Published in the American Herald on 11-8-2021
Excerpt from the Great Jury True Bill of Indictment: LINK
The Great Jury agrees that Respondents have committed Breach of Trust- a violation of Public Law 101-12 and Public Law 101-17-2 for Respondent’s continued circulation of promissory notes with no substance or value implemented within House Joint Resolution 192 (hereinafter “HJR 192”) LINK. This policy issued a public debt obligation absent the gold and silver common standard for a nation to coin currency, and considered piracy in violation of the Constitution for the United States of America as stated herein, “To define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas, and Offenses against the Law of Nations”, thereby creating involuntary life-long debt for the civilian inhabitant populace and denying the aforementioned populace a National Currency in violation of International Law as codified within the Law of Nations Book I Chapter 8 Of Commerce § 98. Balance of trade, and attention of government in this respect as stated herein; “The conductor of a nation ought to take particular care to encourage the commerce that is advantageous to his people, and to suppress or lay restraints upon that which is to their disadvantage. 11 Gold and silver having become the common standard of the value of all the articles of commerce, the trade that brings into the state a greater quantity of these metals than it carries out, is an advantageous trade; and, on the contrary, that is a ruinous one, which causes more gold and silver to be sent abroad, than it brings home. This is what is called the balance of trade. The ability of those who have the direction of it, consists in making that balance turn in favor of the nation”, and
Published by the office of the Special Prosecutor for the War Crimes Tribunal for The United States of America