PUBLISHED IN THE Continental Free Press ON 03-26-2021
This publication is the Notice of Default on the challenge of existence of First American Republic in The United States of America or The American First Republic in The United States of America. The four could not keep chain of title within their own documents.
These four inhabitants could not prove the existence of their so-called national government in The United States of America in accordance with the Law of nations and the Montevideo convention on defining State hood nor has it proven any agreements with any of the States of the Union of The United States of America and in no connection thereof. Nor could it answer any questions listed below. The only response was to attempt to charge the challenger with “Bearing False witness” and quote some off the wall scriptures.
The response is the equivalent of two baseball teams coming together for a game and one team tries to win the game charging that the opposing team lied when they claimed they were the better than the other team. The response to the challenge was completely totalitarian in nature. Wait until all read the indictment, it gets worse.
All challenges must be answered otherwise a default occurs. Normally the Government of The United States of America would rely on the international default, however these four have committed some crimes that cannot be over looked. Failure to show up to the trial makes our job easier.
Therefore, the following documents and process is hereby served upon:
1: Steven Preston Barker,
2: Sean Will Gary Beller,
3: Neal Harrison Cornett,
4: Elizabeth Ann Cornett/Whitson
are in fact in Default of the challenge, and must answer to the following charges:
“It has been determined from the evidence presented that there is probable cause to charge listed Respondent(s) with the crimes of Theft, Rebellion or Insurrection, Trespass, Seditious Conspiracy, Advocating Overthrow of Government, Forced Association, Theft of Time and Energy, Domestic Warfare, Trafficking in Persons and Treason”. Indictment: LINK
and a Certified copy of the arrest warrant: LINK
and a Certified copy of the Seizure List: LINK
Published by the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America.
The Government of The United States of America hereby objects to the existence of The American First Republic organization within The United States of America!
The American First Republic organization is a very weak attempt to establish some kind of organization that mimics the Government of The United States of America thereby attempting to claim first in time and first in right that is implied in the name “The American First Republic”.
The American First Republic does not have the following:
1: It does not have any metes and bounds and seaward boundaries because it cannot overlay what is in existence.
2: Its Post office does not have any jurisdiction within The United States of America.
3: Its members persons are offshore within the New World Order and therefore have no territory and never will have any territory wherein a legal impossibility is attempting to be created on behalf of the New World Order.
4: Its creation is based on a false premise and the ego of hurt feelings and a issue that cannot be settled because its existence is based on a lie.
5: The American First Republic organization is attempting to claim a new chain of title with no agreements with the 50 States of the Union within The United States of America and therefore trespassing which can cause a tax imposed against the trespassers.
None of the inhabitants ever tried to start a county assembly within their States and could not because no one will work with any of them.
If none of them could start their own county assembly, how do they believe they could start a country within a country?
Either way, the official objection has been published within this publication and therefore The American First Republic cannot exist within The United States of America and therefore its Declaration of Independence is notwithstanding due to the fact that the persons that are signing it are not within The United States of America and never were a part of the Government of The United States of America or The United States of America.
Further, the American National Union of The United State of America hereby objects to the existence of The American First Republic because it trespasses on all 50 States of the Union within The United States of America.
They could have easily apologized for their attack and all would have been well, instead they all chose to fight, fight, fight, and attack relentlessly which caused their own demise; thereby their individual and independent attacks destroyed their only second witness that had at one time removed their persons from the New World Order. The attacks caused all of them to destroy all existence of that removal.
Sean Will Gary Beller’s passport has been canceled when the delivery of his person was cancelled and is now on the stolen credentials list with the office of the Secretary of State for the Government of The United States of America.
Published by the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America.
Additional Questions:
It reads in their 2 page constitution the following: Article II
All People(s) and or Person(s) by and through authority of this assembly are in agreement to
preserve and defend all commandment(s), blessing(s) and wrath pertaining to natural law according to the word of our Creator.
1: What is Natural Law?
2: Who gave these four inhabitants the authority to speak for everyone simply because they all came together on a zoom call?
3: How does one preserve and defend wrath?
4: Where did the General Post Office of the Government of The United States of America agree to extend its jurisdiction and venue to another Post Office?
5: When did the current American Nationals and residents agree to extend their social compact to U.S. citizens otherwise known as inhabitants to be used against those same American Nationals and residents?
6: When was anything extended to this organization to validate it?
7: How can someone affirm an Oath of Office that does not exist or was never written or taken?
Notice: If none of these objections or questions are answered by the time of Notice of Default, The American First Republic organization does not exist within or in The United States of America.