PROCLAMATION OF EXISTENCE of the North American National Party Committee!

Published in the American Herald on 2-13-2022


The office of Transportation Committee
Identified as: 20220213-GC-IO LINK

North American National Party Committee

All powers pertaining to the American National Union Transportation Committee are hereby transferred to the North American National Party Committee (hereinafter “NANPC”).

NANPC herein proclaims the existence of the Driver License for the members of the North American National Party that wish to obtain the benefit of a bond issued from the intangible property right to the use of the public highways.  This Driver License will be distributed through the NANPC, published as the issuing authority. The member of the North American National Party is a holder of the Driver License, the member has granted their intangible property to the use of the public highways and travels on the original rural routes of the General Post Office of 1775 NAC System survey within the metes and bounds and seaward boundaries of The United States of America

This Driver License is not required as everyone has the right to freedom of movement under the Public Law of The United States of America, formerly classified as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights LINK wherein it states: Public Law 101-13-1 Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the border of each State; and exercised under a National I.D. Card and Nationality issued by NANPC.

The members of the North American National Party hereby accepts and acknowledges this proclamation of existence on this 331st Day in the year of Yahweh 6023, translated the 13th Day of February in the two thousand and twenty-second year of the new covenant in Yahushua’s name.

Published by the Great Council for the American National Union of The United States of America