The U.S. Supreme Court has become a part of the Military thereby attacking religion and civilians with Military Grade bioweapons!

PUBLISHED IN THE Continental Free Press ON 12-17-2021


Source: LINK

By Executive Memoranda: 

That the U.S. SUPEME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES is here and ever after considered an
armed force of the Military and not a Court. This was caused by using a notoriously dangerous
vaccine as a weapon against religion and Civilians. When the U.S. Supreme Court denied the
application for injunctive relief presented to JUSTICE SOTOMAYOR on December 13, 2021.
(Reference Cite as: 595 U.S._(2021),No. 21A145). On or around September 19. 2021 the
CATHOLIC ARCHBISHOP VIGANO admits the vaccine is a gene altering bioweapon., it attacked all religious institutions and
civilians with a Military grade weapon disguised as a vaccine. The U.S. Supreme Court caused a violation of natural religious rights of inhabitants in violation of international Law and the
codified Law of Nations Book I Chapter XII Of Piety and Religion § 131 when denying religious
exemptions. More on the official record at the link above. 

CHURCH UPDATE – Catholic Archbishop Vigano admits the vaccine is a gene altering bioweapon and that its satanic.

This Archbishop says the truth while his boss has embraced the Satanic Plan: 

And another has joined all of them also: 

Published by the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America

DAVID EDWARDS of Facebook group, PMA-Power You Didn’t Know You Have accused of theft, fraud etc….

PUBLISHED IN THE Continental Free Press ON 12-15-2021


David Edwards runs this group on facebook called “PMA-Power You Didn’t Know You Have” and has spread out his deceptions among many others that he so-called trained. 

The reality folks is that David Edwards stole his information or the idea behind his information from the computer of Graham Bradford Lascsak, trustee while Graham was away.  The paperwork was under a non-disclosure. 

David Edwards claims that he has been selling PMA’s since 2007 and also claims to be in law for 30 years. The reality is that David Edwards has been selling PMA’s since 2018 and he is an ex-cop and has nothing to do with law itself. 

We have heard nothing but complaints about the paperwork coming from David Edwards because he simply has no idea what he is doing. Once again we have another thief in it for the money, go figure…….

David Edwards is committing consumer fraud because he is lying about his background and experience with law itself and how long he has been studying in the field of private membership associations thereby using stolen information and doing things with that information that are illegal. 

This website is believed to be associated with David Edwards that is selling family PMA’s, something that David Edwards said he would never do back in 2018 wherein he lied about how long he has been selling PMA’s. 

“ this is apparently connected to David and they seem to be claiming 40 years of experience. In the video she boldly explains the constitution gave them the right to do pma’s. and they are selling organizations and clubs now too. Davids facebook group has 4.5k members now and a couple people seem to be having serious problems. One of them is facing 22 counts per day @2.5 years for each student in their pea school (but they say don’t use the word school-ya know cause that would consent jurisdiction to the school board(lol))”

A PEA folks is not a private membership association. It is a Private Education Association that is regulated by the State. In other words, it is a private school regulated by the State School Boards. Go and look it up and these so-called trained inhabitants have no clue what they are doing and saying when it comes to PMA’s or PEA’s. 

This is the affidavit if you want to know a whole lot more about David Edwards and what kind of man he really is and not what he claims. He has a history of theft and fraud.  

Mr. David Edwards, you are invited to rebut this affidavit within the next 10 days otherwise it stands as truth. You, David Edwards, have been served by International Public Notice: LINK

Published by Graham Bradford Lascsak, trustee 12-15-2021

The District of Columbia and its independent office of Attorney General of the District of Columbia Karl A. Racine declares war against the States of the Union!

PUBLISHED IN THE Continental Free Press ON 12-15-2021


First things first: January 6th, 2021 had nothing to do with the color of some ones skin and therefore Karl A. Racine (hereinafter (“Karl”) is a complete idiot. 

None of the groups mentioned have ever been convicted of any hate crimes thereby targeting a certain group of people based on the color of their skin. That is two counts of idiocy against Karl. We are not saying that the inhabitants in your jails Karl are innocent or guilty, however it sure looks like they are hated enough to be guilty before trial.

It appears that Karl is working for the globalists, world communist party, using the practice of barratry to cover the human rights violations that Karl himself is responsible for being committed against the 450 people sitting in his jails being tortured on a daily basis. 

The District of Columbia is in fact guilty of 320 million counts of trafficking in persons but that case remains filed for another day. Any so-called judgments against anyone based on this case will result in liens against the District of Columbia in equal amount or greater. 

In other words, Notice to the District of Columbia, the Bank of New York Mellon, that being the United States, and Washington D.C. to keep your political lies and stupidity within your boundaries that being the boundary stones and stay the hell out of the States of the Union of The United States of America.  LINK

No one is going to play your communist games by trying to intimidate inhabitants into to being silent about the fraudulent election held by both Republicans and Democrats. Every so-called Senator is bought and paid for by the Bank of New York Mellon, the United Nations and the city of London. Both parties are guilty of election fraud and no one in any office represents anything nor any one. The  whole world is watching a pathetic failed state go down in flames while it wages war against the truth.  The District of Columbia is an embarassment to everyone in this country. 

The District of Columbia is a complete failed state. Justice does not exist within it. It was not created by Our Father in Heaven and it steals everything that is not nailed down. 

Karl, you are a liar, a thief, and you have committed the most heinous crime of your profession called barratry for the purpose of hiding truth. You are a complete joke and need to resign and get someone in that office that is not a traitor to the truth. 

Published by the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America


Published in the American Herald on 12-15-2021


American National Union of The United States of America
Identified as: 20211214-GC-IN


The American National Union of 1774 has been brought forth to the present, consisting of Declared residents and affirmed American Nationals. The General Post Office of 1775 and the Rural Free Delivery Routes were also claimed along with the metes and bounds and seaward boundaries of the true country The United States of America through the Articles of Confederation 1781, ratified on August 5th 2015 LINK. Wherein the members are in reciprocity with the Government of The United States of America. Everyone is subject to the Law of Nations LINK.

Article 1, §8 of the Constitution for the United States of America states “To define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas, and Offenses against the Law of Nations.

Book 1, Chapter 19: §220-3 of the Law of Nations states “As to those who have the cowardice to abandon their country in a time of danger, and seek to secure themselves instead of defending it, they manifestly violate the social compact, by which all the contracting parties engaged to defend themselves in a united body, and in concert: they are infamous deserters whom the state has a right to punish severely.”

United States does not have a social compact, and the United States does not have a body politic and/or a Nation. The Declared residents and affirmed American Nationals of The United States of America are in social compact, in separate spheres outside the Federal corporation known as the United States as stated within Title 28: 28 U.S. Code §3002 and its political subdivisions.

This letter is intended to bring attention to serious issues within the fraudulent government of the United States. It has been recorded that the United States Federal corporation has been representing The United States of America without proper chain of title as witnessed within the various founding documents available for viewing. Declared residents and affirmed American Nationals are not U.S. citizens, Inhabitants, Sovereign Citizens, or a part of any other groups and/or persons claiming to be Sovereign. The problem is stated below:

1: No social compact.

2: No Article 6 oath

Proof of Claim: Social Compacts:


Also; State of Mississippi, State of Texas, State of Kentucky, State of Connecticut, State of Maryland, and the State of Virginia mention the same thing.

2. (T)he United States Federal corporation is without a social compact, and those persons operating within have no mandatory Article 6 oath, therefore the United States has no authority to write and/or enforce Law. (T)he United States is comprised of Private Membership Associations trying to force Declared residents and affirmed American Nationals into private contracts. The people for the States of the Union of The United States of America are under a social compact and are for the only true Nation that exists.

International Notice: The Election of a King LINK. The reign of the heavens society Temple has elected Yahushua/Yeshua/ Jesus the Christ as King of the reign of the heavens LINK.

Those persons representing the United States have already been noticed on April 26th , 2021 LINK.

The Declared residents and affirmed American Nationals of The United States of America are not a party to the Georgia Guidestones new world government social compact LINK

(T)he United States is foreign to The United States of America jurisdiction. If those persons representing the United States, or the political subdivisions of, do not leave the Declared residents and affirmed American Nationals alone, if found guilty those persons will be exiled, the private property thereof will be made public property to the Inhabitants of the land, placed under a 100 year Common Law Lien in any amount and type of currency chosen depending on the charges filed against Respondents as it pertains to Public Law, formerly known as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights LINK. If those Respondents found guilty do not leave the country, the property thereof will be Nationalized under the FORCED DEPORTATION ACT OF 2021 LINK.

Within the metes and bounds and seaward boundaries of The United States of America a Driver License is not required. Everyone has the right to freedom of movement under Public Law formerly classified as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights wherein it states: Public Law 101-13-1 Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the border of each State. However, the American National Union Transportation Committee has issued Driver Licenses in reciprocity with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which was adopted by the American National Union of The United States of America classified as Public Law within the States of the Union within The United States of America. LINK

William James Wright V  – Chairman          LINK                                                          

Recall Vote occurred today for the office of president for The United States of America!

PUBLISHED IN THE Continental Free Press ON 12-14-2021


Due to personal reasons the original candidate was going to have some difficulty performing the duties of the office of president for The United States of America. A recall was performed and a new president was elected. Certified election results were published on the National Great Registry and a third Great Seal for The United States of America was created.

1: Marshall Revellyn Rinkenberger is still the vice president for The United States of America. 

2: Howard Frederick Walker III now holds the office of president for The United States of America. 

A new and third Great Seal for the country has been created and now published. The wording on the seal matches the names of the original offices that were created when the country started as far as this particular office is concerned. 

Published by the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America

Notice to Cease and Desist in the matter of the Trustee for HOWARD FREDERICK WALKER III, PMA!

Published in the American Herald on 12-8-2021


Notice to Cease and Desist

To: Robert J. Callahan, Chris DelSignore, Gordon Smith, William Hargreaves, William Stasko, Don Hall II, Marc McCall and Thomas Gramling (hereinafter collectively “Respondents”)

In the matter of the Trustee for HOWARD FREDERICK WALKER III, PMA (hereinafter “Claimant”) regarding account number 228003-8 it has been determined that Respondents shall cease and desist any and/or all further interference with Claimant until an investigation by the Great Jury has determined whether a public hearing within the Human Rights Tribunal International for the Government of The United States of America is required, and

Claimant has submitted a legally written Affidavit to the Great Jury for review regarding claims of nefarious actions by Respondents operating as Council members for the Borough of Westmont, within Cambria County as part of the Pennsylvania State Association of Boroughs in the corporate subdivision of Pennsylvania also known as the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, of the United States Federal corporation, and

Respondents are advised that any further interference by Respondents upon Claimant shall be filed as further evidence within the Great Jury to be presented to the International Notaries (hereinafter “Judges”) for the Human Right Tribunal International should a public hearing be required. 

Legal Liaison Further Sayeth Naught,
Kevin Michael Juhas, Trustee
Legal liaison for the American National Union of The United States of America

This 264th Day in the Year of Yahweh 6023, translated the 8th day of December in the two thousand and twenty-first year of the new covenant in Yahushua’s name LINK

NOTICE OF NEFARIOUS ACTIONS In the matter of Kaleb A. Kensmoe, Trustee to the Kensmoe Family Trust!

Published in the American Herald on 12-6-2021


The United States of America
NAC address: 70PHZ P5FJ2
State of Indiana judicial district #14
Address: 7S8TX PMKZ3
Human Rights Defender International

To: Melanie A. Haynes, Sarah Mondragon and Krishnan Christopher Jayaram operating in the   District Court of Johnson County, the corporate subdivision of Kansas’ Civil Division (hereinafter collectively “Respondents”),


In the matter of Kaleb A. Kensmoe, Trustee to the Kensmoe Family Trust (hereinafter “Trustee”), having granted Limited Power of Attorney to WILLIAM EMORY REFFETT, PMA evidenced in Exhibit 1 within this Notice, it is now evidenced that Respondents are committing nefarious actions for declaring war on Trustee (War Crime), a foreign military member of the Continental Army, a Military Branch for The United States of America wherein the United States Federal corporation declared war on (March 19th, 2021) under the gold fringed United States Federal corporation flag witnessed throughout the corporate subdivision of Kansas’ private membership BAR association hearing rooms, and

Further, Respondents are attempting to take power of attorney over Trustee’s natural legal rights and obligations to Respondent’s child evidenced in Exhibit 2 within this Notice with a project named COPARENTER, therefore denying Trustee’s natural legal intangible rights to tangible private property (War Crime). Respondents do not have a Social Compact by and between Respondents and Trustee authorizing a body politic to administer legislation or justice, therefore Respondents are attempting to administer executive policies upon Trustee in violation of international Law, the codified Law of Nations Book I Chapter XIII Of Justice and Polity § 158 A nation ought to make justice reign, and

Furthermore, Respondents are attempting to force executive policies for experimentation of synthetic gene therapy upon Trustee’s children, evidenced in Exhibit 3 within this Notice, arbitrarily giving authorization to medical personnel over Trustee, therefore advocating for the New World Order agenda social compact as inscribed on the Georgia Guide Stones LINK in violation of Article 1 of the Nuremberg Code (War crime), and

In the matter of Respondents taking power of attorney over Trustee’s natural legal obligations and rights of earning emoluments to be distributed by Trustee’s own conscientious dictates, it is evidenced that Respondents failed to describe the specific currency to be distributed by Trustee to the other parent at Trustee’s own discretion. As the Federal Reserve Notes (hereinafter “promissory notes”) issued by the private Federal Reserve system have no substance or value, said notes are considered debt currency with no possibility to discharge debt, therefore considered currency for enslavement (War Crime), in opposition of positive National currency, the United Continental Dollar (hereinafter “UCD”) having substance and value. Upon Trustee’s own discretion, Trustee shall consider transferring UCD’s to the other parent accordingly, and

The Trustee to WILLIAM EMORY REFFETT, PMA (hereinafter “Special Prosecutor”) holds a position with the office of the Special Prosecutor for the War Crimes Tribunal for The United States of America, holds a position as General Post Master for The United States of America and is a member of the Continental Army. It is the duty and obligation of the Special Prosecutor to inform the War Crimes Tribunal of acts of aggressions that may constitute a declaration of war upon other Continental Army members (contrary to Exhibit 3 page 7) resulting in a charging instrument against Respondents responsible for such nefarious actions to be presented to the Judges within the War Crimes Tribunal to seek accountability for Respondents actions, and

A Notice of Default by the Government of The United States of America challenging the United States’ claim to be a government has been published in International Public Legal Notice herein LINK and shall serve as further evidence of Respondents nefarious actions operating a state within a State, a charge of Treason by Respondents (War Crime) as the original State of Kansas is held in trust within the metes and bounds and seaward boundaries of The United States of America, and

Any further attempts of communication by Respondents shall be directed to WILLIAM EMORY REFFETT, PMA in accordance with the Limited Power of Attorney evidenced within this Notice and any attempts to circumvent said Power shall be filed as further evidence against Respondents, and

May this communication serve as better understanding that with Social Compacts by and between a permanent population of a State rights and obligations are preserved, whereas the non-alien residents of a state within a state are limited to privileges and benefits. Trustee’s rights and obligations shall not be forfeited to executive officers committing Treason upon the original State of Kansas, violating Article 1 of the Nuremberg Code and declaring war upon foreign military members.

Respondents shall be granted Ten (10) days to give rebuttal to

this Notice of Nefarious Actions or all claims within this

Notice shall stand as Fact.

Special Prosecutor Further Sayeth Naught,

William Emory Reffett, Trustee

Representative for Kaleb A. Kensmoe, Trustee to the Kensmoe Family Trust

Kaleb A. Kensmoe, Trustee
Kensmoe Family Trust

This 259th Day in the year of Yahweh 6023, translated the 3rd day of December in the two thousand and twenty-first year of the new covenant in Yahushua’s name. LINK


Published in the American Herald on 12-6-2021


To: Richard Behnke and Victor Fisk,

Notice of Recovery


On approximately (March 31st, 2021) Kirk Edwin Jensen, trustee (hereinafter “Trustee”) met with Richard G. Ivers Jr. also known as Rick Ivers (hereinafter “Respondent 1”) of (22543 Dutch Settlement Street, Cassopolis, Michigan 49031), owner of (61126 Barron Lake Road, Niles Michigan 49120) that Trustee was interested in purchasing. Trustee toured the land property with Respondent 1 and wanted to buy the land property for cash which Respondent 1 was agreeable to. Trustee then provided Respondent 1 proof of funds by handing Respondent 1 one (1) +1000 United Continental Dollar with the serial number LB H 60230090168 (hereinafter “UCD”) as a down payment in good faith toward the purchase of the land property. Respondent 1 agreed to the terms as both parties left the land property, and

Respondent 1 apparently changed Respondent 1’s agreement toward the down payment the next day. Trustee understood Respondent 1’s apprehension and stated to Respondent 1 that Trustee would seek another form of payment to give to Respondent 1 to which Respondent 1 agreed. Trustee called Respondent back promptly to secure the return of Trustee’s legal currency to which Respondent 1 stated “it would have to be another day” since Respondent 1 was headed to another jobsite and was never heard from again. Respondent 1 never met or made arrangements with Trustee for the recovery of Trustee’s legal property in the form of UCD and securing of alternative compensation from trustee for the agreed price on said land property, and

The Legal Liaison for the American National Union of The United States of America (hereinafter “LL”) phoned Richard J. Behnke (“Respondent 2”) with the Cass County Sheriff’s Office LINK and LINK, in the corporate subdivision of Michigan LINK and was notified that the Sheriffs’ office was in possession of the UCD. Respondent 2 stated that the return of the UCD was out of Respondent 2’s power pending an investigation, and

Respondent 2 was informed of the UCD was in fact legal tender with value and substance and was not returned to Trustee wherein Respondent forfeited the agreement of sale of the land property, and Respondent 2 stated the UCD was part of investigation. Reference number 202100997 and subject to Victor Fisk (hereinafter “Respondent 3”), member of the STATE BAR OF MICHIGAN company LINK.


The UCD, legal National currency of The United States of America, is not in any relation to the Federal Reserve Notes (hereinafter “promissory notes”) issued by the private Federal Reserve system with no value or substance (debt slavery) and any claim of Fraud upon Trustee shall be considered an act of aggression, therefore a war declaration upon Trustee by persons acting in each one’s own capacity operating in an illegal and arbitrary state within a State (Treason), also classified as a war crime.

This Notice of Recovery gives notice that Respondents shall return the UCD to Trustee within Ten (10) days via United Postal Service that recognizes Natural Area Codes, Global Postal Codes to:

RR1 Box 36
The United States of America
NAC: 850H2 MR7C8

Default will result in a public hearing within one of the Tribunal’s for the Government of The United States of America wherein Respondents and those persons associating with Respondents holding positions in the state administering executive, legislative and judicial corporate policies absent a Social Compact by and between the permanent population of a State in accordance with international Law, the codified Law of Nations shall have the opportunity to defend each one’s own actions.

Kevin Michael Juhas  , trustee

Legal Liaison for the American National Union

This 263th Day in the year of Yahweh 6023, translated the 7th day of December in the Two Thousand and Twenty-first year of the new covenant in Yahushua’s name. LINK


Published in the American Herald on 12-4-2021


Matthew Kezhaya


William James Macnaughton


Cevin Soling

WHEREAS, it is hereby declared that all Satanic Temple members and representatives thereof, must vacate from within the metes and bounds and seaward boundaries of The United States of America for committing nefarious acts including but not limited to arbitrarily claiming legal invocation rights under religious liberty to summon the devil and for claiming religious rights to the satanic ritual of child sacrifice, thereby advocating for killing of the innocent in complete and absolute rebellion of the Creator, and

WHEREAS, the Satanic Temple members and representatives thereof are acting in violation of Article 3 of the established public religion as declared on 09-01-2020 LINK within the written and published Bi-lateral Social Compact Agreement by and between the people for The United States of America, LINK and 

WHEREAS, the Satanic Temple members and representatives thereof are committing egregious offenses in violation of the duties and rights of a Nation codified as International Law within the  Law of Nations Book I Nations In Themselves Chapter XII Of Piety and Religion §129. Public establishment of religion and §131. When there is an established religion., LINK and

Evidence for the Forced Deportation Notice: LINK and LINK and LINK 

WHEREAS, the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America has classified all Satanic Temple members and representatives as enemies of the country by way of advocating for the New World Order Agenda subject to deportation in accordance with the Forced Deportation Act of 2021, LINK and

NOW, THEREFORE, the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America hereby proclaims a Forced Deportation Notice into existence whereby all Satanic Temple members and representatives have 90 days from this Notice, proclaimed this 260th Day in the year of Yahweh 6023, translated date December 4th, 2021, to vacate the metes and bounds and seaward boundaries of The United States of America or have all Satanic Temples, members and representative’s property within the metes and bounds of The United States of America Nationalized and under demolition order until complete.

Forced Deportation Notice as amended to include the Official Assembly Record on 12-6-2021 at 9:33PM UTC -5: LINK

Published by the office of the Special Prosecutor for the War Crimes Tribunal for The United States of America


The Government of The United States of America hereby declares Martial Law!

PUBLISHED IN THE Continental Free Press ON 11-24-2021


The Government of The United States of America hereby declares Martial Law!

This particular Martial Law does not apply to the inhabitants, it applies to the U.S. Senate, U.S. House of Representatives, U.S. President, U.S. Congress, all state de facto organizations and all local de facto organizations. 

The Martial Law hereby declared will be lifted when the United States returns to the Law of Nations.

Published by the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America