Published on 09-12-2016 by THE REIGN OF THE HEAVENS SOCIETY POST
Many people have asked why so many people are in jail in America. Most of those questions are coming from people from around the world. They watch in total disbelief as to why there are more people in North America in jail then there are in 194 countries combined.
Earlier reports in 2013 suggest that there are at least 10,000 people in jail in every U.S. state that have been in jail for over 5 years without an arraignment. Many have claimed that indefinite detention was passed to cover this liability of holding people for years without any formal charges or arraignment.
There are literally hundreds of organizations that stay busy researching court records and do achieve getting people released that have been in jail for 10 years without charges or any arraignment. These facts are hidden from the rest of the world while politicians from the U.S. go to other countries and lecture those countries leaders about human rights violations and criticize their judicial systems.
The judicial systems in America receive more free air time on television then any other organization in North America. Court cases and who was arrested and who did what is blasted all over the news on a daily basis before anyone is convicted of anything.
The masses believe that if someone is arrested, they must have done something wrong because no one is arrested unless they do something wrong. This point of view is a very gullible position to maintain because when those very same people get the full arrest experience, they are the first ones to protest against it.
When most of those people are abruptly awakened to the judicial process, they quickly realize in an instant that there is no law in the U.S. states judicial process. Everything that happens to those newly awakened souls is on the whim of the court officers. Their futures are determined on the feelings of someone they do not even know nor have ever met. The most basic realization is that money talks, money is freedom, pay the man and he lets you go until he needs more money.
For those that do not know anything about their state judicial system, let’s discuss the realities as to why so many people are in jail in North America.
There is a process called “pain compliance” that is being implemented against everyone when arrested. Even in the most minor offenses against the U.S. states.
Pain compliance is done in a way that psychologists call “passive aggressive”. This means that someone means to hurt you or even torture you, but it is done in a way that the victim will question their own sanity or ask themselves, “Did I see or did I experience violence being perpetrated against me by a court officer?” or “Did I just see that?”
Here is a list of conditions of pain compliance. This list is compiled to help those people know when they are being tortured:
1: When arrested, the officer begins to ask personal questions that have nothing to do with why you are being arrested and then begins to use the badge and uniform to give the benefit of his or her advice on how to live that sounds more like an excuse to inflict pain and talk you out of a lawsuit against them. Folks, that officer is a witness against you, what do you care what their advice is or why would their words matter to you?
2: Booking you before being taken in front of a magistrate. When an individual is being booked before being taken in front of a magistrate to determine if the arrest was valid is the definition of a police state. This condition allows the officers of the private detention center to implement pain compliance before appearing before a judge. In the military, they call it “softening up the subject”, the legal term is called “pain compliance”, in the real world it is called “torture”.
Forms of pain compliance are:
A: Cold temperatures. In all private detention centers the temperature is around 60 degrees. People are purposely placed in cold rooms with little to no cover to stay warm. These conditions can cause “hypothermia” where the core temperature of the body can fall into dangerous levels that can cause death.
B: Lack of water, food and sleep. The private detention centers have very little nutritional value in their food and booking officers love to withhold water and other essentials to stay alive so that the victim will comply with the illegal booking process. If you don’t answer questions you don’t get food, water or a blanket to stay warm. They also slam doors and leave lights on for the purpose of sleep deprivation before going to court. Medical attention is also withheld if the private detention center officers inflict a wound. The deprivation of medical attention is designed to keep the incident off the record to avoid a lawsuit and make the victim believe there is no law or recourse/justice for crimes committed by the private detention center staff. Essentially, the pain compliance is designed to plant in the minds of the victims that the private detention center officers are gods and cannot be touched.
C: Constant threats of more serious charges are always the case which is a psychological pain compliance program used to soften up the victim to accept any less form of future torture that is offered by the judge and accepted by the prosecutor. This process is how the court officers achieve guilty pleas with a lesser sentence. A not guilty plea is usually met with a harsher sentence and more pain compliance.
D: Constant ridicule from private detention center officers in the form of political ridicule, religious ridicule, personal ridicule, or any other benefit of their personal opinions.
E: Strip searching a victim when it is obvious the victim does not have any drugs on them or have been strip searched an hour before. This is common in all prisons if a individual is being transferred. It is done to create a condition of humiliation.
F: Cleaning up the accused and offering them food, water or other comfort to hide the pain compliance process from the General Public when the accused is going to court. Everything that is done to the victims is done behind the scenes which is passive aggressive behavior. Wife beaters like to hide their abuse and go to great lengths to hide their abusive activity.
G: Hiding evidence or ignoring evidence during a trial which happens all of the time on a daily basis. The judges normally rush a trial on traffic and other minor offenses to make more money and ignore key pieces of evidence that could land those judges in jail. Most of the time spent by court officers is hiding past crimes committed by the court officers and hiding evidence to evade future civil lawsuits.
H: All private detention centers are privately owned and all court officers have shares in the detentions centers themselves. This means that the more people that are in their detention centers, the more money that is made by the court officers and the police. The payments are made to the court officers privately in order to keep the information away from the public and avoid the appearance of conflict of interest.
That is the basis as to the reason why so many people are in jail in North America. Like it or not and offended or not, pain compliance is a reality in North American and the U.S. states.