONS intangible property right to a motor vehicle over to the insurance company. The aforementioned grant would produce a valid contract of terms and conditions under the Insurance Policy that the PERSON or person would sign in order for the prosecution to prove intent to violate the statute that the PERSON or person is being accused of knowingly, willfully and intentionally violating.
For with the aforementioned grant wherein insurance companies would fill the position of grantee and the PERSON or person would fulfill the position of grantor thereby forming a valid Insurance Policy by and between the grantor and grantee. The valid Insurance Policy would protect the insurance company from trespass upon the intangible property rights of the driver in the case of a claim or other requirements in the Insurance Policy. The transfer of intangible property rights to the motor vehicle over to the insurance company would also allow the Insurance Policy to be binding against all parties to the agreement whether the terms were shared or absolute use of the intangible property to the motor vehicle.
For without the aforementioned element(s) to an Insurance Policy, a legal contract cannot legally exist and therefore there cannot exist a controversy before the court. Intangible property to a motor vehicle is the only element that defines as to whether a motor vehicle is stolen or not. Although the Parent Corporation arbitrarily in the name of the original State of Indiana may require insurance on all motor vehicles which binds the insurance companies to permanent trespass on all intangible property of its policy holders, the Parent Corporation arbitrarily in the name of the State of Indiana does not have the right to regulate intangible property it does not possess nor tendered just compensation to gain.
(C) Violations of said requirement does not legally exist as the BMV fails to produce form(s) that would grant the PERSONS or persons intangible property right to the use of a motor vehicle to the BMV. The aforementioned grant would produce a valid contract of terms and conditions under the registration agreement that the PERSON or person would sign in order for the prosecution to prove intent to violate the statute that the PERSON or person is being accused of knowingly, willfully and intentionally violating.
For with the aforementioned grant wherein the BMV would fill the position of grantee and the PERSON or person would fulfill the position of grantor thereby forming a trust agreement by and between the grantor and grantee called a registration agreement wherein a vehicle registration would legally exist. Intangible Property to a motor vehicle is the determination as to whether a motor vehicle has been stolen or not.
For without the aforementioned element to a registration agreement, a legal contract cannot legally exist and therefore there cannot exist a controversy before the court.
Although the BMV may have an easement on the Public Highways for maintenance of the Public Highways, the easement would not allow the BMV to require a registration of a motor vehicle without acknowledging the privately owned intangible property that the PERSON or person currently possesses to the motor vehicle without just compensation to the PERSON or person for the intangible property right of the aforementioned subject matter.
If the Parent Corporation arbitrarily in the name of the original State of Indiana does not have the right to take private property without just compensation, it is legally impossible for a department of the same or a different Parent Corporation arbitrarily in the name of the original State to claim a right that does not exist.
- Respondents attempts to enforce said communist corporate policies are considered Forced Association, Trafficking in Persons, and may be considered as Denying Affiant’s Nationality evidenced in Point 6 and Exhibit 4 on page 10 within this Affidavit, and
- As members of one of the Republican, Democratic, or other political party Corporations Respondents are committing Communism/Political and Persecution/Political upon a registered member, PERSON, of the North American National Party for The United States of America evidenced in Point 3 and Exhibit 3 on page 9 within this Affidavit, and
- Respondents have committed Armed Robbery and Theft upon Affiant for the armed seizure and theft of Affiant’s private property in the form of a silver (2010) Ford Ranger Vehicle Registration Number: 1FTKR4EE0APA22373 evidenced in Point 6 and Exhibit 5 on pages 11 through 17 within this Affidavit, and
- Respondents and the other registered agents for County of Gibson’s Public order, and safety activities Branch Corporation County of Gibson, Sheriffs’ office have interfered with international service process with Witness on a Rural free delivery Route without providing on whose authority said Respondents and agents arbitrarily governed said Rural Route, and
- Eric Holcomb as Key Principal for the Parent Corporation arbitrarily in the name of the original State of Indiana and Secretary of State for the Parent Corporation arbitrarily in the name of the original State of Indiana Holli Sullivan in association with Respondents as members of the Parent Corporation have hijacked and are operating corporations within the original State of Indiana held in trust within the Government of The United States of America, thereby creating a private, corporate, legal society using foreign emoluments in the form of private Bank Notes as subjects of the Crown of Great Britain, the Mayor of London Sadiq Kahn LINK of the executive, legislative, and other general government support Parent Corporation, City of London Corporation LINK with former Mayor John Stuttard still listed as Key Principal. Respondents are committing forced association and slavery upon Affiant for Sadiq Kahn, therefore Sadiq Kahn is hereby accountable for all injuries incurred upon Affiant including but not limited to armed robbery, denial of Nationality, and held ransom of Affiant’s private property. All parties mentioned within this Affidavit with the exception of Affiant and Witness are violating Jennifer Robb, armed foreign registered agent,who wrote Affiant a ticket, hereinafter “JR” are liable for Denying Affiant a Nationality, violating the codified Law of Nations Book I Of Nations Considered in Themselves Chapter XIII Of Justice and Polity 158. A nation ought to make justice reign and 159. To establish good laws (Equitable Trespass), forcing the Constitution of the United States Fourteenth (14th) Amendment upon Affiant, and violating the United States Trafficking Victims Protection Act of (2017) Public Law 115-393 Section 2 for trafficking Affiant into the Parent Corporation’s jurisdiction, Capital crimes with a potential sentence of death. Evidence of Parent Corporations of the United States as subjects to the Crown provided here; LINK, and
Affiant now recommends that Eric Holcomb as Key Principal for the Parent Corporation arbitrarily in the name of the original State of Indiana and Secretary of State for the Parent Corporation arbitrarily in the name of the original State of Indiana Holli Sullivan recognize Affiant’s right to travel upon the Rural free delivery Route within the metes and bounds of the original State of Indiana, one of the States of the Union of these United States, also known as The United States of America wherein Declared residents and American Nationals all have the right to travel freely upon said Rural Route. Surety Bonds and Driver’s License’ are available through the North American National Party in association with the Department of Transportation for the Government of The United States of America. An example of said Driver’s License is evidenced in Exhibit 7 on page 26 within this Affidavit, and
Further, Affiant recommends that all interference and actions by any one person associating with Respondents cease and desist and Affiant’s private property be returned to Affiant immediately in the same condition as when said property was forcefully seized. Failure to adhere to said recommendations shall constitute failure to cooperate and comply with Affiant, therefore upon submission of this Affidavit in the form of a Claim to the Great Jury for the General Post Union of The United States of America and upon approval by said Jury remedy shall be sought within one of the Tribunals of and for The United States of America, and
Respondents shall be given Ten (10) days to give rebuttal to the claims within this Affidavit or this Affidavit shall further stand as fact, and
May Respondents and all those persons within this Affidavit associating with Respondents repent in accordance with the Gospel of Yahushua for a day that has been fixed in accordance with Acts 17:30-31 stated herein;
“30 The times of ignorance God overlooked, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent, 31 because he has fixed a day on which he will judge the world in righteousness by a man whom he has appointed; and of this he has given assurance to all by raising him from the dead.”
Affiant Further Sayeth Naught,
This 142nd Day in the year of Yahweh 6024, translated the 8th day of August in the two thousand and twenty-second year of the new covenant in Yahushua’s name.
Internationally Notarized Affidavit of Fact with Exhibits provided here: LINK