Published in the American on 11-30-2021
To: Marie Talbot, Marvin D. Bagley, Shawn T. Farris, William H. Leigh, Spencer James Cox, Sean D. Reyes and the Utah State BAR Committee Leaders (hereinafter collectively, “Respondents”),
Following the private meeting by members of the UTAH STATE BAR LINK held on (November 30th, 2021) in the matter of Lanny Kay Talbot, Trustee to LANNY KAY TALBOT, PMA (hereinafter “Trustee”), the office of the Special Prosecutor for the War Crimes Tribunal for The United States of America (hereinafter “Prosecutor”) has determined that an investigation of all parties mentioned shall be conducted by said office as Trustee’s person is one of the General Post Masters for the Government of The United States of America, the original Confederacy, reformed into a National Government LINK and LINK and LINK in compliance with international Law, as codified within the Law of Nations, therefore the rightful and legal jurisdiction of Trustee, and
The Special Prosecutor was present for the private BAR meeting wherein Respondents were attempting to administer justice for an alleged civil dispute between Trustee and Respondent Marie Talbot as the civil dispute between Trustee and Marie Talbot was settled by the Human Rights Tribunal International wherein a permanent restraining was issued for Respondents stated herein;
“FURTHER BE IT ORDERED, that a permanent restraining order be in place for the protection of the Claimant, and Claimant’s family from the Respondents, U.S. District court and all other Companies either public or private”, and
The Special Prosecutor evidenced Respondents taking power of attorney over Trustee’s intangible private property rights to tangible private property and Respondents were notified of the nefarious actions committed by Respondents absent a Social Compact by and between a permanent population of a State authorizing a legislative and judicial body politic. The Special Prosecutor evidenced a threat for an executive order in the form of a warrant against Trustee to be fulfilled by private mercenaries within the corporate subdivision to incarcerate and force contract with Trustee through pain compliance if Trustee would not comply. The actions by Respondents shall hereby be investigated as war crimes as Trustee has been subjected to “prisoner of war” style conditions by a Communist private corporation, and
Respondents were notified of and disregarded a Limited Power of Attorney for Trustee by an International Human Rights Defender not registered with the UTAH STATE BAR and a Federal Common Law Lien for Trustee. Respondents are currently operating within a corporate subdivision of the United States Federal corporation currently administered by war criminals, the Biden Administration LINK and war criminal Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. LINK, and
May this Notice of Investigation serve as proper communication for the corporate subdivision of Utah and those persons acting as executive, legislative and judicial officers within said subdivision that while an investigation is in progress in the matter of Respondents that any further attempt to administer policies upon Trustee shall be an act of aggression subject to violations to be presented in a public hearing with the War Crimes Tribunal for The United States of America.
Kind Regards,
William Emory Reffett, Trustee
office of the Special Prosecutor for the
War Crimes Tribunal of The United States of America
This 256th Day in the year of Yahweh 6023, translated the 30th day of November in the two thousand and twenty-first year of the new covenant in Yahushua’s name. LINK
Published by the office of the Special Prosecutor for the
War Crimes Tribunal of The United States of America