Published by the American Herald on 05-22-2021
American National Union of The United States of America
Identified as: 20210522-GC-CF
It has come to the attention of the American National Union of The United States of America, (hereinafter: “ANU”), that Anna Maria Wilhelmina Hanna Sophia Riezinger Von Reitzenstein Von Lettow-Vorbeck (hereinafter “Anna”) is using her made up position to create fictitious credentials labeled as “American State National Credentials”. LINK
It is known that there is no such thing as an “American State National”. Anna, a fabricated self-proclaimed judge charges people for a fantasy status under a corporate seal with made up State seals that have no impact on anything.
Anna is a known agent having a blood oath to the Vatican, conspiring with anyone else involved in these nefarious actions, moving person(s) into the New World Order by blood oath to Satanists. In collusion they create trusts, putting individuals and possessions into the trust, and moving the trusts under the Vatican. Unfortunately, many people have followed Anna and her posse.
Whereas they have pilfered documents to swindle people out of money,possessions, hearts, bodies, minds, and souls. Anna has been attempting to steal The United States of America and offices within for many years, from the people for herself whereas Anna claims to be some made up monarch. A queen among these fictitious individuals. Anna and associates are preventing inhabitants from claiming a Nationality. A violation of human rights. Anna is a fraud, and a liar. The ANU has condemned this person’s activity and is providing notice to the International Community of the fraud perpetuated against person(s).
Published by the Great Council for the American National Union of The United States of America