Ordinance No.1 The American National assembly of The United States of America Ratifies the Law of Nations!

Published in the American Herald on 10-09-2021


Ratification of the Law of Nations

WHEREAS, the Law of Nations, a treaty within itself to guide a Nation to perpetual freedom, independence and sovereignty and ratified by the Government of The United States of America in assembly on August 2nd, 2013, and a subject thereof, and

WHEREAS, the Law of Nations outlines reciprocity with agencies or municipal corporations; interprets powers of the assembly as liberally construed. The assembly  hereby declares the American National assembly a subject of the Law of Nations, extended as ordinance to all county assemblies within the metes and bounds and seaward boundaries of The United States of America, and

BE IT ENACTED, that the assembly of the American National assembly hereby confirms and ratifies/accepts the Law of Nations as an ordinance to remain in honor with The United States of America and all other countries in the world, and

BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, the fine associated with violations of each individual section of the Law of Nations shall be paid in the form of XLM equivalent to +75,000 CDLB, at the time it is deemed there has been a violation, and the fine is to be paid 30 days after the violator has been served the first notice if gone unrebutted, and


The foregoing American National assembly of The United States of America ORDINANCE NO. 1 Ratification of The Law of Nations was unanimously ratified on the 201stth day in the year of YHWH six thousand and twenty-three and the 6th day of October in the two thousand and twenty first year of the new covenant in Yahushua’s name. Translation: Sixth (6th ) day of October 2021 and published in a publication of record.  LINK

Published by the committee for the American National assembly of The United States of America 





