The Great Jury Indicts the San Fransisco Gay Men’s Choir and LGBTQ+ Equality Caucus (Baal Peor Religious Community)!

Published in the American Herald on 07-19-2021


Enough evidence was presented to the Great Jury for the American National Union of The United States of America to formally indict the San Fransisco Gay Men’s Choir and the LGBTQ+ Equality Caucus for War Crimes, thereby attacking children of their enemy directly under the laws of war following a declaration of war against innocent children of mothers and fathers with the strategy of slowly converting those children into the satanic worship of the Baal Peor Religion of homosexuality. It was determined by the jurors that the LGBTQ+ Equality Caucus did condone the public confession of the Baal Peor Religious community wherein no statement has been issued by the Caucus members to disavow the war declaration and public confession by the Baal Peor Religious Community.  Accountability shall be sought within the War Crimes Tribunal for The United States of America. LINK

Published by the office of the Special Prosecutor for the War Crimes Tribunal for The United States of America

The National Assembly for the Government of The United States of America Passes Motion To Classify Progressive Christianity as a Military Theology of the Baal Peor Community!

Published in the American Herald on 07-14-2021


The National Assembly for the Government of The United States of America passed a motion to classify Progressive Christianity as a military theology of the Baal Peor community intending to convert children to accept a satanic ideology under the Baal Peor religion of homosexuality in rebellion of the Creator.

Evidence of this military theology of the Baal Peor Religion Community is published as a matter of public record within these International Public Notices: LINK and LINK

The purpose of this motion is to establish the false teachings given by these Progressive Christian priests and priestesses under the classification of a military theology so that their crimes of openly indoctrinating children by and with the Baal Peor religion of homosexuality are properly prosecuted as War Crimes against society once the wrongdoers have been identified.

Official Assembly Record: LINK

Published by the office of the Special Prosecutor for the War Crimes Tribunal for The United States of America

American National Union of The United States of America Issues This International and National Objection to the Claim That Jesus Christ is a Racist and that Homosexuality is a Holy Form of Love!

Published in the American Herald on 07-13-2021


American National Union of The United States of America

         International and National Objection to the

        Claim That Jesus Christ is a Racist and that

     Homosexuality is a Holy Form of Love!

      Identified as: 20210713-GC-IO

It seems the Progressive Christians agenda is backsliding Christianity even further away from the true teachings of Yahushua/ Jesus Christ. Wherein scripture is being manipulated to fit a modern social and political agenda. The individuals claiming a racist ideology transpiring from Mark 7:26-30 or any other witnessed variation of scripture are considered wolves in sheep’s clothing. Leading people further away from the straight gate and narrow way, by using the same tactics as communist and satanic organizations. Verse provided here:

Mark 7: 26 Now the woman was a Greek, a Syro-Phoenician by birth, and she kept asking Him to cast the demon out of her daughter. 27And Yahushua said to her, “Let the children be satisfied first, for it is not good to take the children’s bread and throw it to the little dogs.”  28But she answering, said to Him, “Yea, Master, for even the little dogs under the table eat from the children’s crumbs.” 29And He said to her, “Because of this word go, the demon has gone out of your daughter.” 30And having come into her house, she found the demon gone out, and her daughter lying on the bed.

The Phoenicians were known to perform rituals of child sacrifice amongst sexual rites of young girls to appease gods known as Moloch and Ester. Evidence is provided herein at the one minute and forty second mark and eight minute mark of the video here: LINK

What Yahushua is truly saying, is that the Phoenician woman is a little dog, meaning a pet, a lap dog. She is a pet to another master. When she answers Jesus, the Phoenician woman has shown him her belief in the son of Yahweh/God, and a demon is cast out from her daughter. This parable is not a race agenda as described in the video provided here: LINK

Miguel A. De La Torre (hereinafter “Miguel”) preaching to a congregation and titled as a professor is feeding individuals with prepackaged conclusions. We have seen these communist tactics used previously. Part of Miguel’s spoon-fed idea suggests a person of color should be hesitant to follow Jesus, whereas Miguel suggests Jesus called a person of color a dog, relating the parable back to a modern-day race agenda. Reverend Brandon Robertson (hereinafter “Brandon”) seems to be following Miguel and spreading the same nefarious ideologies.

Brandon has made claims that homosexuality is considered a Holy form of love, granting the homosexual community salvation. This love described by Brandon is a form of love of the flesh a sexual love, not Agape. This is an attack on society by pushing the Baal Peor agenda leading people yet further astray by inciting the indoctrination that homosexuality is acceptable. Thus advancing the state of man into a state resembling Sodom and Gomora. Link provided here: LINK

Miguel, Brandon, Progressive Christians, and anyone spreading these seditious connotations are rebuked in Yahushua’s name.

From the office of the Chairman for the American National Union of The United States of America

Brandon Alan Anderson, Trustee

Signed on the 116th day in the year of YHWH six thousand and twenty-three and the 13th day of July in the two thousand and twenty first year of the new covenant in Yahushua’s name. Translation: Thirteenth (13th) day of July 2021. LINK


Second Notice of Collections: Federal Common Law liens Published by the American National Union of The United States of America against William Henry Gates III and Associates

Published in the American Herald on 07-12-2021


Federal Common Law liens are hereby published by the American National Union of The United States of America 1774 to present against William Henry Gates III and associates for violating Public Laws 101, formerly classified as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and for genocide perpetuated against Inhabitants and the States of the Union of The United States of America. These liens are hereby published in accordance with the Judgement and Order issued within the Human Rights Tribunal International Case Number: HRTI- 20200427-00008. LINK

The public may view all published and forthcoming liens by visiting the bottom of the States of the Union National Public Notices section of the American Herald newspaper here: LINK 

Published by the Great Council for the American National Union of The United States of America 

A Declaration of War on the Innocent by the San Francisco Gay Men’s Choir!


Published in the American Herald on 07-10-2021


An enormous amount of controversy has erupted from a video that has surfaced of the San Francisco Gay Men’s Choir (hereinafter SFGMC) declaring in song LINK that the gay community will be converting the children of parents with traditional values that may believe same-sex relations are not acceptable and such activity should not be tolerated in accordance with the Creator. 

Admitting within the song lyrics that the baal peor (gay) community is corrupting children LINK with the slow process of converting the children to homosexuality the members of the SFGMC are now under investigation for, but not exclusively for, violating all Public Laws-101 for declaring war on innocent children by means of Social Engineering and Communism as the SFGMC has made it clear that they are targeting a select age group to convert to the worship of the Baal Peor religion, therefore inciting the breaking up of family units. See video evidence of the declaration of war beginning at the 19 minute and 54 second mark of this International Public Notice: LINK

Further the SFGMC has claimed power of attorney for the gay community and there has been no statement from the members of the Congressional LGBTQ+ Equality Caucus serving as a resource for members of the U.S. Congress whether they approve or disavow the message from the SFGMC members leaving the question as to whether a response will even be given by the Caucus.

The lack of response to the song indicates that the Caucus approves of the message sent out to corrupt the children of traditionally parented children therefore the Congressional LGBTQ+ Equality Caucus may need to recognize their accountability for the actions of the SFGMC and the gay community since they have kept silent about the controversial video.

Wherein it states within the Gospel of Luke:

Luke:17:2 “It would be better for him if a millstone
is put around his neck, and he were
thrown into the sea, than that he should
cause one of these little ones to stumble.”

Being an obligation of all Nations to establish a public religion in accordance with the duties and rights of a Nation, the people for The United States of America have established a public religion through Article 3 of the Bi-Lateral Social Compact Agreement by and between the people for The United States of America on 09-01-2020 known as “the followers of the Way the Truth and the Life;” LINK

The authority to establish a public religion is cited below:

Excerpt from the Law of Nations Book 1 Chapter 12 Of Piety and Religion §129. Public establishment of religion

“The establishment of religion by law, and its public exercise, are matters of state, and are necessarily under the jurisdiction of the political authority. If all men are bound to serve God, the entire nation, in her national capacity, is doubtless obliged to serve and honour him (Prelim. §5). And as this important duty is to be discharged by the nation in whatever manner she judges best,—to the nation it belongs to determine what religion she will follow, and what public worship she thinks proper to establish.” LINK

The authority to protect and support the religion established by the political authority:

Excerpt from the Law of Nations Book 1 Chapter 12 Of Piety and Religion §131. When there is an established religion.

“When the choice of a religion is already made, and there is one established by law, the nation ought to protect and support that religion, and preserve it as an establishment of the greatest importance,— without, however, blindly rejecting the changes that may be proposed to render it more pure and useful: for we ought, in all things, to aim at perfection (§21). But as all innovations, in this case, are full of danger, and can seldom be produced without disturbances, they ought not to be attempted upon slight grounds, without necessity, or very important reasons. It solely belongs to the society, the state, the entire nation, to determine the necessity or propriety of those changes; and no private individual has a right to attempt them by his own authority, nor consequently to preach to the people a new doctrine. Let him offer his sentiments to the conductors of the nation, and submit to the orders he receives from them.”

The declaration of war on innocent children by the SFGMC to socially engineer children into direct disobedience with the Creator through the Baal Peor religion is a violation of Article 3 of the aforementioned social compact agreement by and between the people for The United States of America and a violation of the Law of Nations Chapter 12 §129 and §131.

These crimes rise to the level of capital crimes against society and are being investigated as attempts to convert children into a satanic religion.

Published by the office of the Special Prosecutor for the War Crimes Tribunal for The United States of America

Ethical Conduct Complaint Published Against Bar Attorneys Jeff Landry, John W. Russell, IV and Richard E. Starling, Jr. for Human Rights Violations!


Published in the American Herald on 07-04-2021


A Judgment and Order was issued on the (24th day of February, 2021) by the Human Rights Tribunal International of the Government of The United States of America for William Emory Reffett, Trustee, hereinafter Trustee, against Jeff Landry, John W. Russell, IV and Richard E. Starling, Jr., hereinafter Respondent(s), within the Judgment and Order as a result of 3 Affidavit(s) published within the American Herald newspaper as International Public Notice(s) as evidenced in the following links; and and

Respondent(s), absent an Article VI oath in accordance with the Constitution of the United States of America and 4 U.S. Code § 101, committed International Law and Universal Declaration of Human Rights violations evidenced within the Judgment and Order issued by the Human Rights Tribunal International of the Government of The United States of America that include, but are not limited to, Denial of Nationality, Trafficking in Person(s) and Forced Association as evidenced below on pages 4 through 12 of this Ethical Conduct Complaint, and

For the actions upon Trustee by Respondent(s) it is hereby recommended that Respondent(s) provide the Insurance provider for Respondent(s) and/or a full list of Respondent(s) personal property(s) to compensate Trustee for the violations committed upon Trustee by Respondent(s) in the form of Lien(s) on the property(s) and/or the Respondent(s), and

Nationality of Trustee’s owner of the trust can be evidenced below on pages 13 through 16 of this Ethical Conduct Complaint and Trustee is in Social Compact by and between the people for The United States of America, therefore Trafficking in Person(s) can be validated as well as all other violations listed within the Judgment and Order issued by the Human Rights Tribunal International of the Government of The United States of America.

William Emory Reffett, Trustee,

Legal Liaison for the American National Union of The United States of America

This 100th Day in the year of Yahweh 6023, translated the 27th day of June in the Two thousand and twenty-first year of
the new covenant in Yahushua’s name. LINK

Published by the committee for the American National Union of The United States of America

Federal Common Law liens Published by the American National Union of The United States of America against William Henry Gates III and Associates

Published in the American Herald on 07-02-2021


Federal Common Law liens are hereby published by the American National Union of The United States of America 1774 to present against William Henry Gates III and associates for violating Public Laws 101, formerly classified as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and for genocide perpetuated against Inhabitants and the States of the Union of The United States of America. These liens are hereby published in accordance with the Judgement and Order issued within the Human Rights Tribunal International Case Number: HRTI- 20200427-00008. LINK

The public may view all published and forthcoming liens by visiting the bottom of the States of the Union National Public Notices section of the American Herald newspaper here: LINK 

Published by the Great Council for the American National Union of The United States of America 


Office Holders in the State of Hawaii are hereby under investigation

Published by the American Herald on 06-24-2021


Here we go again folks, more people trying to use their feelings to steal the American National Union again. Sky Kubby, Marc Corba and Mark Fullmer and all other office holders in the State of Hawaii are hereby under investigation for theft of the American National Union of The United States of America (hereinafter “ANU”) based on a Bifurcate notice just sent to the ANU Great Council members. The notice is evidenced herein: LINK


Definition of bifurcate

: to cause to divide into two branches or parts 

bifurcate a beam of light LINK

The Hawaii assemblies have nothing to do with the ANU. The Hawaii people have joined the ANU with their businesses and they do have a social compact with many people. The Hawaii county assembly’s are trespassing on the ANU with this bogus vote of no confidence when they are not even members and cannot call for any kind of vote. That leaves the bifurcation claim which is a trespass and an attempt at theft by the office holders of the Hawaii assemblies. Not one member of the ANU ever called for a vote of no confidence in the Great Council, not even from Hawaii. No one ever voted nor ever motioned to split the ANU in anyway. 

Published by the Great Council for the American National Union of The United of America 

International Objection To All Claims Made By Joseph Gregory Hallet III

Published by the American Herald on 06-12-2021



Identified as: 20210611-GC-IO

It has come to the attention of the American National Union of The United States of America, (hereinafter: “ANU”), that Joseph Gregory Hallet III, (hereinafter “Joseph”) is a self-proclaimed King allegedly holding the title of King John III and further claiming King John III is the Mashiach- Christ- Messiah. Therefore, attempting to claim the title of the Mashiach- Christ- Messiah. Further, Joseph is leading people astray from going through the straight gate and narrow way by making aforesaid claims.

Joseph’s profession of being the Messiah is a complete fraud and an attempt to steal the throne of the true Messiah Jesus/Yahushua of Nazareth. Joseph makes this claim on his self-made document titled Royal Proclamation #4 evidenced below. Joseph is claiming to hold this fictitious status appointed by God and insists to have the authority to lead people the way Joseph sees fit from the I AM throne. All authority has already been given to the living Christ, Yahushua/Jesus in Heaven and on earth. Meaning Joseph is a claim jumper and Satanist.

By making these statements, Joseph is admitting to being a liar, a thief and is not to be trusted. It is further noted that the ANU hereby rebukes Joseph and all his claims of being a “King of Kingdoms” and “Mashiach- Christ- Messiah” now and forever. In Scriptures, all of which predate any supposed documents created by Joseph, the following verses lay title of Messiah to the rightful Heir.

Mattithyahu (Matthew) 1:16 “and Jacob the father of Joseph, the husband of Mary, and Mary was the mother of Jesus who is called the Messiah.”

Yohanan (John) 20:31 “but these have been written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing you may have life in His name.”

Acts 2:36 “Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly that God has made Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Christ.”

Acts 4:10-12 “Let it be known to you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified, whom God raised from the dead, by Him this man stands here before you whole. This is the “stone which was rejected by you builders, which has become the chief cornerstone.” Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.”

Mattithyahu (Matthew) 28:18 “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.”

Be it known, that the American National Union of The United States of America rebukes this person’s (Joseph’s) fraudulent claims in the name of Messiah Jesus/Yahushua.

The ANU is investigating other lies and thefts, and discovery has given us concern enough to warrant this objection. Thank You.


Signed on the 81st day in the year of YHWH six thousand and twenty-three and the 11th day of June in the two thousand and twenty first year of the new covenant in Yahushua’s name.


I, Jennifer Lyn Runov, certify under penalty of bearing false witness under the laws of the American National Union of The United States of America, that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct according to the best of my current information, knowledge, and belief.

The office of the Secretary accepts and acknowledges the document:

American National Union – Official Assembly Record and is recorded on:

June 12th, 2021     09:29 PM UTC-6     ANU-20210612-B8A0-422C-988A-A2C17A3B4571

Document Date     Time                           Record File

Number File Name: 20210611-GC-IO


This is a true and exact reproduction of the document officially recorded and placed on file in the office of the Secretary for the American National Union of The United States of America

Date Issued:

82nd day in the year of Yahweh, 6023 Translated Date: June 12th, 2021

This copy is not valid unless displaying the Record File Number, Seal, and signature of the Secretary for the American National Union of The United States of America

Published by the Great Council for the American National Union of The United States of America LINK







Consumer Fraud Alert

Published by the American Herald on 05-22-2021

American National Union of The United States of America

Identified as: 20210522-GC-CF

It has come to the attention of the American National Union of The United States of America, (hereinafter: “ANU”), that Anna Maria Wilhelmina Hanna Sophia Riezinger Von Reitzenstein Von Lettow-Vorbeck (hereinafter “Anna”) is using her made up position to create fictitious credentials labeled as “American State National Credentials”. LINK

It is known that there is no such thing as an “American State National”. Anna, a fabricated self-proclaimed judge charges people for a fantasy status under a corporate seal with made up State seals that have no impact on anything.
Anna is a known agent having a blood oath to the Vatican, conspiring with anyone else involved in these nefarious actions, moving person(s) into the New World Order by blood oath to Satanists. In collusion they create trusts, putting individuals and possessions into the trust, and moving the trusts under the Vatican. Unfortunately, many people have followed Anna and her posse.

Whereas they have pilfered documents to swindle people out of money,possessions, hearts, bodies, minds, and souls. Anna has been attempting to steal The United States of America and offices within for many years, from the people for herself whereas Anna claims to be some made up monarch. A queen among these fictitious individuals. Anna and associates are preventing inhabitants from claiming a Nationality. A violation of human rights. Anna is a fraud, and a liar. The ANU has condemned this person’s activity and is providing notice to the International Community of the fraud perpetuated against person(s). 


Published by the Great Council for the American National Union of The United States of America