There are a lot of people really sensitive if you point out the obvious about Trump!

PUBLISHED IN THE Continental Free Press ON 06-08-2021


It is a very dangerous thing to happen when people place a man on a “can do no wrong pedestal”. If anyone speaks the truth about one comment Donald J. Trump says, the truth is attacked with fire to burn it up and get rid of the truth quickly. When the people are allegiant to a man and not a country, you have a Stalin and or a Hitler and that condition is where the U.S. is going if not already in place. 

A very dangerous comment made by Donald J. Trump (hereinafter: “Trump”) a few days ago. 


Trump wants the private bankers and the privately owned federal reserve to have no competition whatsoever in violation of HJR 192 wherein it states: 

“73d CONGRESS . SESS . I. CHS. 48, 49 . JUNE 5, 6, 1933 . Approved, June 5, 1933, 4:40 p.m. 31 U.S.C.A. 462, 463 House Joint Resolution 192, 73d Congress, Sess. I, Ch. 48, June 5, 1933 (Public Law No. 10 )

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That

(a) every provision contained in or made with respect to any obligation which purports to give the obligee a right to require payment in gold or a particular kind of coin or currency, or in an amount in money of the United States measured thereby, is declared to be against public policy ; and no such provision shall be contained in or made with respect to any obligation hereafter incurred.”

Right away Trump has violated Public Policy, enforced debt slavery, committed 320 million counts of  blocking a Nationality, violated the constitution of the United States, sided with the communists to keep the Senate, Congress and the House of Representatives of the United States from convening and therefore is keeping the second union from being restored, taxing the Citizens of the United States without representation and a host of many civil and human rights violations. That is just one comment made by Trump. 

We can keep going but what is the point? Trump said it and we did not. Trump sided with the Masonic lodge against the people and no one will believe it even if you showed them right now.  Trump was the one that signed the order for the vaccines that are right now violating the Nuremburg Code which are war crimes. Trump gets a pass by his devout worshipers. 

However, people will spit fire for simply stating the truth of Trumps statement. So the whole censorship situation in this country goes both ways, both sides are a communist death trap and will eventually destroy each other when in fact that are comrades in the same boat.  

When people worship a man, the mans cause is diminished and their efforts fail. The worship itself gets in the way of the message. Trump is not a savior, that seat is already taken. Trump will be destroyed by his own devout non-questioning followers and they cannot see it.  

Published by the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America.

Anna Maria Wilhelmina Hanna Sophia Riezinger Von Reitzenstein Von Lettow-Vorbeck, the fraud and the liar flip flops again!! She now claims to be a Supreme Court Justice which has already been proven to be a lie.

PUBLISHED IN THE Continental Free Press ON 06-04-2021


The liar and fraud fake Judge statements in red lettering, the responses in blue lettering. LINK

We have told this liar and fraud about 20 times that The Reign of the Heavens Society was dissolutioned in 2016 and it was not because of the fake Judge or Justice Anna Maria Wilhelmina Hanna Sophia Riezinger Von Reitzenstein Von Lettow-Vorbeck (hereinafter: “Anna”). The Reign of the Heavens Society was never debunked. 

We can tell when we are getting to Anna because she becomes vicious with her attacks and the lies get worse. 

A couple of examples of the liars lies: 

“Mr. Doherty has seen fit to issue another “hit piece” trying to attack my credibility
and the standing of our State Assemblies, but what has actually happened is that
the snake oil that he and the Reign of the Heavens Society have been selling
came to an abrupt end once the Territorial and Municipal Authorities figured out
that those completely confused Bounders were infringing on our Good Name, The
United States of America —- similar to what the Scottish Interloper successfully
pulled off in the 1860’s, and no doubt aiming at the same end— to foist
themselves off as our lawful Federation of States and gain access to our credit by

1: It was the Territorial and Municipal Authorities that asked us to revamp The United States of America, since we already had the metes and bounds and seaward boundaries, into a country that would work for everyone and we did. It was the white hats that asked us to do this for the country The United States of America. Anna is lying when she says she has a claim to The United States of America. The Government of The United States of America has first in time and first in right international status. Anna had nothing to do with the process and made up everything she can make up to steal the country for her master the communist devil worshipping Pope.  Not one Territorial and Municipal Authority has objected to anything that has been done and the Government of The United States of America delivers persons offshore into the States of the Union everyday. It was never shut down although Anna really wishes it was so she can deliver the country to the New World Order. 

2: No one wants anyone’s credit. That is like saying that you are trying to steal someone’s debt. The monetary system of The United States of America has no debt nor does it deal in credit which is why the the New World Order has the devil worshiping liar and fraud fake judge attacking  the country The United States of America all of the time. They want those federated States to be subservient to the New World Order and to never be independent as a federal republic again. Anna’s job is to get everyone to sign up to the New World Order with a red thumbprint, a blood oath to the devils New World Order. 

Anna admits she works for the Pope in her current rant: 

“if they wish to know about the work I did for the Pope for seven years and a whole lot more.” in her disclosure book 101. This means Anna helped a foreign country over and above what she claims is her own country and against the best interest of her country that she claims is hers. That is called treason.  

Here we go again, the liar and fraud lying again:

“I include with that the equally false twist of their propaganda saying that I am not a judge; technically, they are right. I am a Justice — like a Supreme Court Justice, which is quite a bit higher than a “judge” though the word “judge” is more common and has come to mean any juridical person or office.”

Now Anna claims to be a Supreme Court Justice, Anna forgets this claim was already proven to be a false claim and a complete lie. Anna has cornered herself  into multiple counts of consumer fraud.

Another lie by Anna: 

“So when you see the name “Christopher Doherty” attached to anything, know that he is not some disinterested journalist. He is one of the erstwhile perpetrators of the Reign of the Heavens Society scheme; a True Believer, and no doubt, one of the elite chosen few who signed up prior to December 21, 2011, and thus purportedly obtained their slot in Heaven by paying a healthy sum and donating
their trust funds to the Reign of the Heavens Society.”

Christopher Doherty claimed a Nationality 3 or 4 years ago. Chris was not around on in 2011. No one paid a hefty sum for their part of Heaven nor would that offer ever be proposed. The Reign of the Heavens Society was not in existence in 2011, and it never was a part of the Catholic Church nor the Roman Catholic Church as if there were a difference,  so therefore it would have never tried to pull off such a fraudulent scheme.  Those schemes are reserved to the Catholic Church. 

Anna wants everyone to run from the Government of The United States of America because we tell the truth and prove the claims against Anna. We expose her lies and fraud to the whole world. Internationally everyone knows the truth because we were the first on the scene internationally. We have contacted other countries, the UPU and many other entities way before Anna tried to steal the country for herself and started this seven year hate and lies campaign against the country on behalf of the New World Order. 

Not to worry, Anna will never succeed in her quest for being a hero for the New World Order. Anna will never succeed with her privately owned Assemblies ordered by her rapist husband. The people are on to her lies and deceit and we hear it almost everyday. Large groups on telegram are warned about Anna and to steer away from her everyday. Those warnings are not coming the Government of The United States of America. The warnings are coming from the people. They saw through her lies on their own and end up with the real country. Many others will do the same. You can’t lie your way through life Anna wherein it does come back on you at one time or another. One more thing, Anna, you do not have a reputation or a good name with The United States of America because you have never been naturalized into The United States of America nor do you speak for it. 

Published by the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America.

War Crimes prosecutions extended to private companies!

PUBLISHED IN THE Continental Free Press ON 05-27-2021


The National assembly for the Government of The United States of America has extended War Crimes prosecutions to include but not limited to private companies that require an experimental or any form or vaccine in order to be able to work. 

All actions that are taken by any private company to force any form of vaccine on anyone under any conditions is in clear violation of the Nuremburg code and will be prosecuted as War Crimes.

A separation of the vaccinated or unvaccinated is also a form of force that is in violation of the Nuremburg Code.  

Published by the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America.

Anna Maria Wilhelmina Hanna Sophia Riezinger Von Reitzenstein Von Lettow-Vorbeck, the fraud and the liar is now trying to adopt everyone!

PUBLISHED IN THE Continental Free Press ON 05-26-2021


Anna Maria Wilhelmina Hanna Sophia Riezinger Von Reitzenstein Von Lettow-Vorbeck, (hereinafter: “Anna”) the fake Judge, the fraud and the liar is now trying to adopt everyone!  LINK

Anna, the fake Judge is going back to the debunked “Authenticated Birth Certificate” process to attempt to adopt everyone who follows. 

Anna now has new secret knowledge and has created a new way right back into the New World Order. 

“In a sense, I adopted all the other Americans who will come after me, and made them heirs pursuant to Equal Protection provisions which we also secured for everyone who claims their political status as an American. ” 

Fraud and Liar alert: Political Status does not mean a Nationality but this liar and fraud, fake Judge never looked up the definition:
Political Status: 

“In international law three categories of Political status are usually recognized:

  1. Independent countries e.g.: FranceCanada

  2. Internal independent countries which are under the protection of another country in matters of defense and foreign affairs, e.g.: Netherlands Antilles, the Faroe IslandsBritish Virgin Islands etc.

  3. Colonies and other dependent political units e.g. Puerto Rico.

There are, furthermore, several unrecognized countries and independence, secessionist, autonomy and nationalist movements throughout the world.”

As all can see, the words “Political Status” have nothing to do with a Nationality. You have to posses a Nationality before a country can even have a Political Status.

All of you that used Anna’s paperwork  and you believe you changed your “Political Status” are not American Nationals. You still do not have a Nationality because Anna, the fake Judge, liar and fraud has lied to you and defrauded you all, once again. You all probably still think that the real Government is a offshore corporation from Scotland. The only ones that benefit from Anna”s lies and fraud is the Illuminati New World Order. 

Anna, no one needs a grandma to help them. We are all doing just fine without you, go away you New World Order skunk. 

Published by the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America.

Executive order issued by the American National Union of The United States of America as it pertains to the Keystone XL oil pipeline construction!

PUBLISHED IN THE Continental Free Press ON 02-03-2021


Executive order issued by the American National Union of The United States of America through the office of the Secretary of State for the Government of The United States of America. 

The Government of The United States of America and the States of the Union have first in time and first in right as it pertains to land when it comes to the 1789 United States. The 1785 Land Ordinance was never ceded to the constitution of the United States. 

Therefore, “That all pipeline operations are hereby ordered to commence, to construct, connect, operate, and maintain pipeline facilities at the international border as they were before January 20th 2021, as the individual contractor sees fit. Any and all orders to the contrary are hereby classified as canceled foreign instruments thereby issued by an unauthorized and foreign totalitarian dictatorship.”

The 80 thousand jobs are hereby restored through the Executive order–ANU-2C7A33FC and no permit needed from the U.S. company. LINK

If any federal reserve agent, judge, court etc.. interferes with the pipeline, they had better have their Article 6 oath otherwise they are going to have to go to Peru to get insurance. 

Published by the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America.





Published on 12-31-2015 by THE REIGN OF THE HEAVENS SOCIETY POST


From: the office of the Governor for the Government of The United States of America


TO: Organization of American States
17th Street and Constitution Ave., NW
Washington, D.C., 20006-4499
United States of America
Main Telephone: 1 (202) 370 5000
Fax: 1 (202) 458 3967

TO: Oregon State Bar
16037 SW Upper Boones Ferry Rd.
Tigard, OR
Phone: (503) 620-0222
Facsimile: (503) 684-1366

TO: American BAR Association
Washington DC Office
1050 Connecticut Ave. N.W.
Suite 400
Washington, D.C. 20036


It has been brought to the attention of the office of the Governor for the Government of The United States of America that there are certain Treaty and Human Rights Violations occurring within the Districts of the State of Oregon.

It has also come to the attention of the office of the Governor for the Government of The United States of America that these vast Human Rights and Treaty violations will cause a reversion of the chain of title of the jurisdiction in question back to the Land Act of 1785 of which exclusively
belongs to this Government. The original 13 states did not cede the disposal of property to any federal government and said lack of ceding authority does reflect within its current constitution.

Any and all claims of succession of said act came from 9 Baron Families that were and still are technically fugitives from justice wanted in Europe. These same 9 Baron families and their successors and assigns posed as 9 states when 13 states were needed to cede any authority and therefore have been privately and publicly trespassing through an instrument known as the Bureau
of Land Management (BLM) which claims to have been ceded authority from the Land Act of 1785.

It is apparent that the ranchers in two separate states that have been claiming that BLM is trespassing or claiming management rights that do not exist have been slandered in such a way through the media for the purpose of isolating those ranchers from receiving any assistance from the courts to uphold their legal rights in violation of Article II, Article IV, Article V, Article VI,

Unfortunately, the American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man is directly connected to the Bar Treaty whereby the ultimate responsibility of all of the obligations, responsibilities and liabilities of aforesaid violations fall upon the American Bar Association and the Oregon State Bar
which is required to be reviewed by the Organization of American States.
Failure to act on behalf of the Bar Treaty and the American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man as it pertains to witnessing human rights violations and failure to stop and correct relieves the officers on duty of holding said positions that have benefited from said treaty and declaration.

The aforementioned violations are blatant against a small rancher family and an effort by the trustees of the 9 baron families to claim even a larger monopoly then already achieved.

This Government is not interested in the arguments of the case and does not take sides. However, this Government does claim to uphold Human Rights and does possess the first Human Rights Tribunal ever formed on American Soil under Article 8 of the UDHR. Something that the trustees of the baron families failed to accomplish over a period of 50 years. This Government also has Treaty jurisdiction since it has the ability to treat with other countries

According to the agreements that created the Pan American union which ultimately resides with the Organization of American States, it is incumbent upon all parties to act as sovereign entities and self govern accordingly.
Therefore it is recommended by this office that these basic human rights violations against the Hammond family in the State of Oregon are investigated in a timely manner by the Organization of American States, the American Bar Association and the Oregon State Bar.

Kind Regards,

The office of the Governor for the Government of The United States of America

John Harold Fulks


Consumer Fraud Alert

Published by the American Herald on 05-22-2021

American National Union of The United States of America

Identified as: 20210522-GC-CF

It has come to the attention of the American National Union of The United States of America, (hereinafter: “ANU”), that Anna Maria Wilhelmina Hanna Sophia Riezinger Von Reitzenstein Von Lettow-Vorbeck (hereinafter “Anna”) is using her made up position to create fictitious credentials labeled as “American State National Credentials”. LINK

It is known that there is no such thing as an “American State National”. Anna, a fabricated self-proclaimed judge charges people for a fantasy status under a corporate seal with made up State seals that have no impact on anything.
Anna is a known agent having a blood oath to the Vatican, conspiring with anyone else involved in these nefarious actions, moving person(s) into the New World Order by blood oath to Satanists. In collusion they create trusts, putting individuals and possessions into the trust, and moving the trusts under the Vatican. Unfortunately, many people have followed Anna and her posse.

Whereas they have pilfered documents to swindle people out of money,possessions, hearts, bodies, minds, and souls. Anna has been attempting to steal The United States of America and offices within for many years, from the people for herself whereas Anna claims to be some made up monarch. A queen among these fictitious individuals. Anna and associates are preventing inhabitants from claiming a Nationality. A violation of human rights. Anna is a fraud, and a liar. The ANU has condemned this person’s activity and is providing notice to the International Community of the fraud perpetuated against person(s). 


Published by the Great Council for the American National Union of The United States of America 

Anna Maria Wilhelmina Hanna Sophia Riezinger Von Reitzenstein Von Lettow-Vorbeck, the fraud and the liar is now trying to steal the Post Office for herself!

PUBLISHED IN THE Continental Free Press ON 05-19-2021


Anna Maria Wilhelmina Hanna Sophia Riezinger Von Reitzenstein Von Lettow-Vorbeck- liar and fraud: LINK

The truth is the General Post Office of 1775 was re-claimed back in March of 2010 by a flesh and blood man named: Keith Edward Livingway. Keith Edward Livingway never bought it at any auction. The original General Post Office has been serving the Public since that time. Anna Maria Wilhelmina Hanna Sophia Riezinger Von Reitzenstein Von Lettow-Vorbeck covets the original General Post Office so she has to try to persecute, bash with lies and then move in for the kill for her master the Pope and she does work for the New World Order. The following will be the first of many writings from Anna Maria Wilhelmina Hanna Sophia Riezinger Von Reitzenstein Von Lettow-Vorbeck, (hereinafter:”Anna”)either way she will never get the original General Post office of 1775. One thing is correct, our General Post Office is headquartered in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and no one can change that fact.

First Anna claims that “The United States of America” is a (unincorporated) lawful government and below Anna claims that The United States of America is a holding company for the States. Neither of which Anna even knew about if it was not for THE T-ROH SHOW. The following written garbage by Anna does not refute anything because there are no facts behind what Anna is claiming, all heresay. 

All claims made by Keith Edward Livingway, the Government of The United States of America, THE T-ROH SHOW, and any other organization or State Government within The United States of America  have already been settled wherein all had 6 months to protest or object all claims and that time limit expired by 2012.

The Government of The United States of America has been exposing Anna’s fraud and lying for years to protect those people that would fall into her NWO traps and it is finally working. Like everything else Anna claims, Anna is a fraud and a liar and has further promised many people things she cannot deliver. There cannot exist any Refutation of anything because the international time limit has expired many years ago and Anna has been tried and convicted as a liar and a fraud, making false claims as a Postal District Court Judge and a Supreme Court Judge of the State of Alaska, neither of which is true. Anna is a fake, a fraud and a liar. 

Enjoy this next line of lies and fraud Anna tries to claim: 

Another Refutation of TROH — Again

 By Anna Von Reitz

Anna the liar and fraud in redthe truth in blue lettering

The good news is that Anna, the liar and fraud is being exposed all around the country and many large groups on telegram are awake to her lies and warn others of her scams. Eventually we will not have to rebut her lies. We have also been getting through to a lot of her followers. 

I have had to comment, repeatedly, about “the Reign of the Heavens Society” and the complete bunk it keeps publishing, but this time they went over the top. The Reign of the Heavens Society has never been debunked by this fake, liar and fraud claiming to be a judge or a Postal District Court Judge debunked here: LINK 
The following paragraphs are lies, no one ever claimed anything like this at all: 
Now, they are telling people that all “Yeshuaians” — followers of Jesus, who adopt a “33 + 3” calendar, are “sealed” by a “Blood Moon” and have to bow knee to their version of “The United States of America”.
They are also claiming that this allowed them to ignore the US Postmaster General.
They also claim that The United States of America is a sovereign government.
No sane person could make this stuff up without the assistance of hallucinatory drugs.
Let’s take these claims in reverse order:
The United States of America is not a sovereign government. It’s an unincorporated Holding Company. It’s a business with a “doing business as” Proper Name. This particular business structure was formed by the actual sovereign States of the Union in 1776, so that they would have an agent to act for them “mutually” –that is, as a group– in international and global affairs.
As a Holding Company, The United States of America “holds” various “powers” that belong to the separate and sovereign States. It exercises those powers for the benefit of the States as a group. The United States of America is the first entity ever in receipt of “delegated powers” donated by the States, and it is the Primary Delegator of those powers from 1776 onward.
That is what The United States of America actually is and always was.
The next set of words is just bashing and persecution: 
Whatever else TROH thinks it is, only God knows, but the same principle I observed recently with regard to the political Left appears to be at work here, too: these people don’t actually know what “The United States of America” is or what it was organized to do, so they just make stuff up and redefine it at will.
Judging from their track record and the wild claims they have already made for it, their version of The United States of America is somewhere between the Big Rock Candy Mountain and the Province of Shangri La.
Once again, if the Great I AM Anna says something, she assumes it is true and writes as if it is gospel:
The following is not true and never happened, basically garbage journalism: 
As for ignoring the US Postmaster General, I am sure that the US Postmaster General is relieved that he can ignore them and their claims, too.
The officers of the USA are not subject to the officers of the US and vice-versa.
The actual Post Master (land jurisdiction) and Postmaster (sea jurisdiction) of The United States of America can “ignore” the Postmaster General of the United States (air jurisdiction) because they work in different jurisdictions and for different employers. Go figure.
Anna will never be a part of any actual government of this country. Anna writes the next paragraph because she is getting ready to steal something. Anna is trying to get us to say that TROH never claimed the Post Office so she can swoop in and grab it when the whole statement is a complete lie.  The next paragraph is a setup statement so she can steal. 
More importantly, TROH has no standing or valid claim to have any Post Office function related to the actual government of this country. Our Post Office and seat of government is founded in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; it existed well-before The War of Independence, and it is still there.
Once again, TROH doesn’t understand the difference between USA and US and the various jurisdictions and offices and services involved, so, they apparently just made something up. This is crap to make a dumbass like Anna look smart. 
No one ever claimed the following: 
Finally, this cult-like spiel about “Blood Moons” and a “33 +3” calendar cycle and that people are “sealed” to obey some bunch of knotheads misrepresenting themselves as The Government of The United States of America—- that whole diatribe is so smelly and off the wall that even an old Dumpster Diver like me takes pause.
No one ever claimed the following, it is more persecution and bashing to perpetuate a theft of the original Post Office: 
As we have discussed before, time doesn’t exist. As a result, all calendars are fictitious cataloging systems based on various natural phenomena— the precession of the constellations, the waning and waxing of the moon, or even the frequency of vibration of a hydrogen atom— and it is all arbitrary and chosen by men who are about as infallible as weather reports.
There is nothing, absolutely nothing, sacred about any calendar, unless you want to talk about the “calendar” of festivals.
This same group, TROH, got all excited about the end of the Mayan Calendar, too, and were nonplussed as to why the world didn’t end on the day they predicted, and why they were not raptured up to become the 144,000 Elect.
Maybe it’s because none of them are virgins, they don’t follow Yeshua’s example, and the Mayans were pagan blood-sacrificers?
Just prior to the Winter Solstice of 2011 TROH was all over the internet, and the basic line was—- sign on with us now, or you can never be one of the super-elite leaders of the Reign of the Heavens Society. Sign up now, Buddy, or you are going to lose your slot in Heaven and never make the grade.
Oh, and send us money — something like $1500, if I remember correctly — a substantial sum, to mark your seat and save your place in this wonderful organization of those very, very special people who are called.
They seem to have forgotten that even Yeshua didn’t have control of who is actually called, and that no money was ever involved.
The entire history of TROH is the same way. One preposterous episode after another.
It doesn’t seem to matter whether the subject is religion or government with them, they just bounce back and forth, making it up as they go.
Now, I can’t tell you why they are doing and saying all these whackjob things, but I can tell you that, yes, they are whackjob— and to run like an antelope away.
Just like I remind everyone that English, not Dog Latin, is our official language –and to leave PARSE SYNTAX behind.
Things that don’t make sense, and people who want to walk a crooked walk —leave them behind.
If you have never read the Bible for yourself, now would be a good time. See for yourself what it actually says, so that you are not led astray.
If you have never studied American History (as opposed to US History) now is the time to do that, too, so that you are not misled about your government, either.
And always, let your own Shinola Sensor be your guide.

Published by the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America.

All persons arrested for the so-called capital building attack January 6th, 2021are hereby granted international immunity from any trespass accusations or charges!

PUBLISHED IN THE Continental Free Press ON 05-19-2021


The Government of The United States of America hereby grants all persons arrested for the so-called capital building attack on January 6th, 2021 international immunity from any charges of trespass or any other charges due to the fact that it was Nancy Pelosi and the DEMS that orchestrated the riot and then proceeded to incite their own attack against the capital building out of proportion in an effort to defeat the DEMS political opponent. The incitement by the DEMS allowed for the politicians to unite against an outsider wherein destroyed all credibility of both political parties and the U.S. itself. 

The riot consisted of the DEMS terrorist groups known as A.N.T.I.F.A. and Black Lives Matter that infiltrated the peaceful protestors with the help of the capital police and began the incitement. The political prisoners being held by Washington D.C. are caught in the middle of this on-going fight by and between the Democrats and Republicans and should not be held as political prisoners. The political prisoners are to be released immediately. 

and as an answer to the ultimatum by Mr. Biden, the answer is ” The Biden family is Charged with War Crimes today or Charged with War Crimes within the next six months”. 

Published by the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America

Objection to the claim that Jesus Christ is the son of Lucifer!

PUBLISHED IN THE Continental Free Press ON 05-11-2021


The National assembly for the Government of The United States of America hereby objects and condemns the claim that Jesus Christ is the Son of Lucifer. 

Published by the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America