The Commander in Chief of the United States Military has rendered his office in contempt of freedom of speech!


                                        INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC NOTICE

Due to the Commander in Chief of the United States Military order to test a F.E.M.A. National Emergency Alert System which gives full control of the communications of the country to a rogue United States Military is self evident of contempt of Freedom of Speech and other freedoms as written in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Due to the Commander in Chief of the United States Military complete loyalty to a certain religion known as Luciferianism as evidenced in the Republican Party logo with the Upside down stars: Evidence!

The Commander in Chief of the United States Military is a rogue organization that serves the religion called Luciferianism and has rendered itself an enemy of heaven with its willingness to serve darkness with undying loyalty and arbitrary and malicious verbal attacks to hide the truth.

Alex Jones and his platform, although he speaks out against Luciferianism, continues to support it by supporting the Republican Party with blind allegiance. Further, Alex Jones continues to support a foreign Militia Member of Vatican City (Kavanaugh) that will support the rogue Military to openly announce Martial Law within the States of the Union in a continuation of the Civil War of 1861 by and between the States of the Union and the United States.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Preamble)

“Whereas disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind, and the advent of a world in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear and want has been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the common people,”

The Government of The United States of America does not take sides in manufactured political debates of rogue actors that have a pattern of openly arguing over the same subject matter for decades while working together under the cover of darkness to the same ends. However, today’s display of usurped power and authority will be called out when witnessed and held as evidence in the future War Crimes trials against said rogue parties and their family name will be known as war criminals in the history records due to their violations of corruption of blood. Their legacies will reflect the truth.


Introducing the new National Government of the State of Iowa!




The signatories of the National Government of the State of Iowa have hereby formed a new National Government in accordance with the Law of Nations and is hereby introduced to all countries in and of the world and the international community by the Government of The United States of America.

“We the American Nationals and Declared Residents, formed a social compact with agreeance within mutual beliefs within the Almighty Creator. Being for the blessings hitherto enjoyed, and feeling our dependence on the Almighty Creator for a continuation of those blessings, do hereby assemble to form a National Government to secure the freedoms, rights,
liberties, and privileges within the State of Iowa, by the name of the National Government of the
State of Iowa to maintain the freedom and independence of the State of Iowa”



Globalists and those that enforce the Globalists agenda to eradicate the Nation State no longer have private property rights within The United States of America!




The National assembly for the Government of The United States of America passed a motion for non-recognition of private property rights of those forcing Globalism upon Nation States and their Governments.
Official Records!

Once an individual advocates for the destruction of Nation States and their Governments properly seated, the “Globalist” officially declares him or herself stateless by acting on that declaration. A stateless person does not have any rights because they are not under any obligations.

Therefore, all private property of a “Globalist” by their own decision is hereby Public Property to be used by the Country from which it came. The private property shall be re-distributed to the Public including but not limited to their personal belongings.

A person cannot accumulate massive wealth, advocate for the destruction from where it came, and still claim and enjoy the same rights of those that are under obligations, rights and duties towards a country. Those claims by a “Globalist” is not how any of this works on the planet which is why they dream of something that is impossible to achieve. No one on earth can claim rights and obligations while at the same time destroy from where those rights and obligations are derived.


The Government of The United States of America assumes authority over the Post Offices and post Roads!





The Government of The United States of America has been faxing out the following document to various entities around the country in an effort to spread the good news about assuming authority over the Post Offices and post roads. -LINK- The service that is being used is PAM Fax. The Government of The United States of America (hereinafter “Government”) has been using PAM Fax for about 5 years.



Guess what folks, the globalist crowd makes a call to PAM FAX and orders the account black listed. Plus they steal funds that were in the account. BOYCOTT PAM FAX for nefarious acts and covert operations to undermine the security of the country.



This same thing happened a couple of years ago when it came to registered email. The Government used a registered email service for sending out registered emails to certain U.S. offices, one being the U.S. Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton. The Clinton crime family had that account closed quickly because of the nefarious acts being committed with the private email server.



So when all else fails, use the newspaper, so here it is folks, everyone has been placed on notice.-LINK- At least everyone knows what the U.S. does privately and Trump obviously does not have any control over the company.



Offer a plea bargain to Hillary Clinton? Seriously? She must have some serious dirt on some people around Washington D.C. and we mean serious dirt to let her off with a pat on the head. Same game, same town, same people, same old story.



The General Post Office has some serious plans to change the course of the country where everyone who wishes to prosper, can and will have the opportunity to prosper, however the people are under siege by communications, propaganda, money and a host of other war tools being used to point a course towards slavery, genocide which translates into no future. The Government of The United States of America is perceived as a threat to those committing the crimes and they do whatever they can to make sure the Government is silenced.



However, the Government will not be silenced nor intimidated and fully intends to expose all crimes and perpetrators of all crimes to everyone.




The United States of America is declared a free State!



The people for The United States of America hereby declare The United States of America a free State for the purposes of defining itself as a free country and free of des-potism within its metes and bounds of its territory as defined within the Articles of Confederation, as amended May 5th, 2015.

The definition of a free State included the original 13 (thirteen) colonies and those States that did not include slavery within its laws. However, the 50 (fifty) American States that became independent States derived from the status of the original 13 (thirteen) States have not operated as independent States and or free States since the inception of a foreign constitution and have not freed themselves from despotism for over 240 (two hundred and forty) years. The foreign constitution has within its wording and has been implemented to operate as a permanent Military occupation of The United States of America. The foreign constitution further violates the Law of Nations due to the fact that a Military occupation does not grant legal rights to the occupier to change the status of the people as one of its citizens.

What about the States of the Union? The States of the Union are within the territory of The United States of America and will function as free States when ready and able other wise their independence will derive from The United States of America until fully apprised of the Law of Nations and able to carry on their own international relations. The Union stays in tact under the Articles of Association of 1774 as amended in the present time.

“State” simply meant country from 1760 to present time;and “free” always meant free from despotism, rather than from some other country.

Now therefore, with this declaration in mind, there are certain rights that accompany free States and shall be enforced by the Government of The United States of America through legal and lawful means for the security of the next generation.

What does this mean?

1: The definition of a state as defined in 1864 by the municipal government of the District of Columbia is hereby abolished within The United States of America and the States of the union.

2: The charter of the judges is hereby deported in accordance with the Law of Nations.

3: This declaration removes resident alien status under a foreign power from the people thereby granting first in time and first in right status to choose their own status and destiny.

4: The lieutenancy of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem are occupiers of a foreign country in direct conflict with the James Monroe Doctrine of 1823 and the Law of Nations thereby implementing an illegal trade embargo against the National Currency of the country. The illegal embargo is being implemented inside a box created on paper called a domestic jurisdiction and barring a National currency to be traded within it. This declaration holds the lieutenancy of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem liable for these damages against The United States of America.

There are many other changes that will take place as this reality is realized after being notice of its existence. We will keep everyone notified of any updates and or resolutions that occur.


Introducing a International Tort Claim against the United States and the United States of America!


Published on 01-31-2017 by THE REIGN OF THE HEAVENS SOCIETY POST

International Public Notice

The International Tort Claim will be served within the next couple of days in hard copy to the proper parties.

This International Tort Claim is not about money. There is a lot of information in the nine pages and could expand as the need arises. If there are people that would like to sign it, this newspaper can create a signature page. Please leave a comment if you would like to sign this International Tort Claim and a page will be created.

International Tort Claim Link

Update: A signature page has been created for those claimants that would like to join the International Tort Claim. LINK


The Government of The United States of America establishes Department of Scientific Investigations and Research!

American Herald-Logo-Grey

Published by the American Herald on 12-13-2016

On December 12, 2016, a motion was passed by the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America to establish the Department of Scientific Investigations and Research under the existing Department of Science and Technology within the Department of State.

The role of the department is to facilitate and support investigations regarding alternate energies, extra-terrestrials and para-normal subject matter. It will take some time for the department positions to be filled but a public repository for documents and audio-visual materials related to investigations is planned.

The National assembly expressed that it was high time that those people that are consistently rejected and persecuted over their beliefs of little green men should be put to an end. There is no reason to persecute and isolate people because others have never had the same experiences. The persecution and rejection is a violation of human rights and it is time to get the truth on record no matter what that truth may reveal. The Department will also hear and document all conspiracy theories such as 911 was an inside job and all evidence of the Globalists world government.

The Secretary of State for the Government of The United States of America is looking for qualified people to fill the aforementioned office. If interested, please email [email protected].


The sovereign citizen movement and ideology is now being enforced within the courts of Minnesota and its federal courts!!

American Herald-Logo-Grey


Published on 10-20-2016 by The American Herald

International Public Notice

The Government of The United States of America is now accusing Minnesota for violations of Human Rights and charges are expected to be file within the Human Rights Tribunal as early as today.

Allegedly, Minnesota nor any of the other 49 states can prove that their union is legal that was created after the civil war. This means that the states are notwithstanding on anything they are doing under any compact agreements that have been made. The Compact Agreements made by and between the states are not regulated in anyway by anyone.

Today’s compact agreements are riddled with human rights violations and since Minnesota likes to say in one case it does not have jurisdiction over American Nationals within the States of the Union while in other cases it keeps and places an American National under pain compliance, it appears that Minnesota is known as a bi-polar state.

The properly vetted claim of first in time first in right by the Government of The United States of America places the United States Government in the back seat along with the states and union it created.  The United States Government is looking at so many human rights violations, it will remain in debt for its crimes for many generations to come.

Mr. Derusha filed a motion to dismiss under Title 28 rule 17b. The local courts ignored the motion and a AO91 form has been filed at least four times. The local chief judge has ignored the AO 91 and so have at least 3 federal judges. This means that there are judicial corporate officers claiming and identifying themselves as sovereign citizens.

The sovereign citizen movement and its ideology is now being enforced in various courts in Minnesota and other states by court officers. They believe the court rules do not apply to them nor are they subject to upholding human rights. Many of the sovereign citizens within the courts are there for the money and create many court schemes to collect money from unknowing victims. The sovereign citizens within the courts believe they are a privileged class of people and the law does not apply to them. These sovereign citizens within the courts and various law enforcement agencies harass people for payoffs. They look for bribes for the privilege of using Title 28 rule 17b and various other courts rules and remedies.

It is best to hear it from their own mouth:

These self proclaimed sovereign citizens are extremely dangerous and pay people through its political parties to cause riots to further their political agenda which is nothing more than terrorism by definition in patterns and practices. These sovereign citizens reach all the way to the Department of Justice in some cases. Their human rights violations are being addressed and the violators will be brought to justice. 


under the heading: “Government of The United States of America v Minnesota” about 6 entries from the top.


International Public Notice to the taxpayers of the City of Los Angeles!


Published on 10-10-2016 by THE REIGN OF THE HEAVENS SOCIETY POST


To the taxpayers of the City of Los Angeles:

A Human Rights Defender was recently pulled into the City of Los Angeles Detention Center called “LAX”. 

The Human Rights Defender, “HRD” was chained up with Compton Gang Members. Those Gang members notified the HRD of what is called a T.U.N.A. fight. T.U.N.A. stands for “Turn Up Non-affiliated fight”.

Here is the quote in an affidavit:

“The affiant was chained up with inmates who were Compton gang members. They informed the affiant of what is called T.U.N.A. fight. Turn Up Non Affiliated fights where inmates in certain dorms that are not gang members are matched up and forced to fight each other, while gang members bet on the fights. If the non affiliated
choose not to fight then they are beaten by the gang members. This
activity is allowed within those facilities known as Wayside and Super Max and even encouraged to manufacture longer sentences which produces more money for these private detention centers. Rehabilitation is never mentioned within the private detention centers.”

This means that the Bill that is sent to the State of California to house these inmates from the privately owned Detention Centers are being padded by allowing these fights to proceed.

Please keep in mind that the local, state and federal office holders are all involved in these events held by the gang members meaning they do not attempt to intervene to stop them. The reason for non-intervention is because most if not all of the Judges are personally invested in the privately owned detention centers.

The U.S. representative Maxine Waters has been notified of these events and her office has been faxed the affidavit. She chose to ignore the fax and move on as if the report never existed.

Further, investors were paraded around to invest in the private prison system while the prisoners were in lock down and selling the investors on the idea that the prisoners were being treated like human beings and boasting on how much they were doing for the prisoners. The investors were being shown the model section of the detention center and not the real detention center.

This means that the people in various offices have all conspired to steal from the taxpayers.

Any commercials on Television claiming to rehabilitate the inmates is a facade.  Any advertisement claiming to attempt to keep children out of gangs is a facade.

The course of action that is recommended at this time by the taxpayers of the City of Los Angeles is to shut down the privately owned detention centers immediately throughout Los Angeles County before they completely destroy the economy of the State of California with its perpetual crimes against multiple human rights.
