First Notice of collections
Notice of lien against ANNA VON REITZ, government of the people, by the people, and for the people, American States and People, Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary The United States of America [Unincorporated], Federation of sovereign States, States of America, the Republic” or “the Federal Republic”, States of the Union, State of State, The United States of North America, The United States [Unincorporated], all copyrights, trademarks, patents, treaties, the International Protest, unincorporated member States of the Union, Principals, Federal Republic, Confederate States of States, North and South that comprised its functional components under The Articles of Confederation, unincorporated Union of [E]states, Federation of States, or any variation thereof and any and all Trademarks, copyrights, patents, bonds, Real property, Living Law Firm, Continental Marshals (not real U.S. Marshals), any Scottish entity, https://theamericanstatesassembly.net/, One Pager 1779 Declaration for Americans, Baby Deed of Land Recording, New Diagram of Fraud 2019, http://www.annavonreitz.com/ and all intellectual property, http://www.paulstramer.com/, http://www.paulstramer.net/, birth certificate, Our Lady of the Lake catholic parish located in Big Lake, Alaska, Physical Address: 4275 South Oscar Anderson Road Big Lake, AK 99623, St Christopher’s Catholic Church (907) 495-4500 67 W Parks Hwy Wasilla, AK 99623, St Philip Catholic Church (907) 733-1211 Mi 115 Park Hwy Talkeetna, AK 99676, Holy Family Cathedral (907) 276-3455 811 W 6th Ave Anchorage, AK 99501, Sacred Heart Catholic Church (907) 376-5087 1201 E Bogard Rd Wasilla, AK 99654, St Andrew Catholic Church
(907) 694-2170 16300 Domain Ln Eagle River, AK 99577, Anna Maria Wilhelmina Hanna Sophia Riezinger Von Reitzenstein Von Lettow-Vorbeck Private Attorney in service to His Holiness Pope Francis Under Sea, or any other false claim or false narrative or true claim or true narrative, together with all intangible and tangible property, improvements and appurtenances to the same belonging or in anywise appertaining thereunto, the 20th day of June, 2020, for
1. Stealing Time-International Trespass-unauthorized-representation attempt-by foreign private attorney of Pope Francis
2. Power of Attorney
3. Trafficking in Persons
4. Claim Jumping
5. International Theft
6. Interference with Titles, Status, Governments, Identities
7. Practicing Nazi and Communist Doctrines
8. Blaspheming the Holy Spirit
Notice of Lien: LINK
Notice: Anyone that believes Anna Maria Wilhelmina Hanna Sophia Riezinger Von Reitzenstein Von Lettow-Vorbeck lies will suffer the same fate as above. For the otherwise intellegence challenged. In order for any claim to be valid made by Anna Maria Wilhelmina Hanna Sophia Riezinger Von Reitzenstein Von Lettow-Vorbeck Private Attorney in service to His Holiness Pope Francis Under Sea or under the pen name ANNA VON REITZ, in accordance to the blood oath taken by Anna Maria Wilhelmina Hanna Sophia Riezinger Von Reitzenstein Von Lettow-Vorbeck, Anna Maria Wilhelmina Hanna Sophia Riezinger Von Reitzenstein Von Lettow-Vorbeck has to make her claim in the name of His Holiness Pope Francis.
If Anna Maria Wilhelmina Hanna Sophia Riezinger Von Reitzenstein Von Lettow-Vorbeck makes any claim on her own, Anna Maria Wilhelmina Hanna Sophia Riezinger Von Reitzenstein Von Lettow-Vorbeck is stealing from Pope Francis because everything she does whether publicly or privately is in the name of His Holiness Pope Francis because Anna Maria Wilhelmina Hanna Sophia Riezinger Von Reitzenstein Von Lettow-Vorbeck is a subject of His Holiness Pope Francis and therefore Anna Maria Wilhelmina Hanna Sophia Riezinger Von Reitzenstein Von Lettow-Vorbeck has been attacking her soveregn, spreading false rumors about her sovereign, and making claims on her own and therefore stealing from her sovereign while claiming to be the private attorney for her sovereign.
Everything that Anna Maria Wilhelmina Hanna Sophia Riezinger Von Reitzenstein Von Lettow-Vorbeck has ever claimed against anyone within The United States of America and all of her claims is hereby rebuked in the name of Jesus Christ/Yahushua.
Anna Maria Wilhelmina Hanna Sophia Riezinger Von Reitzenstein Von Lettow-Vorbeck only claims something is a fraud so she can claim it for her own thereby trespassing and stealing what she wants but never actually proves any of her claims.
There is no such act written as the Naturalization Act of 1779 except for the State of Maryland which only applies in the State of Maryland and is not a Uniform National Act that everyone can use. Anyone that is using the One Pager 1779 Declaration for Americans is a fraud because the Act is taken out of context and is unenforceable.
Anna Maria Wilhelmina Hanna Sophia Riezinger Von Reitzenstein Von Lettow-Vorbeck is attempting to make inhabitants believe that she discovered that The United States of America was the real country when that is a lie. We wil prove in the near future that Anna Maria Wilhelmina Hanna Sophia Riezinger Von Reitzenstein Von Lettow-Vorbeck is in fact making the inhabitants that follow her subjects of the New World Order and Global Citizens and not Americans.
The aforementioned International Translation stands and is enforceable.
Hereby Published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America,