Last warning to James Clinton Belcher also known as James Clint Belcher and Anna Maria Riezinger also known as Anna Maria Wilhelmina Hanna Sophia Riezinger Von Reitzenstein Von Lettow-Vorbeck!

PUBLISHED IN THE Continental Free Press ON 11-09-2021


Last warning to James Clinton Belcher also known as James Clint Belcher and Anna Maria Riezinger also known as Anna Maria Wilhelmina Hanna Sophia Riezinger Von Reitzenstein Von Lettow-Vorbeck!

Reference: LINK

Both James Clint Belcher (hereinafter “James”)  and Anna Maria Wilhelmina Hanna Sophia Riezinger Von Reitzenstein Von Lettow-Vorbeck (hereinafter “Anna”) have now crossed the line. 

The REAL Head of State is Keith Edward Livingway that has succeeded the office of the Post Master, Postmaster, Post Master General, Postmaster General, of the United States of America, the united States of America, these thirteen united States of America and The United States of America, unofficially in November of 2009 and on April 2nd 2012. LINK 

Both Anna and James rendition of the history of the General Post Office is more of a Bar Room Joke and complete garbage rather than having any real facts. We warned everyone that Anna and James would try to make a run at the country and here they are just as predicted. 

The appointment was made by the people in social compact, an agreement that completely baffles both of you as being needed to form a country because their real goals are to traffic persons into the New World Order. The General Post Office was abandoned until April of 2010 and neither Anna nor James had a clue it even existed at that time and has never been abandoned since that time and thousands of people know that fact. The country has been intact since 2009 and settled in 2013, Anna and James are subjects of the three city state empire and serve its interest.  

Anna and James, we are assuming that Anna wears the pants in that house, have been trespassing upon The United States of America on behalf of the New World Order for at least 6 years. Both Anna and James have been lying to the inhabitants about a great many things that have been established. Now you are both trespassing along with Henry Kissinger on the country itself by trying to claim Head of State. 

The REAL Head of State, Keith Edward Livingway, with proof of claim, the one both of you have been personally attacking for the past 6 years with more lies then the media itself is warning both of you that if you publish one more document that claims that either one of you have any form of claim against The United States of America or its Head of State and the office, a warrant will be published against each of you stating that you are both wanted Dead or Alive. Everything claimed by the Head of State, Keith Edward Livingway has never been incorporated at anytime. 

We have been looking for you, but we now have the resources to pay people to track you both down and find you although many would gladly do this service for free for the Government of The United States of America. 


Both Anna and James are hereby ordered to cease and desist interfering with the International, National and Local affairs of The United States of America and the Government of The United States of America and the States of the Union. Both of you are considered traitors/criminals and both of you will be deported from this country known as The United States of America under the Deportation Act of 2021.  

Henry Kissinger is also warned with this same warning. We knew your niece and she spilled all of it all the way down to your 12 year old sacrifice a baby ceremony while you tape it to keep them under your thumb for the rest of their lives. 

Both Anna and James, all of your claims are completely ridiculous and many thousands of people have seen the evidence of your lies and deceptions. We have meetings everyday debunking your claims and teaching people the truth.  Both of you have lost your campaign of usurpation and this Head of State has been patiently waiting for Anna and James to start to attempt to take this office. 

All three, Anna, James and Henry Kissinger have all had their last warning and their Cease and Desist. 

Published by the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America

The Federal Reserve Bank Leadership of Jerome H. Powell, Michelle W. Bowman, Lael Brainard, Christopher J. Waller, Susan M. Collins, John C. Williams, Patrick T. Harker, Loretta J. Mester, Thomas I. Barkin, Raphael W. Bostic, Charles L. Evans, James B. Bullard, Neel T. Kashkari, Esther L. George, Meredith N. Black, Mary C. Daly and Family Are Hereby Charged With War Crimes!

Published in the American Herald on 11-8-2021


Excerpt from the Great Jury True Bill of Indictment: LINK

The Great Jury agrees that Respondents have committed Breach of Trust- a violation of Public Law 101-12 and Public Law 101-17-2 for Respondent’s continued circulation of promissory notes with no substance or value implemented within House Joint Resolution 192 (hereinafter “HJR 192”) LINK. This policy issued a public debt obligation absent the gold and silver common standard for a nation to coin currency, and  considered piracy in violation of the Constitution for the United States of America as stated herein, “To define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas, and Offenses against the Law of Nations”, thereby creating involuntary life-long debt for the civilian inhabitant populace and denying the aforementioned populace a National Currency in violation of International Law as codified within the Law of Nations Book I Chapter 8 Of Commerce § 98. Balance of trade, and attention of government in this respect as stated herein; “The conductor of a nation ought to take particular care to encourage the commerce that is advantageous to his people, and to suppress or lay restraints upon that which is to their disadvantage. 11 Gold and silver having become the common standard of the value of all the articles of commerce, the trade that brings into the state a greater quantity of these metals than it carries out, is an advantageous trade; and, on the contrary, that is a ruinous one, which causes more gold and silver to be sent abroad, than it brings home. This is what is called the balance of trade. The ability of those who have the direction of it, consists in making that balance turn in favor of the nation”, and

Published by the office of the Special Prosecutor for the War Crimes Tribunal for The United States of America 


Published in the American Herald on 11-8-2021


WHEREAS, it is hereby declared that the following persons Douglas L. Parker, James Frederick, Amanda Edens, Leah Ford, Ann Rosenthal and Natalicia Tracy for the Occupational Safety and Health Administration must vacate from within the metes and bounds and seaward boundaries of The United States of America for the continued association with the fugitives Joseph Robinette Biden Jr., Kamala Devi Harris and families implementing the New World Order communist depopulation agenda as inscribed upon the Georgia Guide Stones by attempting to force injections of experimental synthetic genes upon the civilian inhabitant populace LINK and LINK in violation of Article 1 of the Nuremberg Code presented as evidence of guilt within the War Crimes Tribunal for The United States of America LINK

WHEREAS, the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America has classified the aforementioned persons as enemies of the country by continued association with the fugitives Joseph Robinette Biden Jr., Kamala Devi Harris and families of, subject to deportation in accordance with the Forced Deportation Act of 2021, LINK and

NOW, THEREFORE, the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America hereby proclaims a Forced Deportation Notice into existence whereby all persons listed and pictured above have 90 days from this Notice, proclaimed this 234th Day in the year of Yahweh 6023, translated date November 8th, 2021, to vacate the metes and bounds and seaward boundaries of The United States of America or have all listed and pictured enemies of the country LINK properties Nationalized and under demolition order until complete.

Published by the office of the Special Prosecutor for the War Crimes Tribunal for The United States of America


Ordinance #2 Passed by the American National assembly of The United States of America!

Published in the American Herald on 11-07-2021


BE IT DECLARED, the American National assembly of The United States of America, hereby passes Ordinance #2, previously known and published as Emergency Ordinance ANa-7C872F60 to outlaw any authoritative orders for a digital vaccine passport, including digital vaccine certificates, paper vaccine certificates, blockchain based or otherwise not specified that has to do with tracking vaccination status of any person(s)  inhabitants, or otherwise within any county within the metes and bounds and seaward boundaries of The United States of America. LINK

Published by the committee for the American National assembly of The United States of America


Published in the American Herald on 11-5-2021


WHEREAS, it is hereby declared that the following persons for the Biden Administration and Cabinet members must vacate from within the metes and bounds and seaward boundaries of The United States of America for the continued association with the fugitives Joseph Robinette Biden Jr., Kamala Devi Harris and families, and for committing nefarious acts including but not limited to attempting to force injections of experimental synthetic genes upon the civilian inhabitant populace in violation of Article 1 of the Nuremberg Code presented as evidence of guilt within the War Crimes Tribunal for The United States of America LINK, and

WHEREAS, the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America has classified the persons listed hereafter as enemies of the country by continued association with the fugitives Joseph Robinette Biden Jr., Kamala Devi Harris and families, subject to deportation in accordance with the Forced Deportation Act of 2021, LINK and

NOW, THEREFORE, the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America hereby proclaims a Forced Deportation Notice into existence whereby all persons listed and pictured herein LINK, have 90 days from this Notice, proclaimed this 231st Day in the year of Yahweh 6023, translated date November 5th, 2021, to vacate the metes and bounds and seaward boundaries of The United States of America or have all listed and pictured enemies of the country properties Nationalized and under demolition order until complete.

Published by the office of the Special Prosecutor for the War Crimes Tribunal for The United States of America



Published in the American Herald on 11-5-2021


WHEREAS, the War Crimes Tribunal for The United States of America has rendered a Judgment and Order against Paul A. Offit finding him guilty of aiding and abetting in a common plan to perpetrate war crimes and crimes against humanity as part of the globalist communist Agenda 21 and 30, the New World Order agenda, consisting of a one world communist government and premeditated and well-constructed global depopulation agenda by claiming medical power of attorney for the civilian inhabitant populace, in Case # WCT-202100828-000007, and

WHEREAS, Paul A. Offit and family (hereinafter called “fugitives”) are now fugitives from Justice within the metes and bounds and seaward boundaries of The United States of America, and anyone found harboring or offering aid and comfort to the fugitive will be subject to the FORCED DEPORTATION ACT OF 2021 LINK now in effect against the fugitives, and

NOW, THEREFORE, the Continental Army Judges for the War Crimes Tribunal for The United States of America hereby proclaims a Notice of Exile into existence whereby the fugitive listed in the Judgment and Order below have 90 days from this Notice, proclaimed this 231st Day in the year of Yahweh 6023, translated date November 5th, 2021, to vacate the metes and bounds and seaward boundaries of The United States of America or have the fugitives’ personal private property Nationalized and under demolition order until complete and be subject to execution by firing squad as written in the Judgment and Order found herein: LINK

Published by the War Crimes Tribunal for The United States of America


Published in the American Herald on 11-5-2021


WHEREAS, the War Crimes Tribunal for The United States of America has rendered a Judgment and Order against Jennifer Rene Psaki finding her guilty of advocating genocide and is actively following a common plan to perpetrate war crimes and crimes against humanity as part of the globalist communist Agenda 21 and 30, a New World Order agenda consisting of a one world communist government and pre-meditated and well-constructed global
depopulation agenda by claiming medical power of attorney for the civilian inhabitant populace in Case # WCT-202100904-000009
, and

WHEREAS, Jennifer Rene Psaki and family (hereinafter called “fugitives”) are now fugitives from Justice within the metes and bounds and seaward boundaries of The United States of America, and anyone found harboring or offering aid and comfort to the fugitive will be subject to the FORCED DEPORTATION ACT OF 2021 LINK now in effect against the fugitives, and

NOW, THEREFORE, the Continental Army Judges for the War Crimes Tribunal for The United States of America hereby proclaims a Notice of Exile into existence whereby the fugitive listed in the Judgment and Order below have 90 days from this Notice, proclaimed this 231st Day in the year of Yahweh 6023, translated date November 5th, 2021, to vacate the metes and bounds and seaward boundaries of The United States of America or have the fugitives’ personal private property Nationalized and under demolition order until complete and be subject to execution by firing squad as written in the Judgment and Order found herein: LINK

Published by the War Crimes Tribunal for The United States of America


Published in the American Herald on 11-4-2021


The Great Jury agrees that Respondent Matthew F. Cooper, justice of the New York County Supreme Court in the First Judicial District of the political subdivision of New York, has committed war crimes for Respondent’s conscientious decision to take medical power of attorney over civilian inhabitants by mandating the injection of experimental synthetic genes (hereinafter “biological weapons”) upon said inhabitants, therefore violating Article 1 of the Nuremberg Code, and LINK.

Respondent has committed a Capital Crime for attempting to administer justice in violation of International Law as codified within the Law of Nations absent a written and published social compact agreement, and in violation of Article 1 of the Montevideo Convention LINK wherein the United States Federal corporation with its political subdivisions thereof have been operating fraudulently as a nation called the United States of America.

Published by the office of the Special Prosecutor for the War Crimes Tribunal for The United States of America.

Paul A. Offit is Found Guilty of Commiting War Crimes!

Published in the American Herald on 11-3-2021


Paul A. Offit is found guilty of violating all Thirty (30) Articles of Public Laws-101 LINK and of committing War Crimes! The Judgment and Order can be found here for download!  LINK

The War Crimes Tribunal Court Jacket can be found here: LINK

The War Crimes Tribunal for The United States of America Publications on the National Great Registry are found here: LINK

Published by the War Crimes Tribunal for The United States of America

Jennifer Rene Psaki is Found Guilty of Committing War Crimes!

Published in the American Herald on 11-3-2021


Jennifer Rene Psaki is found guilty of violating all Thirty (30) Articles of Public Laws-101 LINK and of committing War Crimes! The Judgment and Order can be found here for download!  LINK

The War Crimes Tribunal Court Jacket can be found here: LINK

The War Crimes Tribunal for The United States of America Publications on the National Great Registry are found here: LINK

Published by the War Crimes Tribunal for The United States of America