Published on 03-24-2022 by the American Herald
Published on 03-25-2022 by the American Herald
Published on 03-26-2022 by the American Herald
I, Christopher Michael Doherty an affirmed American National for The United States of America hereby object to the International and Public Declaration of Possession By Right LINK published by James Clinton Belcher (hereinafter: “James”) and Anna Von Reitz AKA Anna Maria Riezinger (hereinafter: “Anna”).
Anna and James have no right to make a claim to anything anywhere except their own private property and to cease and desist trying to claim everything in the world, it is not theirs to claim and they have no power of attorney to speak for anyone.
Further, no one needs Anna and James to speak about their status, citizen status or anything else because no one is relying on Anna and James for anything, no one needs Anna or James to claim anything on their behalf and to mind their own business. The Inhabitants are perfectly capable of claiming their own Nationality.
You will not be able to achieve a default now that this notice has been objected to twice by an affirmed American National for The United States of America.
Default has never been achieved by Anna nor James on any of their claims since they started their claim process because the Government of The United States of America was first to claim what Anna and James have been attempting to claim for six years or more. First in time, first in right.
Published by Christopher Michael Doherty an affirmed American National for The United States of America