PUBLISHED BY the American Herald ON 06-09-2017
Written by Karen
Good day, to all of you faithful readers of the American Herald. I am honored to be a contributing Editor. I hope that you all will join me in making the American Herald the number one Newspaper in this great Nation.
Today we are covering the topic of “intangible property.” Webster defines intangible property as something intangible; specific: an asset (as goodwill) that is not corporeal. Not corporeal? You say, what does that mean? Well, Webster states that that means it is an asset without a material physical body. It is not not spiritual, and we all know that two nots represent a positive. So in other words, it is spiritual. Corporeal means substantial. Not immaterial. So, let us cut to the chase.
Intangible property is literally any thought, idea, or decision that is made on a personal level; on the canvas of the soul or mind. It is the seed that precedes the action that manifests into the material realm. It truly is just that simple. It is the first seed, if you will, that only becomes evident when it is acted upon. This could also include patents, trademarks, trade names, or copyrights. It is intellectual property. This is not a difficult concept when you consider what is private among parties, what is public, and what is strictly personal. In law, some of this intangible property rights are preconceived in the public realm. Where upon we’ve all agree to some intangible property rights, for example, grandparent’s rights. The problem is that statutory policies have been slanted to destroy intangible property rights, or personal choice, in favor of public policy. In other words, public policy has attempted to take a priority, and in some cases eliminate personal choice all together. Interesting of note, is that while researching various subjects, it is evident that many legal web sites do not even mention intangible property rights. If you’ll notice, they often skip over the concept.
Let us know what you think about this topic. Please feel free to leave your comments below. This article is not meant for legal advice. Any U.S. statutes are intentionally mute.
A couple keywords to keep in mind while you read:
Tangible property: Property that you can own and hold and see and touch.
Intangible property: Property you own and can’t see, hold or touch. The right to use your tangible property. Like being able to drive your car whenever you’d like.
Do you know what it’s like to be silenced? Silenced until you compromise yourself and your beliefs to fit into what people think is politically correct or the “right way”?
Being politically correct is apparently more important than life itself. Somehow our intangible property right has shifted from certain words to other words without our knowledge or consent.
I had the exclusive intangible property right to a book blog. Sometime into it I started looking for a co-blogger to help me with upkeep and posting. When I decided on a blogger I specifically told said blogger in an e-mail that I don’t read or blog about the LGBT+ genre and community and if they agreed not to write about this subject among others on my blog I would gladly share my online space to write with me.
On their first post this blogger wrote a bit in their post about their sexual orientation. When I asked for them to remove it before publishing; this blogger questioned my exclusive intangible property rights to my blog.
The subject matter was personal information about this blogger I didn’t want on my blog. This blogger kept pushing and pushing for this topic to be put on my blog.
I stood my ground and said no. That was my blog and my space and they had their own blog to write about whatever they’d like. This blogger ended up quitting and proceeded to spread rumors about me because I wouldn’t give into their attempt to shift and control my intangible property rights to my blog. This blogger baited and switched me in an effort to control the direction of my intangible property to other political beliefs and agree to bend the terms and conditions that this blogger already agreed to prior to accepting the position as co-writer.
This blogger attempted to take away exclusive intangible property to my blog by attempting to control my intangible property right to specific words which formed beliefs that were not within the parameters of my own conscience.
I had a friend who was very angry at the world.
This friend would pick a fight with anyone who said the smallest thing -intentionally or not- that didn’t match with this friends political beliefs. This friend would get angry when someone wouldn’t automatically apologize for saying the wrong thing. This friend would become angry for asking why they were mad, as if someone should already know. They’d get angry when someone asked why you had to apologize for sharing an opinion. This friend would get angry when you wouldn’t use certain terms.
A while back I exercised my exclusive right to language and unintentionally said something that went against this friends political beliefs and when they called me out on it I asked them to explain why I was “wrong”. When they explained, I realized I didn’t agree with what they were saying and I stood by what I said. This friend spent days trying to tell me I was “wrong” and that I should apologize for what I said.
This friend took away my exclusive intangible property right to language itself by telling me my opinion was wrong and that their way was the only way.
I cut these people from my life without a second thought. These kind of people are draining and manipulative and if they couldn’t respect me and my voice I wouldn’t have them in my life.
I will not be silenced. I have a voice and it will be heard.
The National assembly also approved a motion to fully recognize all intangible property rights of all State residents, American Nationals and General Post Masters within The United States of America. LINK
The National assembly also agreed to give the Grand Masters of the Masonic Lodges at least 7 days to decide if they would like to go to peace with The United States of America and the Government thereof. That time period ends next Monday. We shall see. The law reads that you must go to your adversary and attempt to make peace with them so that is the reason for the Peace agreement offer.
It was a busy month and stay tuned for the next International Public Notice for updates and news.
Notice: The American Herald is seeking reporters, editors and publishers to start writing for that newspaper at: That particular newspaper does have quite a following.
It has been reported that there is a group of people claiming to issue their own “American National Private Bonds and Negotiable Instruments-Money Orders”. The problem is that while they are claiming to have claimed a Nationality, in reality they call themselves the “WORLD CITIZENS OF THE SOLAR MONMATIA” LINK
That type of advertisement is called “Bait and Switch” where on the front end they claim to have claimed a Nationality and on the paperwork/ certificates, the heading reads “WORLD CITIZENS OF THE SOLAR MONMATIA”.
Beware of these types of claims: LINK because those types of websites can get people into some hot water.
.Published on 05-16-2017 by THE REIGN OF THE HEAVENS SOCIETY POST
International Public Notice
The Articles of Association of 1774 were never amended once the Articles of Confederation of 1781 were voted in and passed by the people of the several States. This lack of amending kept a perpetual war in place by and between the Monarchs of Europe and the States of the Union.
Therefore the Articles of Association of 1774 are hereby amended by the Private Attorney Generals Across America Association and was presented to the National assembly for final confirmation of the amendments proposed. LINK
The bottom line is the war is over if the Monarchs of Europe will accept peace and reconciliation from The United States of America and the States of the Union through this document published on the National Great Registry. LINK
This amending in no way is to be considered as a witness against those that fought in the revolutionary war of 1776. The respect and admiration for those men, women and children is without measure. If a comparison were made today, it would reflect that we are all half the men they were back then and would be honored to be able to stand among them and in their presence. However, they were not perfect and mistakes and oversights were made so as those that inherit the sins of the father, the son has a chance to correct the mistakes towards peace and reconciliation which honors those that established the foundation of our country with bravery and real freedom.
The Government of The United States of America proudly presents the amended Articles of Association of 1774 as amended May 15th, 2017.