American National Union of The United States of America Issues This International and National Objection to the Claim That Jesus Christ is a Racist and that Homosexuality is a Holy Form of Love!

Published in the American Herald on 07-13-2021


American National Union of The United States of America

         International and National Objection to the

        Claim That Jesus Christ is a Racist and that

     Homosexuality is a Holy Form of Love!

      Identified as: 20210713-GC-IO

It seems the Progressive Christians agenda is backsliding Christianity even further away from the true teachings of Yahushua/ Jesus Christ. Wherein scripture is being manipulated to fit a modern social and political agenda. The individuals claiming a racist ideology transpiring from Mark 7:26-30 or any other witnessed variation of scripture are considered wolves in sheep’s clothing. Leading people further away from the straight gate and narrow way, by using the same tactics as communist and satanic organizations. Verse provided here:

Mark 7: 26 Now the woman was a Greek, a Syro-Phoenician by birth, and she kept asking Him to cast the demon out of her daughter. 27And Yahushua said to her, “Let the children be satisfied first, for it is not good to take the children’s bread and throw it to the little dogs.”  28But she answering, said to Him, “Yea, Master, for even the little dogs under the table eat from the children’s crumbs.” 29And He said to her, “Because of this word go, the demon has gone out of your daughter.” 30And having come into her house, she found the demon gone out, and her daughter lying on the bed.

The Phoenicians were known to perform rituals of child sacrifice amongst sexual rites of young girls to appease gods known as Moloch and Ester. Evidence is provided herein at the one minute and forty second mark and eight minute mark of the video here: LINK

What Yahushua is truly saying, is that the Phoenician woman is a little dog, meaning a pet, a lap dog. She is a pet to another master. When she answers Jesus, the Phoenician woman has shown him her belief in the son of Yahweh/God, and a demon is cast out from her daughter. This parable is not a race agenda as described in the video provided here: LINK

Miguel A. De La Torre (hereinafter “Miguel”) preaching to a congregation and titled as a professor is feeding individuals with prepackaged conclusions. We have seen these communist tactics used previously. Part of Miguel’s spoon-fed idea suggests a person of color should be hesitant to follow Jesus, whereas Miguel suggests Jesus called a person of color a dog, relating the parable back to a modern-day race agenda. Reverend Brandon Robertson (hereinafter “Brandon”) seems to be following Miguel and spreading the same nefarious ideologies.

Brandon has made claims that homosexuality is considered a Holy form of love, granting the homosexual community salvation. This love described by Brandon is a form of love of the flesh a sexual love, not Agape. This is an attack on society by pushing the Baal Peor agenda leading people yet further astray by inciting the indoctrination that homosexuality is acceptable. Thus advancing the state of man into a state resembling Sodom and Gomora. Link provided here: LINK

Miguel, Brandon, Progressive Christians, and anyone spreading these seditious connotations are rebuked in Yahushua’s name.

From the office of the Chairman for the American National Union of The United States of America

Brandon Alan Anderson, Trustee

Signed on the 116th day in the year of YHWH six thousand and twenty-three and the 13th day of July in the two thousand and twenty first year of the new covenant in Yahushua’s name. Translation: Thirteenth (13th) day of July 2021. LINK