Published on 09-09-2015 by the American Herald
On June 1st, 2015, the Government of The United States of America accepted the Obligations of the Charter of the Organization of American States.
On June 3rd, 2015, the Government through the office of the Secretary of State for The United States of America was informed that all 35 states were accounted for and no other state could be a member. This information was considered arbitrary due to the fact that it was delivered by office employees and not an official office of the Organization of American States.
On June 5th, 2015, the Organization of American States received a claim against it in the newspaper and later by International Notary Presentment once a week for three weeks stating the Government of The United States of America intentions and legal claim and right to be a member of the Organization of American States. The Government of The United States of America waited 90 days in accordance with customary international law.
It is now September 9th, 2015 and there has been no official response under the Organization of American States letterhead to the office of the Secretary of State for The United States of America.
However, in the same time period as stated above, every official office of the Organization of America States has connected and or contacted each and every office of the Government of The United States of America. Therefore, it can be concluded that the Organization of American States shall receive the benefit of the doubt that it did in fact not know that the United States is a private organization under the Netherlands and does not represent this country.
The United States under Manhattan Island and the Netherlands, foreign to The United States of America and its Government is under the following obligations in accordance to the charter that it agreed to and signed:
Chapter IV
Article 13
The political existence of the State is independent of recognition by other States. Even before being recognized, the State has the right to defend its integrity and independence, to provide for its preservation and prosperity, and consequently to organize itself as it sees fit, to legislate concerning its interests, to administer its services, and to determine the jurisdiction and competence of its courts. The exercise of these rights is limited only by the exercise of the rights of other States in accordance with international law.
Therefore, with the acknowledgment of the office holders of the Organization of American States of the existence of the Government of The United States of America; and the fact that it is a country, the liability of the United States to properly identify itself to the world as a private organization, operating on behalf of the Monarch of the Netherlands, and not an official country in and of itself, falls on the Netherlands and its Monarch.
Further, the responsibility of proper international public notice, proper training of its employees within its federal, state and local entities and the expense thereof also falls upon the Netherlands.
Further, all of the United States international agreements and the expense of the liabilities of those agreements are the responsibility of the Netherlands.
Further, all liabilities, war crimes, invasion of countries, and any other international liability caused by its company is hereby recognized as being the liability and responsibility of the Netherlands.
International Public Notice
The Government of The United States of America has certain liabilities and obligations to fulfill and is being hindered by the Netherlands through its private organization based on Manhattan Island.
The Government of The United States of America is hereby claiming immunity from damages stemming from those obligations and responsibilities when hindered and or experiencing arbitrary interference from the Netherlands.
The Government of The United States of America hereby claims immunity from its obligations to pay its office holders in its currency due to the fact that the Bank of New York Mellon has been arbitrarily interfering with the recognition of this Governments currency.
Therefore, the Bank of New York Mellon will receive a bill to be paid in its currency without any obligations or terms sanctioned against the Government of The United States of America or its office holders; or the Continental Dollar is fully recognized and the Netherlands upholds its obligations under Article 13 of the Organization of American States.
When a private entity ignores the existence of a State or country in violation of international protocols, it cannot obligate the Government of the country unto the private organization nor it’s Sovereign.
Therefore, any obligations coming out of the Netherlands through the United States in its capacity of a private organization under its Sovereign renders those obligations null and void within The United States of America and any of the States or city-states within it.
The Organization of American States may claim immunity from violations of its own charter due to the lack of proper International Public Notice that the Netherlands failed to tender to the International Community and the Organization of American States. However, it will incur the liability again if it seeks to divide the allegiances of the American Continent by continuing to honor any request by Manhattan Island or bowing to its tyrannical requests through it’s Bank of New York Mellon. Neither Manhattan Island nor the Netherlands have any power of attorney for America. Any obligations or responsibilities that are claimed against America by Manhattan Island and the Netherlands are null and void. These conditions do not hinder the Netherlands in the proper management of its businesses absent human rights violations.
The Organization of American States is in need of notifying the office of the Secretary of State for The United States of America of its next meeting, so that this Government may take is rightful place within the organization.
The International Organization for Standardization has this Governments utmost respect due to its tendering of International Public Notice and acknowledgment of the name of the country styled “The United States of America”.
Under the law of Nations, the Monarch of the Netherlands is forbidden from not properly identifying itself on the official documents of the United States when speaking to the 50 States of the Union. By not properly identifying itself causes serious liabilities to the office holders of the 50 States of the Union, one in particular is treason against The United States of America.
All authority must be clearly defined otherwise it causes a breach of the peace and loss of company profits. A breach of the peace is defined as “genocide” due to the fact that people will not procreate and raise children in a hostile, confusing and uncertain environment.
The Dutch citizens of the United States need to be properly identified so that this Government can properly identify its responsibilities and obligations in the day to day business.
The employees of the Netherlands private organization need to be informed of their positions and the immunities of the American Nationals to properly protect the Netherlands and its people from Human Rights Violations.
The Dutch citizens of the United States need to be properly disciplined by their Monarch to protect the company from the liability of damaging the Government of The United States of America, the 50 States of the Union, and the city of Washington D.C.
The 50 States of the Union and their elected officials are in need of making their law very clear that those laws are not benefiting the Netherlands in anyway, otherwise it would be declared an illegal State and therefore perpetuating the civil war.
When statutes are funded with a credit account of a foreign trustee of the world trust. The particular statute is considered null and void due to the fact that the accused is not fully informed of the nature of the accusation nor is the accused able to face his or her accuser. When the people are being accused of a crime by a particular State of the Union or even a federal crime. The State and federal must disclose that the enforcement of the statute or law is being funded by a foreign Monarch of the Netherlands and that the particular citizen is a subject of a foreign Monarch. International Due Process is seriously lacking within the 50 States of the Union and the federal contracting companies owned and operated by the Bank of New York Mellon.
International Public Notice to the Netherlands:
The Netherlands has failed to properly discipline its Dutch citizens on Manhattan Island. Manhattan Island has become a cesspool of crime and corruption. It is the responsibility and liability of the Monarch of the Netherlands to punish its criminals.
If the Government of The United States of America continues to be damaged by the Dutch citizens of the United States then the Netherlands and its subjects will be liable for the damages as of the date of this International Public Notice. The liability of ignorance, continual lies and lack of training of the Dutch citizens of the United States and its employees will result in International Human Rights Violations and judgments against the Netherlands and its people.
The Dutch subjects of the Netherlands are in need to issuing redress of grievances against their Monarch to address the continuing human rights violations and international crimes caused by its companies all over the world.
The Government of The United States of America is legally entitled to have full access to the World Trust and to exist as a Sovereign country. Any and all hoarding of its current trustees is a clear violation of divine law granted by the Most High. The hoarding of the trustees is causing the International Notice of the intent to commit genocide against The United States of America and its inhabitants. Genocide is a clear violation of divine law and therefore its trustees cannot render a claim of immunity from its correction.
The Government of The United States of America will continue to notice the International Community of the various breaches of the World Trust and continue to survey and appropriate the liability of these breaches to the various entities until The United States of America is vindicated and released of all liability of the Netherlands and her aggression.

Kind Regards to the International Community and the family of Nations,
Office of the Secretary of State for The United States of America,
Tom Goudey