PUBLISHED IN THE Continental Free Press ON 01-20-2021
All those inhabitants that supported Trump A.K.A. “Trump Supporters” are hereby classified as “Peaceful Inhabitants”!
The Government of The United States of America hereby classifies all “Trump Supporters” as “Peaceful Inhabitants” based on the following evidence: LINK
Any and all attacks against “Trump Supporters” or their political views including but not limited to:
Immigration, Border Wall, W.H.O. Walkout, Climate Change or any other political view is considered War Crimes.
Attack(s) means: either a reversal of aforesaid policies or declared criminals and being locked out of any services. Any and all proclamations or declarations of any “Trump Supporters” as being domestic terrorists are considered War Crimes. Any and all reversal of any of the aforementioned policies will not be honored and are considered “War Crimes” and will be prosecuted for War Crimes.
Any and all arbitrary claims of racism for political gain against any person is Hate Speech and will be prosecuted for said Hate Crime. Attacking anyone based on race, the color of their skin etc.. is a Hate Crime.
Any and all media that attack the free speech of anyone is considered inciting a War Crime and will be prosecuted for War Crimes.
More will be posted on this subject matter on a future date certain.
Published by the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America.