The National Assembly for the Government of The United States of America Passes Motion To Classify Progressive Christianity as a Military Theology of the Baal Peor Community!

Published in the American Herald on 07-14-2021


The National Assembly for the Government of The United States of America passed a motion to classify Progressive Christianity as a military theology of the Baal Peor community intending to convert children to accept a satanic ideology under the Baal Peor religion of homosexuality in rebellion of the Creator.

Evidence of this military theology of the Baal Peor Religion Community is published as a matter of public record within these International Public Notices: LINK and LINK

The purpose of this motion is to establish the false teachings given by these Progressive Christian priests and priestesses under the classification of a military theology so that their crimes of openly indoctrinating children by and with the Baal Peor religion of homosexuality are properly prosecuted as War Crimes against society once the wrongdoers have been identified.

Official Assembly Record: LINK

Published by the office of the Special Prosecutor for the War Crimes Tribunal for The United States of America