Angela Merkel says multiculturalism is a sham!

American Herald-Logo-Grey

Published on 12-15-2015 by the American Herald

Dear Readers:

It appears that Germany has come to its senses by simply using a little common sense. The Washington Post reported yesterday “Multiculturalism is a sham, says Angela Merkel”. Some other reporting outlets have picked up the story and run with it.  LINK

This world is all about learning from mistakes and fixing those mistakes. It appears that this idealistic point of view that Multiculturalism is good and will work is not realistic. When nationality is removed from a country, the country will fall.  When a certain type of republic is removed from a country, the country will fall. Those are the facts. 

The type of republic that this newspaper is reporting about is this:

republic as “a form of government in which the sovereign power is widely vested in the people either directly or through elected representatives.

The aforementioned definition has been labeled “sovereign citizen domestic terrorist” point of view by non-popular vote-elected officials elected by corporations and not by a popular vote of the people. Everyone knows this condition is in America. People have been complaining about it for years. 

This is the definition that was lost to the world and has been returned by the Government of The United States of America:

Presently, the term “republic” commonly means a system of government which derives its power from the people rather than from another basis,such as heredity or divine right. This remains the primary definition of republic in most contexts.

The message from the National assembly is this; The American Nationals do not care where you come from, there is no question of race on any forms of the Government of The United States of America, it does not matter if you are rich or poor, it does not matter if you are an orphan or if you have felons in your family.

All that matters is that you take an oath or affirmation and you uphold it and keep it. This means that if you take an oath or affirmation to The United States of America, and the Government is a republic, you are taking an oath or affirmation to yourself, to stay in honor with yourself, which in turn you stay in honor with your creator. 

The American Nationals did not take an oath or affirmation to a man or woman, they did not take an oath or affirmation to a thing or an entity, they took an oath or affirmation to bind themselves together with one cause: “The Strength of your honor is what makes a Nation”. Being true to ourselves’ is our greatest challenge.

Angela Merkel is now being true to herself. No one can do that except Angela. Not even our Father in Heaven interferes with these revelations of truth when dealing with self.

Heredity, Divine Right or birth right citizenship is a country killer. It excludes people and therefore creates multiculturalism. However, a republic without an oath or affirmation is also a country killer because the test of honor is absent. The delicate balance must be maintained.

America has been torn apart by multiculturalism. Right now it is the States against the Federal, the  Federal and the States against the people. Us against them, this group and that group. This is not the fault of the people completely, the fault mainly rests on the leadership. The leadership created the divide by not acknowledging one Nationality for all.  The leadership also took it upon themselves to remove the people from the equation thereby removing its authority.The leadership of the federal United States shuns those that are different, even its human rights divisions. To them, human rights belong to those that they deem worthy and looks good in the newspaper. They are driven by popularity rather than truth.

The country must come together under one Nationality, the American National, otherwise the light of freedom of the world will be extinguished. America must come together otherwise it will fall. The leadership in Washington D.C. has utterly failed in keeping the country together, it has divided it to a point of its own destruction. The leadership must come to their own revelation and admit when something fails. Being true to ourselves’ is our greatest challenge.

The Government of The United States of America is designed for the purpose of bringing the country together and to force those in dis-honor back to honor with themselves, in their own hearts, minds and souls. Like everything that matters in life, the construct of the Government of The United States of America goes directly to what matters.

If you are up to the challenge, contact the Secretary of State at secretaryofstate@theunitedstatesof  


Introducing the New Great Seal for the Government of The United States of America!

American Herald-Logo-Grey

Published on 12-15-2015 by the American Herald


Introducing the New Great Seal for the Government of The United States of America donated on 12-14-2015.

The details of the Great Seal have been published on the National Great Registry on this link: National Great Registry link

Great Seal as amended

In other news; The General Post Office of the Government of The United States of America has moved to solar time and entertains a conversion of UTC time, UTC-6 to be exact. Details have been published on the front page of the General Post Office website. LINK




Published on 12-11-2015 by THE REIGN OF THE HEAVENS SOCIETY POST

Dear Readers:

There have been a few articles about the Monsanto case going to the Hague and or the International Criminal Court.  LINK

The Human Rights Defenders have done some investigation into the issues and have come up with the same conclusions as every other organization.

However, whenever the Hague is involved in anything, it is a serious point of concern. The concerns are the following:

1: The case is being used to expand the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court (ICC) to include natural persons.

“The Tribunal will rely on the ‘Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights’ adopted at the UN in 2011. It will also assess potential criminal liability on the basis of the Rome Statue that created the International Criminal Court in The Hague in 2002, and it will consider whether a reform of international criminal law is warranted to include crimes against the environment or ecocide, as a prosecutable criminal offense, so that natural persons could incur criminal liability,”

2: The case is being used to create the existence of Global citizens which creates a legal precedence of the existence of a Global citizen which is a threat to National Sovereignty of countries. It also creates a one world government jurisdiction:

“The time is long overdue for a global citizens’ tribunal to put Monsanto on trial for crimes against humanity and the environment. We are in Paris this month to address the most serious threat that humans have ever faced in our 100-200,000 year evolution—global warming and climate disruption,” the president of the Organic Consumers Association, Ronnie Cummins, said at a press conference.

3: The specific date of the trial is of great significance because of the harvest moon aspect which involves a world religion and the establishment thereof:

“Monsanto will finally see its day in court for the destruction that they have done to the environment and human life. An international tribunal is scheduled to take place in The Hague, Netherlands, from October 12th to the 16th of next year.”

Harvest Moon: LINK

4: The fourth concern is that the real parties are not on trial. We know that Monsanto is registered in Delaware: LINK   PDF  and the founder of Monsanto was an Irish American and belonged to the Knights of Malta. LINK

There is no doubt that the Monsanto folks have been doing some evil things. The main concern is that the proper parties are not on trial.

Monsanto could not get as big as they are without knowing people and having connections. It appears that the trial is charging a party that is connected to the country wherein the ICC resides and therefore to have a trial in the ICC would be the same as the ICC charging itself. Any fines assessed would be simple tax evasion thereby reclassifying taxes owed paid out as a fine to make the Monsanto folks even bigger and stronger then they are now.  When you pay a fine to a country that has a vested indirect interest in the company it is  charging is not justice. It would be considered insider trading. The company fined would be doing nothing but handing profits over in the form of a fine rather then taxes. 

Therefore, since Manhattan Island has a vested interest in the Monsanto corporation through the stock market, and is registered in Delaware. Manhattan Island is subject to the Netherlands. The ICC is at the Hague in the Netherlands. Monsanto is also connected to the Vatican. Someone is suing themselves Internationally to extinguish a criminal liability to create  the protection of double jeopardy. 

The real parties pay a fine to themselves, avoid criminal liability and advertise that the world court is doing justice for the people of the world and is needed. A one world government, religion, and military is created and paid for at the same time with the establishment of a natural person jurisdiction in the name of justice.



American Herald-Logo-Grey

Published on 12-10-2015 by the American Herald


There have been many reads on the International Public Notice in regards to American Nationals and the requirement of a drivers license. LINK

The reason the decision was made about a requirement of a drivers license goes a little deeper then rights and privileges or the issue of right to travel. Those arguments have never been resolved because a drivers license has nothing to do with the issue of right to travel or that driving is a privilege. 

The issue resides with intangible property. Example: Property would be the public highways and or Public Property. Intangible property would be the right to use public property. One type of property is as just as important as the other. 

There was a case that came up with the State of Colorado about a drivers license issue. The American Herald is not picking on the State of Colorado, many states that enforce the convention on road traffic will find the same issues within the enforcement of the treaty. 

Here are a few points being made with the case and the whole document is available below: 

I. Subject Matter

The subject matter of the above case referenced is about the possession and control of certain property rights. Specifically, this case references intangible property rights.

The government of the State of Colorado has claimed that a license is suspended. This particular license deals with the intangible property rights of Paul Brouillard.

The government of the State of Colorado has claimed those certain intangible property rights of Paul Brouillard.

All people that claim a Nationality under Article 15 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights have also claimed all intangible property rights which are accepted and acknowledged by the Government of The United States of America. As the subject matter of the issue is intangible property rights that are classified as human rights, the recognition of the Government of The United States of America by the government or political party of the State of Colorado is irrelevant.

II. Recognition of Intangible Property Rights:

Recognition by the government of the State of Colorado of intangible property rights:

“The term “property”, within the meaning of the due process clause, includes the right to make full use of the property which one has the inalienable right to acquire. People v. Nothaus, 147 Colo. 210, 363 P.2d 180 (1961)”, and

“All roads and highways which are, on May 4, 1921, by law open to public traffic shall be public highways within the meaning of this part 2” [C.R.S. 43-1-202. Public highways or roads], and

“(a) All roads over private lands dedicated to the public use by deed to that effect…” [C.R.S. 43-2-201 1(a), Public Highways (2015)], and

“For the establishment of a public way by dedication, acceptance by the public is as essential as appropriation by the owner of the fee. Burlington C. R. R. v. Schweikart, 10 Colo. 178, 14 P. 329 (1887).” [C.R.S. 43-2-201 1,Annotation II, (2015)]

III. Definition widely recognized by the States of the Union and enforced by the Unions Full Faith and Credit Clause:

  “Highway,” for the purpose of this chapter only, means the entire width between the boundary lines of every way publicly maintained by the state department of transportation or any county or city when any part thereof is generally open to the use of the public for purposes of vehicular travel as a matter of right.

IV. Recognition by International Law and the Law of Nations:

This is also supported by Article 13(1) of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights which declares “Everyone has the right to freedom of movement…within the borders of each state.”


However, the government of the State of Colorado includes the word “privilege” within its codes and definitions (ex. “To guard against the potential for any erroneous deprivation of the driving privilege by providing an opportunity for a full hearing” 42-2-126(b)).

Thus, it is clear that the government of the State of Colorado recognizes the use of the public highways as a privilege. The evidence for this privilege claimed by the government of the State of Colorado is its driver’s license.

The government of the State of Colorado does claim to maintain the public highways through its Colorado Department of Transportation. This is a noble, responsible and valuable service to the public.


However, the government of the State of Colorado is restricted from taking private property without just compensation. The Constitution of the State of Colorado, Article II, Bill of Rights, Section 15 reads, “Private property shall not be taken or damaged, for public or private use, without just compensation.”

The taking of private property without just compensation by the government of the State of Colorado would demean the State of Colorado to a citizen and subject of its own government, and reduce the State of Colorado to a mere thief stealing from fellow citizens under the authority of States rights.

The government of the State of Colorado claims a privilege against Paul Broulliard, however there is no evidence in existence that just compensation was tendered to Paul Broulliard from the government of the State of Colorado. Nor is there any evidence that a transaction took place by and between the government of the State of Colorado and Paul Broulliard for the purchase of intangible property of Paul Broulliard by the government of the State of Colorado.

Therefore, lacking consideration, a license issued and a license accepted does not exist by and between the two parties listed in the above stile of the case presented. Further, without consideration there is no contract and without the existence of a contract, there is no controversy for any court to settle.

Paul Broulliard has presented before the General Post Master Council a National Identification card which is evidence of intangible property of Paul Brouillard.

There is no driver’s license required by the Government of The United States of America. (LINK:

The National Identification card is evidence of an intangible property right that has not been purchased by the Government of The United States of America nor any other government or political party.

There is no evidence that Paul Broulliard has granted human rights, particularly the human right of intangible property to any government in existence. Therefore, a private nor public trust exists.

Please keep in mind readers that even though the name of a state remains the same perpetually. The same state can have many types and forms of governments. Governments have to abide by the restrictions placed on a state when a state is created regardless of type.

Here is the case in its entirety that was heard by the General Post Master Council and its orders etc…

Brouillard Paul Judicial-Review


Political Gurus and Political Dissidents Strike Again!

American Herald-Logo-Grey

Published on 12-05-2015 by the American Herald


The Government of The United States of America just finished elections, made a few new contacts with some more international organizations and here come the political gurus and dissidents trying to steal again.

The Clerk receives a message on Skype about the existence of this group calling themselves “Union States Assembly”. The groups so-called Scribe and Historical Records keeper is a man by the name of Mark Charles Dunlevy.

The Government of The United States of America first heard about Mr. Dunlevy on 2012-09-10 at 9:59 PM, when he declared Permanent Residency within the United States, at least that is how he filled out the form. The recorded documents are still available. 

Since Mr. Dunlevy was and is still a resident, the Secretary of State, Tom Goudey called Mr. Dunlevy to ask why the group calling themselves the “Union States Assembly” was using a symbol very similar to the one used within this Government.


Source: LINK

“Notice of Non-Association with political gurus and political dissidents!

“Published on 11-22-2015 by the American Herald”

“The political gurus go to the websites of the Government of The United States of America and the General Post Office and take information to make it appear as if the Government of The United States of America is associated with them or working with them. It is a way for the political gurus to make money off of political dissidents.

Then the committee asked Mr. Dunlevy if he knew that the Articles of Confederation was already claimed and amended.

Mr. Dunlevy first said no and that he had never heard of us. Then we asked how he was claiming the Articles of Confederation, and Mr. Dunlevy proceeded to claim that the Articles of Confederation were abandoned. Then proceeded to claim that he did not like the way we were headed with the Articles of Confederation.

Quote from the Notice:

“They will grab knowledge and information for political gurus that is legitimate and staple and sew bits and pieces together that look like a Frankenstein monster sold by political gurus attempting to legitimize their paperwork or position to the untrained political dissident. The political gurus use only pieces and parts to avoid copyright issues and make it appear as if the political guru wrote the document themselves. The main goal of the political guru is to make it appear to the political dissident that the political guru has all of the answers. The political guru usually creates more problems than they resolve. The political dissident is usually placed on a sovereign citizen domestic terrorist list as a result of the political gurus efforts.”

Mr. Dunlevy et al is claiming the same thing this Government claimed back in 2010 and was discovered in 1997. 

Although the American Nationals appreciate the fact that their claims are extremely solid, the American Nationals do not appreciate the fact that someone declares residency, takes information and then advertises it as if it was theirs and attempts to take a Government and a Nationality from the American Nationals without just compensation for all of the hard work that went into their Government.

The actions taken by Mr. Dunlevy et al consist of many crimes along with the four lies that were told to the committee by Mr. Dunlevy himself while at the same time claiming on their website:

“7) We are peaceful and have no desire for unjustifiable acts of war or any harmful intentions toward anyone or anything, lawful or legal.”

The committee noticed Mr. Dunlevy that the logo being used was similar and would give people the impression that this Government was involved with this “Union States Assembly” group and Mr. Dunlevy outright refused to remove the logo or change it. Mr. Dunlevy was noticed that this Government stands alone and does not appreciate anyone piggy backing on it. Mr. Dunlevy also claimed that he would fight this Government to the death.

The group never uses their full names, they use coded Initials when referring to each other. If they weren’t doing anything wrong, why hide the full names? Then Mr. Dunlevy  claimed that the group had a representative, then when asked the name of the representative, he changed the claim to a “spokesman” and still withheld the spokesman’s name.

Mr. Dunlevy et al claims that only the States can amend the original Articles of Confederation and did not like how it was done.

The claim by Mr. Dunlevy et al is not a party to the Articles of Confederation nor was a party to the claim back in 2010, therefore did not have a say as to how the Articles of Confederation were amended. The original 13 States had abandoned the Articles of Confederation, and therefore forfeited a vote by any delegates as to what the amendments would consist of in the present day. In fact, Mr. Dunlevy et al was notified and had already accepted the claim  that had been settled in 2010-11 by declaring residency. When Mr. Dunlevy et al was cornered with these facts, he promptly changed his claim in mid-stream to the term “Dormant” instead of “abandoned”. 

Even after all of the lies told, the committee asked why Mr. Dunlevy et al would not simply work with the Government of The United States of America and was notified of a program in place to help the group with their struggle. He said, “Because we were making the wrong choices as to how to set up a government”.

Quote from the Notice:

These political dissidents have no comprehension in law and the political gurus have no consideration for the human rights of others. Political gurus plagiarize, ignore copyrights and  believe that anything on the internet belongs to them and usually use the information to form bizarre liens in the name of political dissidents to attempt a big payoff for themselves.

Watch out for these people folks! LINK

They have started out in dis-honor and will remain in dis-honor until they start respecting the Human Rights of others. The Union States Assembly is simply a knock off of the “Union States Project” which were already notified of the claim in 2010 of which we believe fell apart due to in-fighting and corruption.

A lot of these groups are the same people doing the same thing, take from others, no original ideas, will not work with others, hard headed and stubborn. Many are years behind in research and discovery.

For entertainment purposes, people might want to look at the FAQ on the website of the “Union States Assembly”. Particularly this quote: “A. We follow the ONLY lawful law forms”.  We are still scratching ours heads on that one.

The major problem is that these types of groups form and try to associate with others that are legitimate. Then their antics ruin good names by claiming false association with legitimate organizations. The main problem is felt by many organizations around the world.

The only way to fight this type of theft is to expose it as soon as it is discovered. The Government of The United States of America has survived that last 7 groups like the “Union States Assembly” and will survive this one.



admin-ajax.php (2)1

Published on 12-01-2015 by the American Herald


Its election day for the Government of The United States of America!

The affirmed American Nationals are excited because today, their individual votes matters and no one can take it away from them.

The voting booth closes tonight at 12 am which means the voting booth is open for 24 hours.

The Government of The United States of America wishes it could share this experience with everyone. The experience is something that is hard to describe. People can’t sleep until they have voted. It only takes a claim to a Nationality, some dedication and a work ethic.

Happy voting day American Nationals!



American Herald-Logo-Grey

Published on 11-29-2015 by the American Herald


Dear Readers,

It was considered in the beginning of this article to name it “BEYOND TOTALITARIANISM”, however, Part 2 sufficed due to the nature of this article.  

Some of the committee members were surfing the net and found something that was written and placed on the following website that answered a lot of questions that American Nationals have about the States and the United States. LINK   and therefore our gratitude is hereby extended to those individuals that took the time to do the research and explain the findings.

The American Herald would like to expound on the findings made by that website owner into other aspects and point out the significance of their findings. Please keep in mind that none of the validity of the research is in question nor controversy. 

According to the research it reads:

“[T]he provision is, that ‘all persons born in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens.’ That means ‘subject to the complete jurisdiction thereof.’ What do we mean by ‘complete jurisdiction thereof?’ Not owing allegiance to anybody else. That is what it means.”

This is a question answered that most people have been trying to answer for a very long time. So if we expound on the aforementioned statement, it brings up a few observations and according to the research, it also reveals the complete thinking of a couple of Senators at the time. 

1: Total allegiance in everyone’s thinking today would also include God meaning if one had total allegiance to something other than the United States, this would also include but not limited to God.  This would explain the removal of the ten commandments, removal of prayer in the schools, removal of the bible from anywhere except a church and the requirement of a 501c3 status of a faith based institution.

2: The statement “and subject to the jurisdiction thereof” would mean that all Catholics are in violation or considered enemies of the United States because all Catholics have a certain amount of allegiance to the Pope, a head of state, foreign to the United States. 

3: The statement “and subject to the jurisdiction thereof” also explains why evolution is pushed so hard from one generation to the next and why the Christians are persecuted because creationism and any type of allegiance to Jesus Christ would be deemed owing allegiance to someone else other than the United States.

4: The statement “and subject to the jurisdiction thereof” also explains why a marriage license is required because citizenship is under privilege and not a human right. Therefore everything would be a privilege. Any type of protesting is considered an enemy act according to the meaning of the statement that was placed in the 14th amendment.

5: The statement “and subject to the jurisdiction thereof” explains why property can be condemned at will because if anyone publishes the wrong thing that appears to be or is considered against the States or the  United States, then property can be taken quickly because property ownership is a part of the citizenship privilege. 

There are many points and examples that will help people understand the condition that they were born in and raised under. When someone is raised a certain way, it is hard for them to see their condition from an outside point of view.

It is obvious that the people today do not see the real intentions of the Senators that put the 14th Amendment together and debated over its wording. It is beyond totalitarian thinking. It was written in a way that is impossible for anyone to obey. It is impossible for people to place a government or country in front of God, family, love and relationships other than a government. It surely explains the existence of SPLC and why the Department of Justice praises its work in demonizing everyone.

Even when the current house majority leader mentioned that he wanted weekends for his family, it was debated as to whether or not he was fit to lead and it was explained that the particular job did not allow for weekends off. Total allegiance is required. Total allegiance placed the State(s) before our Father in Heaven.

It is hard for most to believe that the true nature of the United States and the States that put it together are beyond totalitarianism, however the wording speaks for itself. At least the requirements of totalitarianism can be achieved by some, beyond totalitarianism is impossible and therefore created for the purpose of perpetual war and conflict. If there is perpetual war and conflict, the United States never has to pay off its creditors and therefore the statement: “and subject to the jurisdiction thereof” would or could also be interpreted as evading its creditors.


Link to the records of the wording of the 14th amendment


American Herald-Logo-Grey

Published on 11-23-2015 by the American Herald


The main issue of immigration that concerns the General Public is totalitarianism. It was the main concern of the original Government of 1781 and has been found to exist as far back as 1789 within the United States, especially through the re-establishment of slavery in 1789 by excluding all others except “citizenship to white males only”. 

Just after the revolutionary war, all people were allowed citizenship within the original 13 States and that must be honored today. The Government of The United States of America was re-established for that purpose, to establish a Nationality to all that adhered to the basic principals of non-totalitarianism.

The people of the States, at least in 1952 knew the importance of non-totalitarianism and the fact that totalitarianism was a country killer.

So the States wrote and passed Public Law 414 on June 27th, 1952. The Act was entitled “Immigration and Nationality Act”. Nationality is most important when preserving a country because the status directly prohibits the existence of totalitarianism. However, 30 years later, the States stopped offering Nationality and an oath or affirmation to the United States, or to any one of the States meaning any one of the United States. Therefore, the original Government of  The United States of America also known as the original United States was brought forward to honor the will of the people of the original 13 States and their struggle against totalitarianism.  

Bohemian Grove and its members advocate, organize, enforce and profit from  totalitarianism of which every Governor in the new union is a member today. Membership of Bohemian Grove is required before becoming a Governor.  The totalitarianism of Bohemian Grove has extended to the import of even a greater threat that advocates for totalitarianism. 

Untitled-1 copy  

“…seize them (mushrikun/unbelievers/ idolaters/ALL non-Muslims) and kill them wherever you find them…” Sura 4:89;”

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“…I will throw terror into the hearts of the mushrikun/unbelievers/idolaters/ALL non-Muslims: smite you above their necks/behead them and smite all their finger tips off them. This because they contended against Allah and His Messenger (Muhammad): if any contend against Allah and His Messenger, Allah is strict in punishment.” Sura 8:12-13;

Untitled-1 copy2

“When you meet the mushrikun/unbelievers/ idolaters/ALL non-Muslims, smite at their necks/behead them…” Sura 47:4;

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“When (Ramadan) the sacred months are over, kill the mushrikun/unbelievers/idolaters/ALL non-Muslims wherever you find them, and take them (captive), and besiege them, and lie in ambush everywhere for them…” Sura 9:5;

Order issued by the office of the Governor for The United States of America on 11-08-2015, 

“IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, that all metes and bounds of The United States of America are hereby closed to illegal immigration by the authority of its National Currency immediately due to the fact that the National Currency known as the Continental Dollar has already been issued.” LINK

The previous orders were amended to apply to General Post Office Division 3 instead of the Bank of North America, however, the orders were what the Military would refer to as a lawful order.

The Government of The United States of America did not issue an order for the sake of issuing orders. It was because it is the right thing to do to fight what all of the people came here to escape from and declared independence, fought and died to destroy, so the future generations could be free from totalitarianism.



Notice of Non-Association with political gurus and political dissidents!

American Herald-Logo-Grey

Published on 11-22-2015 by the American Herald


IT IS NOTICED: There are a lot of individual political dissidents and “liberty” groups led by political “gurus” that have nothing to do with the Government of The United States of America although it may appear as if they are associated to the untrained eye.

The political gurus go to the websites of the Government of The United States of America and the General Post Office and take information to make it appear as if the Government of The United States of America is associated with them or working with them. It is a way for the political gurus to make money off of political dissidents.

Many of the political dissidents will come to this Government and attempt to use it as a weapon against their political enemies. They will grab knowledge and information for political gurus that is legitimate and staple and sew bits and pieces together that look like a Frankenstein monster sold by political gurus attempting to legitimize their paperwork or position to the untrained political dissident. The political gurus use only pieces and parts to avoid copyright issues and make it appear as if the political guru wrote the document themselves. The main goal of the political guru is to make it appear to the political dissident that the political guru has all of the answers. The political guru usually creates more problems than they resolve. The political dissident is usually placed on a sovereign citizen domestic terrorist list as a result of the political gurus efforts.

These political dissidents have no comprehension in law and the political gurus have no consideration for the human rights of others. Political gurus plagiarize, ignore copyrights and  believe that anything on the internet belongs to them and usually use the information to form bizarre liens in the name of political dissidents to attempt a big payoff for themselves.

The Government of The United States of America stands alone. It does not work with any groups in the U.S.

The Government of The United States of America works with legitimate foreign organizations. The international organizations that this Government works with are usually in the field of human rights, diplomatic relations, judicial reform, alternative currencies, human trafficking and other humanitarian causes. The same protocols are followed by the reign of the heavens society.

Any documents that are produced from the Government of The United States of America are designed to deal with international issues, it is not valid to be used by and between any political dissidents and their governments.

Any and all notices published by the newspapers are addressed to the International Community and not intended to be used as a weapon against any organization by political dissidents.

The American Nationals that are legitimate are all listed on this website:LINK which is updated at least once per month.

In the interest of peaceful foreign relations, if any individual receives these bizarre documents and or some kind of commercial lien against them when no exchange of products has occurred, please contact the General Post Master Council foreign relations division at [email protected] to have the lien invalidated or removed.

Please keep in mind that these political dissidents are generally peaceful people that have a difference of opinion and act on that difference of opinion with bizarre paperwork produced by political gurus. Most political dissidents do have legitimate human rights complaints which cannot go ignored.

However, most of the political dissidents are hard headed and stubborn once polluted by a political guru. It takes three months or more to correct the damage done by a political guru. It is more effective to ignore the political dissident than any other tactic used against the political dissident once polluted by a political guru.

Most political dissidents are trying to learn and use the system to test the waters. Most political dissidents pay for paperwork and honestly believe they are doing the right thing no matter how bizarre it looks to others.

Most political gurus start verbal confrontations on phone calls to test their political theories and arguments. Most political gurus sell, distribute and promote paperwork they would not dare use themselves and most of the information is stolen from other sources. Political gurus rarely do their own research and rarely file their own theories.

If the courts would like to send the bizarre paperwork from these political dissidents to the General Post Master Council to deal with the issues; send it to: [email protected] and copy the U.S. Department of State.  The paperwork will be reviewed and shown to  the political dissident as to why it is invalid. Throwing the political dissidents in jail adds fuel to the fire stoked by the political guru and makes the dissident a hero among other political dissidents which in turn fills the pockets of the political gurus.

There are legitimate steps that can be taken for political dissidents to resolve political conflicts and the Government of The United States of America is qualified to resolve those issues.

Creating “domestic terrorists” out of political dissidents is never the answer. Proper classification removes the political guru element from the equation and restores the human rights of all involved in a political conflict.

No one can arrest their way out of a political conflict. Only a totalitarian thinks that way and is proven wrong every time throughout history.
