Published in the American Herald on 12-2-2021
This FEDERAL COMMON LAW LIEN AND WRIT OF ATTACHMENT ON REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY LINK is hereby published against DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, DHHS, or any variation thereof for War Crimes LINK, and violations of all 30 Articles of Public Laws-101, LINK by actively following a common plan to perpetrate war crimes and crimes against humanity as part of the globalist communist Agenda 21 and 30, a New World Order, consisting of a one world communist government and pre-meditated and well-constructed global depopulation agenda by claiming medical power of attorney for the civilian inhabitants, and LINK. This FEDERAL COMMON LAW LIEN AND WRIT OF ATTACHMENT ON REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY is hereby published with the authority from and in accordance with the Judgement and Order issued within the War Crimes Tribunal for The United States of America Case Number: WCT-20210820-000005. LINK
The public may view all published and forthcoming liens by visiting the bottom of the States of the Union National Public Notices Section of the American Herald Newspaper Category Published Common Law Liens: LINK
Published by the office of the Special Prosecutor for the War Crimes Tribunal for The United States of America