The American National Union of The United States of America assembly has convened!

Published on 07-27-2017 by the American Herald

Public Notice

The American National Union of The United States of America reformed its assembly under the Articles of Association of 1774 as amended May 15th, 2017 by the Private Attorney Generals Across American Association. LINK

The assembly convened last Tuesday, 07-25-2017 and elected a registrar, Benjamin James Machul, holding the office of the registrar for the American National Union of The United States of America within 82PXZ PQ2KS-Judicial District thirty five within Judicial District One within The United States of America. Mapped at this link: Click Here!

A website has been created for the original Union assembly here: Click Here!

Anyone that was born within one of the 50 States is welcome to join that site. By joining that aforementioned website constitutes membership within the original Union of 1774. The terms are the same as when those assembly members joined the USC Chamber of Commerce website here: Click Here!

The terms and conditions are on both sites at the bottom of each front page of each site under “Terms and Conditions” link.

The assembly members were very excited about the assembly and are looking forward to exercising their new found wealth of executive power for the purpose of resolving many commercial issues within the States of the Union.

The advertisement below gives the details on where to join the assembly meetings. The Assembly is structured to where when too many members are in one assembly, the assembly will be broken off into another assembly based on geographical location. Each assembly will be a part of the North American National Party and broken off into chapters of the political party. This particular assembly is known as Chapter 1 of the North American National Party restricted to State level elections thereby preserving the independence of each State of the States of the Union. Click Here!


In the case the readers cannot read the image, it reads Tuesday Night, 9 P.M. eastern, Phone zoom: 408-638-0968 room number: 857-232-0155. The assembly is a Public Meeting.

Congratulations assembly members!!!
