Attention and a Peace Offer for the representative of BLM: Oprah Winfrey!



The following information and Peace offer is coming from the Government of The United States of America. Not to be confused with the U.S., the White House, etc….wherein this Government does not speak for those entities and vice versa. 

The intentions of this publication is to make a peace agreement, not for political gain. This Government has been informed that you and your team are making a list of demands which cannot be honored by anyone in the world unless you come to peace. Like it or not, that is the law and there is no room for negotiation on that point. 

The following are the articles of the offer under the title:

Bilateral Reciprocal Peace Agreement by and between the

Caucasian People and the People of Color


The Caucasian People and the People of Color agree that the great and essential principles of liberty and freedom are recognized and established within the hearts of both social origins. The essential rights and Liberty for the People are hereby accepted and acknowledged with this Bilateral Reciprocal Peace Agreement enforced within separate spheres of each community, and


The intent of this Bilateral Reciprocal Peace Agreement is to reconcile the differences by and between the two separate social origins and to recognize that a State of War exists by and between the two aforementioned social origins. If the two parties agree to enforce this Bilateral Reciprocal Peace Agreement within their social origins and enforce and protect the opposite social origin within their own communities, peace is accomplished and prosperity is achieved for both parties, and  

Miss Winfrey. Here are the statistics that evidence a State of War by and between the parties of this agreement: 



The following Articles is an offer that we believe can create a harmony that is needed for people to begin to heal: 

Article 1

 The Caucasian People and the People of Color (hereinafter “people”) agree that all people are equal; and have certain inherent and indefeasible immunities from other social origins, among which are those of enjoying and defending life and liberty; of acquiring, possessing, and protecting property and reputation; and of pursuing their own happiness; and

 Article 2

The people agree that all political power is inherent in the people, and all prosperity is achieved through trade commerce and that all trade and commerce shall be reciprocal and established for the benefit and general welfare of the people that formed said Bilateral Reciprocal Peace Agreement; and,

Article 3

The people agree that all people have a natural and unalienable right to worship in accordance to their own conscience and according to the dictates of their own conscience; and that no preference shall ever be given to any religious establishment, or mode of worship by the people; and

Article 4

The people agree that all aggression and attack shall be the upmost importance to avoid when a member of a different social origin is traveling through, trading, walking, visiting, or other activity within the opposing community. The words “bad side of town” should be avoided and both members of each social origin should be without fear to do business, or other activity within other community under this Bilateral Reciprocal Peace Agreement, and  

Article 5

The people agree that as signatories of this Bilateral Reciprocal Peace Agreement may freely speak, write, and publish sentiments on all subjects, being responsible for the abuse of that liberty; and no offense shall ever be claimed against the other to curtail, abridge, or restrain the liberty of speech or of the press; and

 Article 6

The people agree that the right of trial by jury of their peers in the same jurisdiction and venue shall forever remain inviolate regardless of separate spheres; and

Article 7

The people agree that the people shall be secure in their persons, dwellings, papers, and possessions from unreasonable searches; and that no warrant to search any place, or to seize any thing, shall issue without inscribing the place to be searched, and the person and thing to be seized, as nearly as may be, nor without probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation filed in the proper venue by the accuser; and

Article 8

The people agree that no person, regardless of status shall be taken, imprisoned, or de-seized of freehold, liberties, outlawed, exiled, or in any manner destroyed or deprived of life, liberty, or property, and

Article 9

The people agree that Government shall be open for an injury done to persons, to property, goods, or reputation, and shall have remedy by due process of law; and right and justice administered without sale, denial, or delay; and

Article 10

The people agree that in all criminal prosecutions, the accused hath a right to be heard with or without friend in counsel, or both; to demand the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in favor of the accused; a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of peers in accordance with Article 6, where the crime was committed; and shall not be compelled to give evidence against themselves; and

Article 11

The people agree that all accused shall be bail able, where the proof is evident, or the presumption is strong; and the privilege of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless when, in case of rebellion or invasion, the public safety may require it, decided by a Neutral Council formed together by each party that is a signatory to this agreement; and

Article 12

The people agree that excessive bail shall in no case be required; nor shall excessive fines be imposed; nor shall cruel or unusual punishments be inflicted, nor the redemption of the Bond shall be required unless actual damage or injury has been proven in fact; and

Article 13

The people agree that no person shall, for the same offense, be twice put in jeopardy of dissolution or accusation; and

Article 14

The people agree that private property shall not be taken or applied to public use, unless just compensation be offered and accepted; and

Article 15

The people agree that in all indictments of agreement, the truth may be given in evidence; and if it shall appear to the Great jury that the evidence is true, and published with good motives and for justifiable ends, the truth shall be a justification; and the Great jury shall be the judges of the law and facts; and

Article 16

The people agree that no conviction shall work corruption of blood, or forfeiture of estate; and

Article 17

The people agree that retrospective laws, punishing acts committed before the existence of such laws, and by them only declared penal, or criminal, are oppressive, unjust, and incompatible with liberty; wherefore, no ex post facto law shall ever be enforced by either party, and

Article 18

The people agree that no law impairing the obligation of contracts shall ever be passed nor shall any law be made to violate this Bilateral Reciprocal Peace Agreement; and

Article 20

The people agree and have always been with the right, in a peaceable manner, to assemble together to consult for the general welfare, and make agreements in their assemblies to meet the requirements of consultation and collaboration for the general welfare of the people that are signatories of this Bilateral Reciprocal Peace Agreement; and

Article 21

The people agree that within this Bilateral Reciprocal Peace Agreement are with the unalienable right to keep and to bear arms, for common defense against enemies foreign and domestic; and

Article 22

The people agree that monopolies are contrary to this Bilateral Reciprocal Peace Agreement and are forbidden, and

Article 23

The people agree that no hereditary emoluments, privileges, or honors, shall ever be granted or conferred by the signatories of this Bilateral Reciprocal Peace Agreement; and

Article 24

The people agree that frequent recurrence to fundamental principles is absolutely necessary to preserve the blessings of of our Father in Heaven; and

Article 25

The people agree that all signatories to this Bilateral Reciprocal Peace Agreement shall enjoy the full benefits of all of the Articles written within the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and reserve the right to examine and interpret each aforementioned Article; and

Article 26

The people agree that to guard against transgressions upon the rights of the people declare that everything in this Bilateral Reciprocal Peace Agreement is accepted out of the general powers of this agreement, and shall forever remain inviolate; and that all laws contrary thereto, or to the aforementioned provisions thereof, shall be void; and

Article 27

The people agree that all police powers are inherent in the people regardless of their separate spheres and that in order to enforce the police power against each party, the police power must be granted by the people and accepted and acknowledged by the grantee of the police powers in order that the authority can be exercised when needed to uphold this Bilateral Reciprocal Peace Agreement, and

Article 28

The people agree that any law passed by any political party or enforced by private membership association or other private entity with the intent of violating this Bilateral Reciprocal Peace Agreement shall not be recognized within this Bilateral Reciprocal Peace Agreement, and


1: The people means: the Caucasian People and the People of Color.

2: Liberty means: Freedom

Ordained and Established

The people hereby ordain and establish this Bilateral Reciprocal Peace Agreement

Hereby Published and offered by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America, 






WHEREAS the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) recognizes the inherent right of everyone to life and to live in freedom and safety, the following motions were carried by the assembly for the American National Union of The United States of America; and

BE IT RESOLVED a motion was carried by the assembly for the American National Union of The United States of America that anyone who offers any form of a CHIP including but not limited to, nanochips, microchips, electronic chips that go into anyone’s body, under the category or classification for medical purposes, which is not a license to kill people or make eternal decisions about their soul, shall suffer a record of human rights violations, capital crimes against their persons, and suffer the sentence of exile for the crime of attempted genocide. 

Published by the committee for the American National Union of The United States of America





The protests for the death of George Floyd were initially meant to be a peaceful expression of compassion for an injustice that occurred regarding his death.

However, the 3 city-state empire (hereinafter “the Tripartite”) has through their U.S. colony agencies, LINK funded international terrorist organizations such as ANTIFA to carry out their New World Order communist movement using all types of nefarious warfare to make life be the way they mandate it. LINK This is truly a travesty to all of society who should have the right of self determination to choose how they want to live. LINK

The video posted herein is evidence that shows a pattern of non stop destruction to a society on behalf of foreign interests by agents of the tripartite. The nefarious acts of tripartite agent order takers is not limited to one country alone. Goals of destruction, dismantling, and annihilating societies to their core is what is trying to be accomplished.  This is evil to the core.  No matter how a society has wronged others in one way or another within a different type of system it does not give credence to anyone to change it by force, destruction, or harm to anyone. LINK

When you despise one system you help change it by exercising your God given talents, not anger or force. 

WHEREAS any private membership association that commits a nefarious act thereby breaching their obligation to uphold public safety in violation of public trust is not immune from human rights violations; and

IT IS HEREBY DECLARED that any agency of the tripartite caught in nefarious acts to harm the inhabitants in violation of public safety will have a common law lien published against their entity or association.

Published by the committee for the American National Union of The United States of America



Southern Poverty Law Center and Department of Justice of the U.S. retaliates against the Human Rights Tribunal International through Facebook!



It is common knowledge that Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) is a political communist organization that advocates for Socialism and Communism in any country that they have been allowed to be established and further are working with China to take over the United States.

Everyone also knows that SPLC is under the protection of the Department of Justice of the U.S. (DOJ) and the DOJ is pushing communism within the States of the Union of The United States of America through ANTIFA, a communist international terrorist organization operated by Hillary Clinton, Obama and others.. 

SPLC is hiding behind Facebook at the moment and took retaliation action against the Human Rights Tribunal International meaning that the settings on facebook are not allowing the admin to get to the pages. SPLC did this 2 weeks ago. 

The admin wants access to the pages to delete them, however others can comment what they want on those pages. This type of scenario allows SPLC goons to comment what they want on those pages in an effort to discredit the Human Rights Tribunal International and the fact that SPLC has been found guilty of multiple human rights violations. They won’t let the admin delete the page which causes a situation of hijacking the image of an organization; to evade a lawful judgment and the DOJ helps this communist organization get away with destroying the lives of other people because none of the organizations involved have the standing to survive any scrutiny.  

The rest of the world is in need of seeing these entities for what they are and anyone that donates to SPLC is either a complete idiot, or they are involved in a drug money laundering scheme which is why none of the entities are ever held responsible for anything that they do as far as damages and human rights violations are concerned.  SPLC destroys the lives of people with impunity at the moment which means they have some seriously powerful people behind them to keep those donations coming in to launder that drug money.

We all know how much money comes into SPLC, they never help anyone and its existence is in violation of its defined status all of the time which means its a front organization. The question is, how much drug money goes out the back door and back to those donors for helping with the laundering operation? 

Notice: Any comment on any Facebook page is a ANTIFA terrorist working for SPLC, the DOJ and others. 

Everyone knows that communism does not work, however it is very convenient to launder drug money under a communist regime. 

Published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America







The committee for the American National Union of The United States of America has been witnessing the invasion of communism over the last three weeks through the Democrat Party (DEMS) with the intent to turn all inhabitants into communists by inciting violence against the inhabitants.

WHEREAS the aforementioned actions has resulted in the destruction and theft of the inhabitants intangible property rights for the purposes of destroying the collective political will power of the inhabitants.

BE IT RESOLVED, that a motion was carried by the committee for the American National Union of The United States of America to hereby accept and acknowledge a complete apportioned part of the obligations and rights of Romans 13 of the New Testament and the New Covenant to the American National Union of The United States of America; and

The following order is hereby declared under the authority of Romans 13:

IT IS HEREBY ORDERED to remove all mask and stay at home orders for the safety, health and well being of the inhabitants within the metes and bounds and seaward boundaries of The United States of America.

Published by the committee for the American National Union of The United States of America



Democratic Party declares war on the United States!



It is obvious that the Democratic Party (DEMS) has been so upset over the rejection of it in the past 3 years, it appears that the DEMS have declared war against everyone including but not limited to the United States. 

Instead of doing the right thing and exercising its right of self determination and starting its own government, it wants to hijack the United States and all that it has and then spread its communism to the rest of the inhabitants to steal more.

This political coup is headed by non-other than Obama with the help of the same characters we have all known for the past 4 years that never seem to go away. They take advantage of tragic situations to gain more power to lie to the inhabitants over and over and over. 

Now that the inhabitants have awakened, the DEMS have declared war and the result of that war is the following: 

1: The inhabitants are no longer responsible for any debt signed and created by any of the DEMS.

2: Not one law that any of the DEMS signed in the history of the Democratic Party has any validity and are not enforceable. 

3: Any so-called act that was ever signed by any of the DEMS no longer can be defined as enforceable policies. 

4: It is as if the DEMS never existed because any act that is unlawful is not an act at all and the result of all acts by any of the DEMS have resulted in declaring war against everyone within the metes and bounds of the States of the Union of The United States of America. 

5: The DEMS have sided with the world communist revolution against anyone that is not a part of that movement. 

6: The DEMS have done these acts through out its history and the results are now self evident. 



The acts of domestic terrorism and international terrorism and the DEMS effort to bring in communism has been unprecedented in the last nine days.  It is as if the DEMS have lost their patience and cool. The DEMS made promises to very dangerous bankers and have failed to fulfill those promises. 

Even with the power of the international bankers media machine, they still cannot get the inhabitants to flip to communism. All we hear from the inhabitants is leave us alone. 

Hillary, Biden, Obama and many others in Washington, you have all failed in your missions dictated from a foreign power. If you kill Trump, you lose, if you cheat in the upcoming company elections, you lose, if you keep trying to flip the inhabitants to your side, you lose, if you promise prosperity, you lose. You are all in a no win situation and good luck because all of the DEMS have exiled their persons when the DEMS decided to declare war against all human beings. 

Published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America


Hillary Clinton backs A.N.T.I.F.A.!



Hillary Clinton is Funding Antifa Via Dark-Money PAC-LINK


We have all evidence downloaded and filed. LINK

We think that using PAC money to fund private communist terrorists groups is a big no no…….

A good way to use political donations and tax money. 

Here is the connection to Southern Poverty Law Center and the Lawyers Guild: LINK

Published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America


Authorization granted to stop the civilian violence being perpetrated against the peace within the original States of the Union of The United States of America!



The National Guard and the Commander in Chief Donald John Trump is hereby authorized to restore the peace within the original States of the Union of The United States of America. The civilian communists have taken a peaceful outcry of emotion and turned it into a communist invasion using a terrorist organization known as A.N.T.I.F.A , the Lawyers Guild and Southern Poverty Law Center disguised as civilians.

Please send the Bill for the restoration of peace operation to the office of the Treasury for the Government of The United States of America and a lien will be levied against George Soros, the Clintons and all other high level Democratic Party members including but not limited to the Rothschild family members in payment for services rendered by the U.S. Military.   

Published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America


The attempt to create consent for the invasion of the Judicial Branch of every State by the Bar Associations after the fact of the capital crime is hereby exposed.



The attempt to create violence so that the inhabitants beg for your version of peace Rothschild family is a pathetic attempt to gain the consent of a murdered victim or a rape victim.

Your Bar associations have committed the most heinous crime known as a capital crime as defined within the Law of Nations. The Rothschild family, through the Bar associations attacked each State constitution in an attempt to gain a false appearance of superiority and immunity.

The Law of Nations says it best:
chapter III
Of the Constitution of a State, and the Duties
and Rights of the Nation in this respect.
30.Of the support of the constitution and obedience
to the laws.

“The constitution and laws of a state are the basis of the public tranquillity,
the firmest support of political authority, and a security for the
liberty of the citizens. But this constitution is a vain; phantom, and
the best laws are useless, if they be not religiously observed: the nation
ought then to watch very attentively, in order to render them equally
respected by those who govern, and by the people destined to obey. To
attack the constitution of the state, and to violate its laws, is a capital
crime against society; and if those guilty of it are invested with authority,
they add to this crime a perfidious abuse of the power with which they
are intrusted. The nation ought constantly to repress them with its utmost
vigour and vigilance, as the importance of the case requires. It is
very uncommon to see the laws and constitution of a state openly and
boldly opposed: it is against silent and gradual attacks that a nation ought
to be particularly on its guard.”

The Bar Associations and its owners are hereby placed on international public notice:

Notice to cease and desist all hostilities and domestic terrorism against a civilian population with the use of paid mercenaries and covering these crimes with the word “riots”. These war crimes are hereby ordered to cease and desist immediately. No amount of cries towards any Bar Association is going to bring back peace nor dismiss capital crimes against the State nor set aside any violence towards any States of the Union constitution. The crimes have been already committed and it is too late for the capital criminals to gain popular consent.

Published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America


The committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America never authorized any form of boost contract with Facebook!



The committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America never authorized any form of a boost contract with Facebook.

The elected office holders of the Great Council of the American National Union of The United States of America never authorized any form of a contract to boost the American National Union of The United States of America Facebook page.

Whatever was done in the form of a boost on Facebook was accomplished in the form of an unauthorized charge for services and is hereby canceled and null and void nunc pro tunc. 

Published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America
