Forced Deportation Notice For Adewale “Wally” Adeyemo, United States Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Declared An Enemy of the Country!

Published in the American Herald on 10-17-2021


WHEREAS, it is hereby declared that Adewale “Wally” Adeyemo, the United States Deputy Secretary of the Treasury, must vacate from within the metes and bounds and seaward boundaries of The United States of America for Adewale “Wally” Adeyemo’s nefarious actions committed upon the civilian inhabitant populace, including but not limited to, committing acts of political warfare by undertaking active measures to normalize communist rule through inciting the vaccinated to violence against the unvaccinated, by blaming the unvaccinated for food shortages, and to force a deadly experimental injection upon the civilian inhabitant populace within the metes and bounds of The United States of America.

Evidence for the Forced Deportation Notice: LINK

WHEREAS, the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America has classified Adewale “Wally” Adeyemo, the United States Deputy Secretary of the Treasury, an enemy of the country by way of pushing the New World Order Agenda subject to deportation in accordance with the Forced Deportation Act of 2021, LINK and

NOW, THEREFORE, the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America hereby proclaims a Forced Deportation Notice into existence whereby Adewale “Wally” Adeyemo has 90 days from this Notice, proclaimed this 212th Day in the year of Yahweh 6023, translated date October 17th, 2021, to vacate the metes and bounds and seaward boundaries of The United States of America or have Adewale “Wally” Adeyemo’s property under demolition order until complete, and

BE IT DECLARED, that the following personal property including but not limited to those listed hereafter owned and registered to Adewale “Wally” Adeyemo are to be under demolition order until complete 90 days from this Forced Deportation Notice:

Dodge D50

VIN: JB7FP24D4GP053008

Published by the office of the Special Prosecutor for the War Crimes Tribunal for The United States of America

International Notice: The Election of a King!


Blue Mountains-Temple Seal copyOn this 211th day in the year of Yahweh, six thousand and twenty three, and the 16th day of October two thousand and twenty first year of the new covenant in Yahushua’s name,

International Public Notice

Published on the 16th day of October two thousand and twenty first year of the new covenant in Yahushua’s name,

The reign of the heavens society Temple hereby announces and publishes the election of the King of the reign of the heavens society Temple and the reign of the heavens country established over 2000 years ago.

Yohanon the immerser announced its existence first and soon after Yahushua, Yeshua, Jesus the Christ announced its existence after its existence was established by its metes and bounds and seaward boundaries. Please do not mis-understand, we are not claiming that there is not a Spiritual Kingdom when in fact there is…What we are saying is that Jesus left us an earthly Kingdom/country also and it is called the reign of the heavens. 

National Great Registry Filing: LINK

The charter for the reign of the heavens society
has been amended to the reign of the heavens society Temple LINK
The Seals and Flag have been amended since the writing of the original document:
as amended October 7, 2021. 

Bilateral Social Compact:
The members of the reign of the heavens society Temple agree to the following Articles that
make up the Bilateral Social Compact:
Article 1: The members of the reign of the heavens society Temple agree to seek the Father in
Heaven with all of our heart, mind and being, and
Article 2: The members of the reign of the heavens society Temple agree to walk through the
straight gate and go down the narrow way to find the living anointed one known as Jesus, the
Christ, the way, the truth and the life, Yeshua, Yahushua, and
Article 3: The members of the reign of the heavens society Temple agree to strive to agape love
our Father in Heaven with all of our heart, mind and being, and
Article 4: The members of the reign of the heavens society Temple agree to agape love our
neighbor as our self.

Notice: Yahushua, Yeshua, Jesus the Christ was elected King of the reign of the heavens on
the 7th of October, 2021 by the members of the assembly of the reign of the heavens society
Temple and the assembly of the reign of the heavens.

Too our knowledge and to this day we have not witnessed a formal election of Jesus, the Christ A.K.A. Yahushua, Yeshua and other names complete with a Social Compact. We are not saying that it has not happened, we just haven’t witnessed the election of the King.  

Therefore, We, the assembly of the reign of the heavens and of the reign of the heavens society Temple made sure that a formal election has in fact taken place.  A lot of people do not know that Kings are elected to office and that succession is illegal to tolerate. All voters are in fact parties to the constitution and by-laws and all are verified. 

This means that the status of “reign citizen” is open to those that wish to remain a subject of the King, Yahushua, Jesus the Christ, Yeshua. The facts are that the King bought you and can pay your ransom so that you are free from Tyranny. 

The status “reign citizen” is a duel status with other countries. It does not remove your current status within your country. It has a potential to remove all wars because if everyone had a reign citizen status and their own status within their country, it would be highly unlikely that anyone would bomb their neighbor nor do any harm to each other.  

Notice: The idea of a Crislam  LINK as a one world religion under force is not a solution for world peace. If you choose to be a subject of the true King here on earth, Crislam would not have any jurisdiction over you . 

If you would like a duel citizen or a duel citizen and National status you can start here: LINK 

Revelation: 17

14“They shall fight with the Lamb, and
the Lamb shall overcome them, for He is
Master of masters and Sovereign of sovereigns.
And those with Him are called, and
chosen, and trustworthy.”


37Then Pilate said to Him, “You are a
sovereign, then?” Yahushua answered, “You
say it, because I am a sovereign. For this I
was born, and for this I have come into the
world, that I should bear witness to the
truth. j Everyone who is of the truth hears
My voice.”

Connect with us on Telegram to get to know who we are:


Scott Kirby, Brett J. Hart, Josh Earnest, Torbjorn J. Enqvist, Theresa Fariello, Kate Gebo, Gregory Hart, Linda Jojo, Gerald Laderman, Andrew Nocella, and Jonathon Roitman Are Hereby Charged With War Crimes!

Published in the American Herald on 10-14-2021


Excerpt below from the Great Jury True Bill of Indictment found here: LINK

“The Great Jury agrees that the Respondents have committed International Terrorism- a violation of all Public Laws-101 (War Crime) for Respondent’s implementation of corporate policies mandating injections of experimental synthetic genes LINK, and for publicly inciting vaccinated employees to discriminate against unvaccinated employees and depriving the unvaccinated employees the right to life and liberty; of acquiring, possessing, and protecting property and reputation; and of pursuing their own happiness”

Published by the office of the Special Prosecutor for the War Crimes Tribunal for The United States of America

James L. Madara, Todd Askew, Toni Canada, Thomas J. Easley, Thomas Giannulli, Denise M. Hagerty, Aletha Maybank, Laurie McGraw, Kenneth J. Sharigian, Rodrigo A. Sierra, Todd Unger, Brian D. Vandenberg and Leslie A. Weber Are Hereby Charged With War Crimes!

Published in the American Herald on 10-14-2021


Excerpt below from the Great Jury True Bill of Indictment found here: LINK

“The Great Jury agrees that the Respondents have Violated Article 1 of the Nuremberg Code LINK for Respondent’s advocating for and exercising the inoculations of experimental genetic vaccines resulting in adverse reactions and death in civilians LINK and LINK (Video 1, Minute Marks 00:00 to 3:10) during a declared live exercise LINK while under declaration of war against the Coronavirus LINK,”

Published by the office of the Special Prosecutor for the War Crimes Tribunal for The United States of America

NOTICE OF EXILE FOR Bill de Blasio A.K.A. Warren Wilhelm Jr. A.K.A. Warren de Blasio-Warren!

Published in the American Herald on 10-13-2021


WHEREAS, the War Crimes Tribunal for The United States of America has rendered a Judgment and Order against Bill de Blasio A.K.A. Warren Wilhelm Jr. A.K.A. Warren de Blasio-Warren having found him guilty of depriving civilians the right of choice to consent to voluntary medical experimentation in violation of the Nuremberg Code codified within International Law in Case # WCT-20210815-000004, and

WHEREAS, Bill de Blasio A.K.A. Warren Wilhelm Jr. A.K.A. Warren de Blasio-Warren (hereinafter called “fugitive”) is now a fugitive from Justice within the metes and bounds and seaward boundaries of The United States of America, and anyone found harboring or offering aid and comfort to the fugitive will be subject to the FORCED DEPORTATION ACT OF 2021 LINK now in effect against the fugitives, and

NOW, THEREFORE, the Continental Army Judges for the War Crimes Tribunal for The United States of America hereby proclaims a Notice of Exile into existence whereby the fugitive listed in the Judgment and Order below have 90 days from this Notice, proclaimed this 208th Day in the year of Yahweh 6023, translated date October 13th, 2021, to vacate the metes and bounds and seaward boundaries of The United States of America or have the fugitives’ personal private property under demolition order until complete and be subject to execution by firing squad as written in the Judgment and Order found herein: LINK

Published by the War Crimes Tribunal for The United States of America



Published in the American Herald on 10-12-2021


This FEDERAL COMMON LAW LIEN AND WRIT OF ATTACHMENT ON REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY LINK is hereby published against KAMALA DEVI HARRIS or any variation thereof for International War Crimes and International Acts of Terrorism and violations of Law of Nations and all 30 Articles of Public Laws-101 LINK by depriving Veterans Affairs medical employees and military personal, the right of choice to consent to voluntary medical experimentation, in addition to the promotion of public policy that coerces the inhabitants and civilian populace into forced compliance with medical experimentation, eliminating their fundamental human rights. This FEDERAL COMMON LAW LIEN AND WRIT OF ATTACHMENT ON REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY is hereby published in accordance with the Judgement and Order issued within the War Crimes Tribunal for The United States of America Case Number: WCT-20210815-000003. LINK

The public may view all published and forthcoming liens by visiting the bottom of the States of the Union National Public Notices Section of the American Herald Newspaper Category Published Common Law Liens: LINK 

Published by the office of the Special Prosecutor for the War Crimes Tribunal for The United States of America


Published in the American Herald on 10-12-2021


This FEDERAL COMMON LAW LIEN AND WRIT OF ATTACHMENT ON REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY LINK is hereby published against RICHARD A FRYE or any variation thereof for War Crimes LINK, violations of Law of Nations, violation of all 30 Articles of Public Laws-101 LINK, violation of Article 1 of Nuremberg Code by depriving a civilian of their fundamental human rights, the right of choice and consent to voluntary medical experimentation, abuse of a position of authority to coerce a civilian into compliance with the medical experimentation, ordering a civilian inhabitant to consent to medical experimentation without concern or the ability to confirm the civilian would suffer no harmLINK This FEDERAL COMMON LAW LIEN AND WRIT OF ATTACHMENT ON REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY is hereby published with the authority from and in accordance with the Judgement and Order issued within the War Crimes Tribunal for The United States of America Case Number: WCT-20210803-000001. LINK

The public may view all published and forthcoming liens by visiting the bottom of the States of the Union National Public Notices Section of the American Herald Newspaper Category Published Common Law Liens: LINK 

Published by the office of the Special Prosecutor for the War Crimes Tribunal for The United States of America


Published in the American Herald on 10-12-2021



In accordance with the Judgments and Orders issued by the Human Rights Tribunal International in the matter of William Emory Reffett, Trustee (hereinafter “Claimant”), a Notice of Lien(s) is hereby declared for Respondent(s) Rapides Parish Sheriff’s Department, John Bel Edwards, R. Kyle Ardoin, “Jeff” Landry, John W. Russell, IV, Richard E. Starling, Jr. and Robin L. Hooter. Respondent(s) have been found in full charge for violating all 30 Articles of Public Laws-101, formerly classified as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This Notice of Lien(s) shall include;

1. Rapides Parish Sheriff’s Office in accordance with the Affidavit of Noncompliance published within the American Herald as International and National Public Notice by Claimant LINK and the Judgment and Order issued by the Human Rights Tribunal International LINK for the amount of Twenty-two Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars (+22,500,000);

  1. Land property, Rapides Parish Detention Center 1, located at 701 Murray St., Alexandria, Louisiana 71301 in the amount of Seven Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars (+7,500,000)
  2. Land property, Rapides Parish Detention Center 2, located at 400 Jonh Allison Dr., Alexandria, Louisiana 71303 in the amount of Seven Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars (+7,500,000)
  3. Land property, Rapides Parish Detention Center 3, located at 7400 Academy Dr., Alexandria, Louisiana 71303 in the amount of Seven Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars (+7,500,000)


2. John Bel Edwards in accordance with the Judgment and Order issued by the Human Rights Tribunal International LINK in the amount of Twenty-two Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars (+22,500,000);

  1. Land property, 428 N. 8th, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70802 valued at Ninety-two Thousand Dollars (+92,000)
  2. Land property, 53173 Maddox Rd., Independence, Louisiana 70443 valued at One Hundred Sixty Thousand Six Hundred Eighty-six Dollars (+160,686)
  3. Land property, 12389 Louisiana Ave., Roseland, Louisiana 70456 valued at One Hundred Fifty-three Thousand Seven Hundred Nine Dollars (+153,709)
  4. The remaining balance of the Lien issued shall be on John Bel Edward’s person in the amount of Twenty-two Million Ninety-three Thousand Six Hundred Five Dollars (+22,093,605)

3. Robert Kyle Ardoin in accordance with the Judgment and Order issued by the Human Rights Tribunal International LINK in the amount of Two Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars (+2,500,000);

  1. Land property, 1550 Brame Dr., Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70808 valued at Four Hundred Thirteen Thousand Dollars (+413,000)
  2. Land property, 12295 Fairlane Rd., Saint Francis, Louisiana 70775 valued at Three Hundred Twenty-seven Thousand Dollars (+327,000)
  3. Land property, 9267 Boone Dr., Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70810 valued at Two Hundred Eight Thousand Five Hundred Dollars (+208,500)
  4. Vehicle property, 2007 Toyota Tundra (VIN# 5TFRT54177X004305) valued at Fifteen Thousand Two Hundred Two Dollars (+15,202)
  5. Vehicle property, 2003 Toyota Camry (VIN# 4T1BE32K43U124419) valued at Four Thousand Eight Hundred Ninety-eight Dollars (+4,898)
  6. The remaining balance of the Lien issued shall be on Robert Kyle Ardoin’s person in the amount of One Million Five Hundred Thirty-one Thousand Four Hundred (+1,531,400)

4. Jeffrey Martin Landry in accordance with the Judgment and Order issued by the Human Rights Tribunal International LINK in the amount of Twenty-two Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars (+22,500,000);

  1. The full balance of the Lien issued shall be on Jeffery Martin Landry’s person in the amount of Twenty-Two Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars (+22,500,000)

5. John Wesley Russell IV in accordance with the Judgment and Order issued by the Human Rights Tribunal International LINK in the amount of Two Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars (+2,500,000);

  1. Land property, 1007 Keed Ave., Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70806 valued at Two Hundred Sixty-nine Thousand Dollars (+269,000)
  2. Vehicle property, 2014 Infiniti Q50H (VIN# JN1AV7AP9EM690411) valued at Eighteen Thousand Four Hundred Thirty-three Dollars (+18,433)
  3. Vehicle property, 2006 GMC Sierra, 2500 HD (VIN# 1GTHK23D16F218221) valued at Sixteen Thousand Six Hundred Sixty-six Dollars (+16,666)
  4. The remaining balance of the Lien issued shall be on John Wesley Russell IV’s person in the amount of Two Million One Hundred Ninety-five Thousand Nine Hundred One Dollars (+2,195,901)

6. Richard Eric Starling JR. in accordance with the Judgment and Order issued by the Human Rights Tribunal International LINK in the amount of Twenty-two Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars (+22,500,000);

  1. Land property, 211 Addison Dr., Woodworth, Louisiana 71485 valued at One Hundred Ninety Thousand Dollars (+190,000)
  2. Land property, 380 Browns Bend Rd., Alexandria, Louisiana 71303 valued at Thirty-six Thousand Dollars (+36,000)
  3. The remaining balance of the Lien issued shall be on Richard Eric Starling Jr.’s person in the amount of Twenty-two Million Two Hundred Seventy-four Thousand Dollars (+22,274,000)

7. Robin L. Hooter in accordance with the Judgment and Order issued by the Human Rights Tribunal International LINK in the amount of Twenty-two Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars (+22,500,000);

  1. The full balance of the Lien issued shall be on Robin L Hooter’s person in the amount of Twenty-two Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars (+22,500,000)

William Emory Reffett, Trustee


This 187th Day in the year of Yahweh 6023, translated the 22nd day of September in the Two Thousand and Twenty-first year of the new covenant in Yahushua’s name. LINK


Bill de Blasio A.K.A. Warren Wilhelm Jr. A.K.A. Warren de Blasio-Warren is Found Guilty of Committing War Crimes Against the Inhabitants of the City of New York!

Published in the American Herald on 10-12-2021


Bill de Blasio A.K.A. Warren Wilhelm Jr. A.K.A. Warren de Blasio-Warren is found guilty of violating all Thirty (30) Articles of Public Laws-101 LINK and of committing War Crimes! The Judgment and Order can be found here for download!  LINK

The War Crimes Tribunal Court Jacket can be found here: LINK

The War Crimes Tribunal for The United States of America Publications on the National Great Registry are found here: LINK

Published by the War Crimes Tribunal for The United States of America

Stephane Bancel, Albert Bourla, Alex Gorsky, Janet Woodcock, Stephen Hahn, Alex Michael Azar II and Xavier Becerra Are Found Guilty of Committing War Crimes!

Published in the American Herald on 10-12-2021


Stephane Bancel, Albert Bourla, Alex Gorsky, Janet Woodcock, Stephen Hahn, Alex Michael Azar II and Xavier Becerra are found guilty of following a common plan to perpetrate war crimes and crimes against humanity as part of the globalist communist Agenda 21 and 30, a New World Order, consisting of a one world communist government and pre-meditated and well-constructed global depopulation agenda by claiming medical power of attorney for the civilian inhabitant populace. The Judgment and Order can be found here for download!  LINK

The War Crimes Tribunal Court Jacket can be found here: LINK

The War Crimes Tribunal for The United States of America Publications on the National Great Registry are found here: LINK

Published by the War Crimes Tribunal for The United States of America